
Harry Potter: Transcending Through Realities

Through unknown circumstances, MC is in the magical world of Harry Potter. Read on as he is pulled in two different direction, whether to try to return to his world, or indulge in deepest desire: to stay in the world of magic with potential for limitless growth, while he deals with the resident Dark Lord, and previously unknown threats. --------- This is a wish-fulfilment work, so if you don't like it, no problem, just don't complain. Explanation of Magic System will be included. MC will eventually become very strong, maybe not OP, with realistic growth rate. Slightly AU. Follows canon, but with twists and turns, here and there. Romance? Will try. Almost no swear words, not if I can help it. I don't use them in real life, and I am not about to use them here. Harem? While the idea is interesting to execute, I might not be able to bring it to life, so consider single pairing until further notice. Protagonist is Neutral to Light, but will take morally grey decision. MC is neither hero, nor anti-hero, something in-between.

Ojasveer · Livres et littérature
Pas assez d’évaluations
9 Chs

Author's Note (Please do read it.)

Author's Note:

I never thought I would write a AN. I always thought they were boring or annoying. But now I know they are needed. Ironic, isn't it? Moving on, I actually wrote this story as a wish-fulfilment for myself. I have read many transmigration, isekai, SI fan-fictions on Harry Potter, and many were great, but always lacked something or other. So, I wanted to see for myself if I could create a master-piece that had it all, if I say so myself. However, somewhere along the thinking process, I got the idea to publish my own works, and here I am. 

Another thing, though this book has a mature rating, but not because of any swear words. I don't use curse words in my day-to-day life, and I have no intention of using them in my books, unless I feel like I have to express an emotion or something, really badly. 

Anyways, this is my first time writing anything. Hope you guys like it. Positive criticism, and suggestions for further development in plot are appreciated. Now, onto the story…