
Harry Potter: Toby and His Young Lady

Transmigrating into an eleven year boy raised by a single grandma is hard enough, but when it turns out that the grandma is actually a Dark Wizard from an old organisation, life becomes complicated. Join Toby as he protects the heiress of the organisation from the rest of the world. Cover is not mine.

SruJan721 · Livres et littérature
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30 Chs

Chapter 8: Flying Lessons

In the following week, Quidditch classes occurred one by one for the new first-years. One afternoon, dozens of students gathered in the Quidditch grounds for flying lessons. They stood in front of old Cleansweep brooms that appeared quite worn. 

Draco commented," If you ask me, these old brooms are old enough to belong in the museum."

Seeing the others look at him, he boasted," I should have asked my father to donate better brooms. If outsiders see these brooms, they will wonder if Hogwart's standards dropped. I have three Nimbus 1900's just lying around in my house.`Maybe I can consider donating one or two.`

"Tch~" Ron chimed in," What will he do with three brooms? He's just wasting money."

Harry, too, was also unhappy with Draco's bragging. He asked Ron, "By the way, Ron, have you ever ridden a broomstick before?"

"We have a couple of Silver Arrow brooms in the Burrow, but I haven't flown yet. Mum says its too dangerous for little wizards to ride them," replied Ron.

Hermione, Dean, and Neville were talking to each other. "Neville, did you notice that some of the Slytherins already formed groups?" she gestured towards Malfoy, Nott, Pansy, and the rest.

"Most of the pure-blood families are tight-knit. They build connections for a young age," said Neville.

"Are they really that closed off?" asked Dean. Before Neville could answer, he was interrupted by a greeting.

"Good afternoon class!"

"Good afternoon Madam Hooch."

Rolanda Hooch briskly walked in front of the students. She wore dark grey robes and had her hair tied in a bun. Her eyes scanned the faces of the students, like a hawk, and began to speak," What are you waiting for? Stand on the left side of the broom."

Once the students were in position, she continued," Stretch out your right hand and say Up!"

Most of the students failed to get a reaction from the broom, but some brooms whizzed instantly into the wizard's hands. Harry, Draco, Mikasa, and Theodore were some of the more successful ones. Hermione anxiously repeated up and up until the broom managed to fly up. Ron's broom just rolled left and right and refused to fly up.

"Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard," said Madam Hooch. "Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle -- three -- two--"

But Neville, as nervous and jumpy as usual, pushed off hard before the whistle had touched Madam Hooch's lips.

"Come back, boy!" she shouted, but Neville was rising straight up like a cork shot out of a bottle -- twelve feet -- twenty feet. Suddenly, Neville slipped and fell to the ground. Before Madam Hooch could react, the words "Arresto Momentum" were spoken and a spell struck Neville, causing him to descend softly towards the ground.

Everyone looked towards the source of the voice to see that it was the Japanese girl Mikasa who cast the spell. Madam Hooch ran and caught Neville. The poor boy was pale and a stuttering mess.

Madam Hooch placed Neville down," Come on, boy -- it's all right, up you get. "

She turned to the rest of the class. "None of you is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing! You leave those brooms where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch. ' Come on, dear. "

She turned to Mikasa and praised," Excellent spell casting dear. Five points to Slytherin."

Neville tried to claim that he was fine, but Madam Hooch insisted upon her opinion. Once, they were gone, the students began to clamor.

Malfoy burst into laughter. "Did you see his face, the great lump? Who would believe that he pulled out the Sword of Gryffindor."

The Slytherins joined in Malfoy's laughter. 

"Shut up, Malfoy," snapped Parvati Patil.

"Ooh, sticking up for Longbottom?" said Pansy Parkinson, "Never thought you'd like fat little crybabies, Parvati. "

"Look!" said Malfoy, darting forward and snatching something out of the grass. "It's that stupid thing Longbottom's gran sent him. "

"Give it back Malfoy." Harry jumped out and glared at Malfoy.

Malfoy was not to be outdone. He stared at Harry and said, "Are you really friends with that stupid oaf? Didn't he steal your spotlight? "

"It doesn't matter." said Harry," He's my friend."

"Yeah Malfoy, you better go back and cry to your dad," said Ron.

"Oh look who it is. It's a Weasely. What makes you follow the boy who lived? Let me guess, he pays you a galleon for your services?" enraged Malfoy.

Ron growled. Defending Ron, Hermione spoke up," Draco, stop arguing. If Madam Hooch comes back and sees us, then she'll deduct points."

"You don't get to tell me what to do Mudblood!" snapped Malfoy.

There was an uproar caused by Malfoy's words. Ron lunged at Malfoy, knocking him to the ground. This was almost like a signal to the rest of the Gryffindors who desired anarchy. The situation had been tense for a long time and the pressure was building up inside the cooker. With Ron's attack, the conflict between the two colleges broke out.

"Damn Malfoy, how dare you say that word."

Ron, who was riding on Malfoy, hit him with his fist from left to right. Ron felt even more comfortable after seeing the face under him gradually becoming swollen and bruised.

Before Ron could enjoy his victory, Malfoy's lackey Vincent Crabbe tackled Ron off Malfoy. Now free, Malfoy spared no anger in kicking Ron hard in the stomach.

Harry, who was standing aside, also reacted and knocked Malfoy down.

The two of them kept rolling and trying their best to punch each other. Their robes became dirty from all the mud and brittle rocks lying on the ground.

Still pinned on the ground, Ron tried to break free from Crabbe's grasp, but he didn't budge. Seamus and Dean tried to help Ron, but they were held back by Goyle.

"Stop it!" Hermione's voice came out with a shrill.


From the brawl, a stray ball of mud hit Hermione on her head, causing her brown hair to become soaked in mud. The little witch's expression changed instantly. Her misty eyes changed into erratic enraged eyes. Her heart burst with anger. 

Yesterday, Hermione was walking towards the library when the stairs suddenly changed and brought her to a completely new area. Climbing up almost seven floors, she stood in front of a strange tapestry depicting an old man and a couple of ugly trolls wearing pink skirts dancing like ballernas.

Suddenly, a door appeared in the middle of the tapestry. Startled, Hermione took a step back scared, but nothing happened. Growing curious, she crept forward and placed her hand on its doorknob. Before she could apply any force, the doorknob turned and opened inwards. Not expecting this change Hermione fell forwards. She closed her tightly, expecting to faceplant on the floor, but she fell into the arms of another person.

"Woah Hermione, are you all right?"

A familiar voice rang in her head. Hermione looked up to see that it was Toby who was supporting her.

"Toby? What are you doing here?" asked Hermione.

Toby hesitated, and said," I was just exploring when I found that this painting could be opened."

"They can do that!" asked Hermoine in surprise.

Toby smiled," Hermione, Hogwarts is not a muggle school. It's a castle built with magic. I can guarantee that even Dumbledore hasn't explored all its secrets."

Another boy's voice was heard from behind him," Toby, why are you blocking the door?"

"Is there anyone else inside?" asked Hermione. She tried to peek inside, but Toby stood against the frame of the door, trying to block Hermione. Nevertheless, Hermione was able to see a dark passageway.

"There's no one else inside. It's a mimic portrait," said Toby.

"A what?" asked Hermione.

"A mimic portrait is a portrait that can sound like the voice of your close friends," said Toby.

"Really? But I've never read about them before," said Hermione," Which book did you read it from? Hogwarts A Mystery? The thousand-year history of Hogwarts?"

"Books are a good source of knowledge if you want to learn about the specifics, but it's better to listen to others to gain a wider database of knowledge.

Hermione wanted to ask more, but she noticed some strange grey mist floating out of the door. "Wait, there's some mist coming from the door," pointed out Hermione.

"Yeah, it sometimes does that," Toby closed the door to prevent the mist from leaking out," But Hermione, what are you doing here? Aren't you too far away from your classes?"

"I was trying to head to the library, but the stairs suddenly changed." Hermione pouted irresistibly.

"Yeah, these stairs are stupid. I wonder what Ms.Ravenclaw was thinking when she made them." cooperated Toby.

Hermione let out a small laugh and fell silent. Toby saw that she had something on her mind so he asked," How's Gryffindor treating you, Hermione?"

"It's fine.."

"Really, then why do I get the feeling that you're thinking the opposite in your head?"

" It's just that they are so irresponsible," said Hermione. The little girl raised her arms in exasperation," Why do they not like me? I earn house points. I wake them up early in the morning. I remind them to do their homework."

Toby watched silently as the girl got the things out of her chest. "It seems to me," he began," That you don't understand what people need. All the things you told are to the wrong recipients?"

"What do you mean?" Hermione faltered.

"All of these things are to the wrong recipients. Maybe if you had told these things to those who really need them. Like Neville for example."

"But Neville doesn't talk to me anymore. He just talks with Dean, Ron, Seamus, and Harry."

"Talking doesn't have to be on and on for hours. A simple greeting and listening to them can do wonders," explained Toby.

"Okay, Toby. Everyone calls you the best right? How did you do that?"

Toby scratched his head. "It's just that I've interacted with different people differently. I'm pretty friendly with Hufflepuff students i.g. The reason that they talk about me is because I'm strong." 

"So how do I be like you?" asked Hermione, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Like me?" Toby pointed to himself," Then don't focus on house points. Only the first to fourth years care about the house cup. Most of all, don't be afraid to break a few rules."

"Cool" Hermione brightened visibly, absorbing each word like a commandment.

Back to the present, Hermione raised her wand but hesitated. If she used magic, points would be detected. Professor McGonagall would be angry. Her classmates might hate her. Several scenarios ran through her head.

Toby's words resounded in her head. Shaking her head, her grip on the wand tightened and determination filled her eyes.

"Lacarnum Inflamara"

Hermione's spell caused a thin orangish flame to spread on the clothes of the students present.

"Fire" One slytherin student yelled. The students tore off their smoldering clothes and stomped on them to put out the flames.

"Agumentti" A clear stream of water put out the flames on the student's clothes. Mikasa looked at Hermione and said," Don't encourage the fighting. If a professor see's us then they will deduct house points."

"Shut up!" snapped Hermione," You Slytherins started it!"

"Yeah tell her Hermione." Ron cheered her on.

"Violence can't be solved with more violence," said Mikasa.

"I know, but right now, I'm just angry," said Hermione.

" I see," Mikasa nodded. Suddenly, she raised her wand," It seems that you are too barbaric like the rest of them."

Hermione met her challenge. She continued to cast whatever spell came into her mind. WIngardium Leviosa, Perfecta Totalus, or any basic spell in the first-grade syllabus was cast by her. It was quite scary to see the silent Hermione behave so violently. The Slytherin students also brought magic into the fight.

"Hey look at what's in my hands." After fending Harry off, Malfoy managed to pick up a Remembral, clearly Neville's from the ground.

"Give it back Malfoy." Harry wiped off a bit of blood on his cheek.

"Want it? Then come and get it!" Malfoy got onto a broom and rose into the air.

Not willing to be outdone, Harry also got onto a broom and hovered in front of Malfoy. "Let it go Malfoy!"

Draco didn't expect Harry to be able to catch up. Especially since it was Harry's first time to be riding on a broom.

"Poor choice of words Harry." Draco raised his arm wideout and tossed the Remmembral.

"You~" Harry didn't spare a moment to dive down like a falcon. In his eyes, the trajectory of the Remembral was as clear as a line. Just as the Remembral was almost a meter from the ground, Harry caught it and pulled his broom up in the nick of time.

Harry's heart was beating loudly. His ears were pale with a lack of blood. He couldn't help but pump his arms out and scream" Yeah! Take that Malfoy!"

From the fourth floor, Professor McGonagall had spotted that someone had managed to dive down and catch the ball. She peered out of the window and saw that it was Harry.

"He really has his father's Quidditch talent," admired Professor McGonagall. She looked at the Quidditch field and her expression changed instantly," OH MY GOD!"

Despite her old age, she was still able to clearly see what was going on. Several first-year students were fighting and rolling around. Non-lethal spells were cast by the brawling students. Professor McGonagall spotted a red-haired student being pinned down by a bulkier student.

Among the students, a curly brown-haired girl and a black-haired girl stood out. They were the ones who seemed to be at the center of the conflict. 

Furious, Professor McGonagall raced down from her office to the stairs. The Weasely twins were plotting their next prank when they saw Professor Mcgonagall racing on the path of their setup prank. 

"Wait Professor Mcgonagall," George tried to stop Professor Mcgonagall from running through their traps but it was too late since the trap had already been triggered. White feathers, sticky black tar, and a yellow-colored contraption in the shape of a beak flew towards her. Professor McGonagall didn't even falter in her steps. With a wave of her wand, a large pot was conjured out of thin air and collected the black tar inside it. The feathers and beak burned away into ashes, leaving red and black sparks slowly falling down to the ground. 

Professor McGonagall emerged from the sparks without looking back and brushed them aside," Out of my path Fred and George! Also, ten points from Gryffindor!" 

Fred stared at his professor's fastly receding back, and gulped," George, who do you think pissed Professor McGonagall."

"I don't know," said George," but I'm so glad that it wasn't us."

Reaching the Quidditch stadium, Professor McGonagall fired red sparks into the air with a bang, causing the students to quiet down. Crabbe let go of Ron, who stood back up grimacing in pain. Goyle was finally released by Seamus and Dean who had jumped him. The Slytherin and Gryffindor students stood in front of Professor McGonagall with ashamed expressions on their faces. Professor McGonagall took deep breaths to calm her alleviating blood pressure," I will only ask this question once. Who started the fight?"

"It was Ron," said Draco quickly," He punched me right on my jaw suddenly!"

"But that's because you called Hermione a mudblood!" retorted Ron in anger.

"Enough!" shouted Professor McGonagall," Are you students or wrestlers? Look at the mud on your clothes! Is this what your parents sent you to Hogwarts for? To fight over petty matters?"

The students looked down in shame. Seeing that her point was taken, Professor McGonagall dropped a bomb," I thought last year was bad enough but this year has been worse. I'm taking 50 points from each house!"

"Professor!" several students protested, but Professor McGonagall was not finished. 

"I'm not done yet. Ron and Draco, you will be assigned to Mr.Flinch for a month as detention."

"You can't do that!" said Draco," My father is the school governor of Hogwarts."

"It's a shame that your father isn't here then," said Professor McGonagall sternly. "Also, ten more points from Slytherin for talking back to a Professor."

She then looked at the two girls who appeared at the center of the conflict. "Hermione, and Mikasa, what in Merlin's name were you fighting for? Both of you are bright students. Don't get involved in these types of fights anymore."

"I'm sorry professor," said Hermione with tears in her eyes.

"Professor, I was just defending my fellow student's. Is that wrong?" asked Mikasa.

"There's nothing wrong with sticking up for your friends," said Professor Mcgonagall,"But you must know where to draw a line and stay away. I must say Mikasa, I'm really disappointed with you. I'm beginning to reconsider my proposal."

"Wait Professor~" Mikasa panicked, but Professor Mcgonagall raised a hand,"Make sure that it doesn't happen again."

"Dear god, what happened here?" Madam Hooch, who had returned after transporting Neville to Madam Pompfrey," What happened here?"

"It appears that a fight happened between the two houses," said ProfessorMcGonagalll with a wry tone. She looked at the students who were still standithereere,"What are you waiting for? Back to your classes!" 

The Slytherin and Gryffindor students went back inside the castle, downtrodden with shame. Once the students were gone, Madam Hooch apologized, "I'm sorry Minerva, I was too careless this time." She felt guilty for letting a conflict happen when she was supposed to be in charge of the students.

"It's not your fault Rolanda," said Professor McGonagall. She sighed," Hogwarts is becoming more and more chaotic. Conflicts between the students are worsening."

"The incident now reminds me of the conflicts that used to happen when You-Know-Who was in power," whispered Madam Hooch.

"At that time, if we were more decisive, we could have prevented those dark times," said Professor McGonagall.lly hope that times like those don't happen again," said Madam Hooch while putting away the brooms.

Professor McGonagall stayed silent. A storm was brewing due to conflicting forces and it looked like Hogwarts was about to bear the brunt of the damage again. 'I hope the students remain safe,' she prayed in her head, knowing that her wish would be futile.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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