
Harry Potter: Toby and His Young Lady

Transmigrating into an eleven year boy raised by a single grandma is hard enough, but when it turns out that the grandma is actually a Dark Wizard from an old organisation, life becomes complicated. Join Toby as he protects the heiress of the organisation from the rest of the world. Cover is not mine.

SruJan721 · Livres et littérature
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30 Chs

Chapter 6: Potions class

Professor Snape walked forward into the classroom. On the way, whenever Snape passed a window, he would wave his hand gently, and the curtain would automatically fall, which made the potions class even more dark and gloomy. However, this scene fully demonstrated Snape's strength. No ordinary wizard could have done magic silently with such ease.

Snape stood still and observed each and every one of them carefully, spending more time on Cassandra and Toby, and yelled," Instead of looking at me like a bunch of gawking baboons, take a look at what's on your table."

The students stared closely at a stone-like object present on their table. After seeing their curiosity he said,'' Now the first question is, What is the material on your desks?"

Looking at everyone carefully he selected his first victim and said as sarcastically as he could," Mr. Maguire, please grace us with your answer."

"Professor Snape, this is a bezoar."

Snape went on to say:

"What's the use of this stone?"

"Bezoar is taken out of the stomach of a goat, and it is a very good detoxifying reagent. It can be used to cure several poisons!"

After hearing Toby's answer, Snape pulled out a tube containing a clear liquid and continued nonchalantly," This is called life and death water. Does anyone know what it could do?"

As soon as Snape finished speaking, Cassandra, who was not far from Toby, raised her hand again, but Toby noticed that Snape just glanced at Cassandra, and then again questioned Toby.

"Toby, tell me what the water of life and death does!"

Just as expected, Snape still called his name, but fortunately, after Cedric's surprise preview last night, life and death is a compulsory subject for first-year freshmen, Toby stood up and replied, "The Water of Life and Death is a powerful sleeping pill, Professor Snape."

"Looks like you're not too stupid." said Snape expressionlessly. After Toby sat down, he felt a hot gaze, and when he followed the line of sight, he saw that Cassandra was looking at him fiercely, as if she was resenting him for stealing her limelight.

And Toby had no choice but to spread out his hands, indicating that he didn't want to, but in Cassandra's view, Toby's gesture of pouting and spreading his hands is an indescribable provocation!

"You two, are you flirting with each other in class?!"

Suddenly, Snape's voice rang in their ears at the same time, and the two turned their heads to look, only to find that Snape had been standing beside them at some point.

Toby secretly said something bad in his heart, this old bat in front of him disliked any interaction between men and women on campus!

Sure enough, Snape said unceremoniously:

"Hufflepuff, Slytherin, five points each!"

Being able to make Snape deduct points for Slytherin, Toby knew that Snape was already very angry at this time! Then he saw Snape continue to take out the water of life and death in his hand, and asked:

"Who can tell me, what are the two most important raw materials in the formula of life and death water?"

Toby lowered his head and noticed from the corner of his eyes that Cassandra seemed to want to raise her hand again, but hesitated, as if she had just been criticized. put it down.

"Cassandra, you answer!"

But unexpectedly, Snape took the initiative to name Cassandra this time.

Hearing her name, Cassandra was stunned for a moment, then immediately stood up and said:

"It's Sunlight Root Powder and Absinthe Infusion, Professor Snape!"

Hearing Cassandra's answer, Snape nodded, waved Cassandra to sit down, and then said,"The answer is perfect, Slytherin gets ten points!"

This time, Toby was completely speechless, and finally realized the mood of Harry Potter in the original book. Toby knew that Snape was not a bad person, and even he was touched by Snape's story, but at this time, he couldn't help but feel dissatisfaction with Snape in his heart. But no matter how upset Toby was, he could only sit obediently in his seat now, listening to Snape standing on the podium, explaining to everyone how to make water of life and death.

Suddenly, Toby noticed that there seemed to be a pile of old books not far from the potions class platform. Toby remembered that there was an old potions textbook which contained some useful spells.When the get out of class was about to end, Toby seized the opportunity and quietly tore off a few pages of his textbook.

Just as everyone left the classroom one by one, Toby held the textbook and walked up to Snape. "What now?"

Snape saw Toby come over on his own initiative, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he said casually.

"Professor Snape, I don't know why the textbook I bought is missing a few pages, so I want to ask if you have any old textbooks here."

Snape listened to Toby's answer, flipped through the textbook, and sarcastically said:

"Even trolls know to check their weapons before going out! Go there and pick a copy!"

Snape pointed to a pile of old books not far away.

After Toby thanked Snape, he came to the pile of old books and searched carefully. Soon, Toby's eyes lit up, he picked up an old textbook, and walked to Snape. :

"Professor Snape, I'll take this one."

Snape said without looking up:

"I hope you don't destroy this book too, remember to find me after dinner!"

Toby bowed to Professor Snape, then turned and left, following the other freshmen. Toby opened the old textbook without any surprise and seeing the owner's name he smiled.On the title page of the textbook, a name was written impressively—the Half-Blood Prince! After confirming that he was right, Toby's mouth showed a confident smile. After confirming that he was right, Toby's mouth showed a confident smile.

Suddenly, someone slapped Toby on his back, startling Toby. He quickly put away the old textbook and looked back to see Cedric.

"Hey, how's the Potions class? Professor Snape didn't bother you, did he?" asked Cedric.

Seeing that it was Cedric, Toby felt relieved, spread out his hands and said," He just treated me a little strictly. I was deducted five points by him unnecessarily."

"This is nothing, I thought at least thirty points would be deducted, five points? It's just a small deduction so no one will blame you! By the way, what reason did Snape deduct points for you?"

Toby gave a wry smile and said:

"He said I was flirting with Cassandra in class... What the hell!"

Cedric looked at Toby with a dazed expression, and after a while, an extremely happy laughter came from Cedric's mouth. Cassandra who was trying to listen to their conversation and blushed while speeding up.

In the dining hall, Cassandra kept on peeking glances at the Ravenclaw table. She stared at Toby, who was chatting with Penelope with a jealous look on her face. "Cassandra, you don't look very good, what happened?"

At this time, Slytherin's prefect, Warner, came over and asked with concern.

At the start of the new semester, Prefect Warner had come over to speak to Cassandra multiple times so it was not a new sight for the Slytherin students.

Hearing Warner's voice, Cassandra subconsciously frowned. Cassandra didn't have a good impression on Warner. Because Warner's father worked under her own father, he always behaved in a flattering manner towards Cassandra, but it always irked her to see him. Girls matured a little earlier than boys, not to mention that in a family like Cassandra, there are many people who flattered her in hopes of gaining something in return.

Other girls would have liked his flattering and could classify it as gentlemanly behavior, but Cassandra looked down on these sorts of acts. She often saw him as the shame of Slytherin because he was so flattering to her while being the Prefect of Slytherin, therefore she would usually just respond coldly.

Warner frowned. Although he knew that Cassandra would talk in a cold manner, this time, she outright ignored him. Looking at her line of sight, he glanced past the Ravenclaw table and looked at his fellow Prefect Wilson Green who was talking with Alyssa and Cedric. Warner misunderstood that Cassandra was jealous of Alyssa because he was talking to her crush. Suddenly, he felt pangs of jealousy overtake him.


After dinner, Cedric and Toby went to Snape's office for detention. Professor Snape was there waiting for him. Snape's office was extremely dark, and there were many large glass jars on the shelves along the wall, with all kinds of disgusting things floating in the jars. Snape pointed to a table next to him, so Toby and Cedric sat down obediently.

After sitting down, they were told to extract ten grams of Dark Bean Sap from the potion materials. Cedric then explained that by cutting Dark Beans with a sterling knife, juice could be extracted easily. While Professor Snape and Cedric were not looking, Toby secretly opened the Half Blood Prince's Book and found that Dark Beans could extract more juice by pressing on them with a sterling knife rather than chopping them up like a bunch of barbarians. After teaching this method to Cedric, they quickly finished the task and went back quickly.


That night, Professor Dumbeldore left Hogwarts discreetly with Fawkes teleporting him to a lonely and cold mountain. After walking for a while, Dumbeldore stood in front of a dilapidated castle. In front of the castle read one word,' Nurmengard.'

Dumbledore climbed the steps, and came to the top of Nurmengard. In an empty room, an old man with a wrinkled face and ragged clothes was sitting alone in the room. Looking at the old man in front of him, if he walked out of this tower, few people would be able to associate him with the first-generation Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald, who swept across Europe and the United States decades ago and terrorized the entire world.

Dumbledore looked at the man in front of him, who had been entangled with him for most of his life, and turned into what he is now. For a while, it was difficult for him to speak.

"Albus, you haven't been here for a long time. What's the matter? You didn't speak when you came. Are you just here to see if I'm still alive or not?" Gellert Grindelwald sat on the ground without looking back.

Dumbledore walked into the empty room and lit a fire. "Albus, it seems that you are used to being pampered. Can't you accept this cold? The wizarding world is in the hands of people like you. It's really worrying."

Faced with Grindelwald's ridicule, Dumbledore did not show anger, but replied like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, "I'm afraid that your eyes will be blinded and you won't be able to read the words on the letter!"

Immediately, Dumbledore took out the letter that Newt Scamander sent to him from his arms and handed it to Grindelwald. Grindelwald took the letter with a puzzled face and read it. As soon as he read the beginning, Grindelwald couldn't help but sneer: "It looks like this is a letter written to you by that kid who walks around in a zoo all day. I didn't expect you to keep in touch after such a long time!"

However, as Grindelwald continued to read the contents of the letter, Grindelwald's face gradually became ugly, and finally he threw the letter in his hand back to Dumbledore. Grindelwald stood up and looked directly into Dumbledore's eyes. A pair of soul-stirring eyes that were completely different from their appearance, still appeared deep and bright in this dim Nurmengard tower.

"So, according to that kid's request, you came to see if I violated our agreement and walked out of Nurmengard? Dumbledore, it seems that after a long time, you have forgotten who I am. It was my choice to stay in Nurmengard! Dumbledore, don't forget it wasn't you ,Dumbledore, who won, but I, Grindelwald, who surrendered!"

Looking at the friend who was both an enemy and a friend, and who was once closer than a brother, Dumbledore said softly, "Gellert, I have never doubted you. Of course I know that you will not violate the agreement between us. There are other reasons for this situation. Moreover, I also know what the real reason is."

Hearing Dumbledore's answer, Grindelwald's face gradually improved, but then he asked suspiciously, "It looks like there are some changes in the outside world?"

Dumbledore nodded slowly and said, "This year, among the freshmen at Hogwarts, there is a young girl who became the heiress of The Alliance!"

Gellert interrupted Dumbledore's narration and asked with a frown, "Dumbledore, are you sure that child has the blood of the Grindelwald family?"

Dumbledore nodded decisively and said, "Of course, Gellert, I know what you are worried about. You are afraid that someone will pretend to be the heir of the Grindelwald family."

Gellert nodded and said slowly, "Since you know, you must have verified it."

Dumbledore rightly said, "Of course, the pen of acceptance and the book of admission can't be wrong, and that girl looks a lot like you when you were younger. Within a day, she somehow got most of Huffpepuff's loyalty by cooking a good meal. Just like you, she has a trustworthy servant who acts as a shield to protect her while she grows stronger!"

Gellart slowly sighed,"And what of her parents?"

After a moment of silence, Dumbledore said cautiously, "According to the freshmen's enrollment information, Alyssa is an orphan, and her parents died in a car accident long ago..."

"Bullshit!" roared Grindelwald. "Car accident? Albus, do you know what a powerful bloodline blessing spell I cast on my brother when I sent him away? At least within five generations, he and his children need not necessarily have glory and wealth, but at least they were free from disease and misfortune! Do you expect me to believe that a mere car accident can kill them?"

Hearing Gellert's words, Dumbledore asked nervously, "Gellert, what do you want to do?"

Gellert glanced at Dumbledore and said coldly:

"Don't worry, Albus, I won't walk out of Nurmengard, I just hope that you will tell Alyssa about this at the right time. Grindelwald's hatred should naturally be solved by ourselves. "

Hearing Gellert's assurance, Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Don't worry Gellert, I will tell her when the time is right, and Hogwarts and I will stand behind her, no matter who his opponent is."

After listening to Dumbledore's words, Gellert did not express gratitude, but instead showed a vigilant look, looked at Dumbledore and asked, "Albus, why do I think, what are you planning? I thought at first that you let Alyssa enter Hogwarts to guide her carefully, but now it seems that your purpose is much more than that."

Dumbeldore chuckled and walked away. Before leaving, he stood at the door and said," Don't worry Gellert. At the end of the day, I promise that no harm will befall on Alyssa as long as she remains in Hogwarts."

"After all," muttered Dumbeldore,"Its all for the greater good."