
Harry Potter: Toby and His Young Lady

Transmigrating into an eleven year boy raised by a single grandma is hard enough, but when it turns out that the grandma is actually a Dark Wizard from an old organisation, life becomes complicated. Join Toby as he protects the heiress of the organisation from the rest of the world. Cover is not mine.

SruJan721 · Livres et littérature
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30 Chs

Chapter 5: Pandora’s Secret HQ

Long story short, Neville was assigned to Gryffindor and Dobby pulled out Gryffindor's sword. Just Kidding! That last part didn't happen, although I wish it did. After the clamor subsided, the hat sorted Neville into Gryffindor, causing the Gryffindors to give a huge burst of applause. The twins even launched a few fireworks in the air.

Regardless, most people were confused about how Neville managed to pull out the sword. Slytherins clamored that the Sorting Hat was bewitched by an artifact and Gryffindors were more than happy to praise Neville. Ravenclaws did their best to figure out the mystery but even they were clueless.

Most of the people turned to Toby, but even he was clueless about how Neville pulled out Gryffindor's sword. Dumbledore cleared his throat," Ahem! Welcome to the new year of Hogwarts. Before we start the banquet, I would like to announce a few things. First-years should note that the Forbidden Forest is off-limits. Although we have been lenient before, we will be more strict in the future," causing Fred and George to whistle innocently.

Dumbledore's twinkling eyes flashed in the direction of the Weasley twins. "I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term for second years and above. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch. And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."

Toby snorted inwardly. Dumbledore's words were without a doubt a temptation for Harry Potter, but the Philosopher's Stone was not important to him anyway. When the banquet began, Toby showed everyone his pet snake Mitsuki. Unfortunately, Hogwarts regulations prevented him from letting her out of the cage, so Toby was content with showing pictures of his albino snake.

At the Gryffindor table, everyone was crowning over on Neville and Harry Potter. When Neville was timid, they encouraged the boy, letting him feel valued. Neville didn't know what the feeling was, but he felt warm in his chest. Unknowingly, he lightly smiled. Percy was the one feeling the most gratified now that Gryffindor had some talented freshmen. While everyone was eating Percy said," I'm glad that we finally have someone to represent Gryffindor in the younger years." This statement was met with confusion from the freshmen, but most of the seniors nodded along, agreeing with what was said.

"Hey! What about us?" asked Fred.

"Yeah, aren't we model Gryffindor students?" said George.

"Going into the forbidden forest, walking around at night, pranking Mr.Flinch several times, can you still be considered a model Gryffindor?" asked Alice Spinnet.

George shrugged,"Again, model Gryffindor you see."

Percy gave up. He knew that lecturing the twins was like playing the piano to deaf cows. He continued," In the past two years, Gryffindor has never really had a model student. Two years ago, it could be said that it was Cedric of Hufflepuff who was considered the top of the freshmen. He was nice and respectful, being praised by everyone."

Harry looked at the Hufflepuff table in the direction of Percy's hand. He saw a young wizard laughing brightly as he talked to the people around him. "Last year was even worse," continued Percy," First, a student draws out the Sword of Gryffindor, but goes to Ravenclaw. Then, there was a duel between Hufflepuff and Slytherin, leaving us out of the fun. I hope this year goes better. Poor Ms. Mcgonagall is going bald at the thought of Slytherin winning the house cup for seven years straight."

Most of the freshmen were engrossed by this conversation. Noting the attention, Percy puffed out his chest and continued to explain," In  fact, right now, the four most popular students are Toby, Cassandra, Alyssa, and Cedric respectively, although that may change."

Fred took over," They have a funny dynamic. Did you know that Cassandra is considered the Princess of Slytherin? She learned the Protego charm in her first year, something even we don't know yet."

"Alyssa's even cooler," continued George," Her spells are way too powerful."

It seemed vague to Harry, but the others nodded along agreeing with what he said. 

"Yeah, didn't she knock Warner back ten feet last year with a simple spell." asked a Gryffindor student.

"She knocked him out completely," said another Gryffindor.

"But Toby's the best," said Fred.

"What did Toby do?" asked Seamus.

Fred and George looked at each other and winked, not wanting to reveal the fun.

Harry, who was starting to feel warm and sleepy, looked up at the High Table again. Hagrid was drinking deeply from his goblet. Professor McGonagall was talking to Professor Dumbledore. Professor Quirrell, in his absurd turban, was talking to the teacher with greasy black hair and a hooked nose who stood up for Harry. 

Suddenly, a sharp, hot pain shot across the scar on Harry's forehead.

"Ouch!" Harry clapped a hand to his head.

"What is it?" asked Percy.

"N-nothing," said Harry, but deep down, something felt wrong in his heart.


While the banquet was happening at Hogwarts, Cassandra's father, Thomas Reeves, the former head of the Auror's office at the British Ministry of Magic, exited the Minister of Magic's office. The dim hallway lights reflected the gloomy expression on Thomas's face.

Inside the minister's office, Fudge sat behind his desk, while Umbridge stood before him. She poured some hot steaming tea into a cup and respectfully placed it on his desk. Curiously, she asked, "Minister Fudge, didn't you dislike Rufus Scrimgeour? Why not consider reinstating Thomas Reeves as the head of Aurors?"

Fudge gave Umbridge a cold stare, and it wasn't until Umbridge lowered his head that Fudge responded slowly, "Even if Rufus Scrimgeour performed poorly. Thomas Reeves has been the Head of Aurors since the previous Minister's term. Every achievement of his gives credit to the former minister's reputation."

"I understand, Minister," Umbridge replied respectfully.

Thomas Reeves descended the stairs and reached the sixth level basement, deep under the city of London, eventually halting in front of a weathered door labeled 'Department of Magical Transportation.'

With a sigh, Thomas Levo pushed open the door and entered. The room appeared disheveled, with only two elderly wizards seated at a nearby table, engrossed in a game of wizard chess. The two old wizards lazily looked up. Seeing that it was the new Head of the department, they didn't even bother to get up from their chairs and continued to play their game. 

Thomas sighed, remembering the events that transcripted half an hour back. After being cleared by St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries for duty, he came back to the Ministry of Magic, eagerly hoping to be reinstated back to his old position, but things never happened according to plan. When Thomas came back, he was told by Minister Fudge himself that his position was occupied by Rufus Scrimgeour. Since there was a vacancy in the Department for Magical Transportation, he was transferred there. 

Although both of them theoretically have the same position level in the ministry, the weight of the two were vastly different. It was a tactical way of sending someone into exile and keeping them away from power. The Department of Magical Transportation used to have a lot of power, but when the Floo Powder was invented, it made transportation easier. No one used Threstreals, Brooms, or Magic Carpets for short-distance traveling anymore.

Thomas'es mind flashed with a conversation with Cassandra. He remembered her words of being great running in her blood. Suddenly, he started chuckling. Startled, the two men looked at him as if he was mentally ill, but they ignored him. They didn't see the firm eyes he had, like a man backed to a corner and ready to bite back.

After the banquet was completed, Dumbledore instructed the prefects to lead the freshmen toward their respective dorms. Penelope excused herself and led the new freshmen to their common rooms. Toby looked around, specifically at Cassandra trying to maintain her dignity against Mikasa who was looking to be closer to her. He then looked at the Hufflepuff table where Cedric and Alyssa were talking. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Wilson lead the Hufflepuff freshmen toward their dorms. On the other side, he saw Harry and Ron talking to each other. Neville, although shy, was managing to hold a conversation with Seamus Finnigan. Hermione was discussing something seriously with Percy, probably something related to studies.

Feeling a buzzing vibration in his pocket, he pulled out his King of Spades card. The stars glowed purple and rearranged to read 10:30 p.m. He held back a sigh and nodded to Alyssa.

At night, the quartet made their way to the Room of Requirement. They settled down in the room suggested to them. In the past year, there have been many changes. The Portrait of Slytherin was taken down and put away safely by Cassandra. The black marble floor was repaired and glossed to shine. Around the central fireplace, there was a semi-circle-shaped table with thirteen chairs, courtesy of Wilson. A bookshelf was filled with some books generously donated by Alyssa and Cassandra. These books covered all sorts of topics from regular Hogwarts subjects like charms, potions, and transfiguration to some advanced subjects like runes, alchemy, and healing magic. Some books even contained introductory subjects to dark magic. 

Toby looked at the library with satisfaction. He made a copy of the Ravenclaw books he studied in the first year and placed them in the library. He also spent time neatly summarising the notes written by the Half-Blood Prince and added it into the notes section. After thinking for a while, he included some of his created spells in the books. 

Cassandra looked at the room and nodded satisfactorily, but there was still one thing that remained yet to be completed. Cassandra asked," Did anyone bring the chair?"

Wilson pulled out a shrunken chair from his pocket. He unshrunk it, revealing a fancy, yet menacing chair. Its frame was obsidian black, which appeared to absorb light rather than reflect it. The armrest of the chair had silver filigree curls coiling around it like snakes. The seat was placed with ebony black leather. The backrest rose tall, casting a dark shadow on the chair, adding to its scary aspect. Overall, it looked like a chair befitting of a dark lord. 

"Prefect Wilson, where did you get this?" asked Cedric in wonder. 

Wilson looked at the chair fondly," I bought this chair from an antique shop and hired someone to refurnish it."

"Right then," Alyssa clapped her hands to gather everyone's attention," There is one thing that I forgot to mention. Be careful around Quirrel and the new freshmen."

"Professor Quirrel," asked Wilson incredulously," Have you seen that man? Poor bloke might scream his ears out if he gets jumpscared."

"Are you sure Alyssa," asked Cedric," I don't like disrespecting Professor, but he looks too timid to be a threat?"

Cassandra frowned," Why did you ask us to be careful around the freshmen," 

Only Toby believed in Alyssa's statement wholeheartedly. He understood that Professor Quirrel was possessed by Voldemort, so he accepted the advice to be careful around Quirrel.

Alyssa explained," Last year, I received a prophecy which stated that the Dark Lord will be returning to Hogwarts this year. I think he must be controlling one of the freshmen, or Professor Quirrel since they are both 'new' to Hogwarts."

Cassandra frowned. She tried to think about who was suspicious, but she gave up. "Leave it be, we don't have enough information for now."

Moving on, Cedric asked," How often will we meet like this?"

"Whenever we have important information, just use the card to communicate," replied Alyssa.


In another corner of Hogwarts, a similar meeting was occurring between a Dark Lord and his subject. Quirrel quietly slipped into his room. He stood tall and looked around to make sure that he was truly alone, before unwrapping his turban as gently as possible.

A raspy gasp was heard when Quirrel finished unwrapping the back of his head.

"Next time," the eerie raspy voice said," wear a turban with some pores so that I can breathe. And wear a fresh turban every day! I thought I was in a troll's armpit with the smell."

Dissatisfied, Quirrel said," My lord, since Dumbledore was there, I thought~"

"FOOL!" the voice yelled, causing Quirrel to flinch in fear," You do not think! You don't have the equipment for that. You just follow my orders."

"Yes lord Voldemort," muttered Quirrel.

"Hmph," Voldemort snorted angrily. The last ten years had been torturous for Voldemort. As the Dark Lord, he was feared everywhere in Britain. Most of the Pure-Blood families allied with him. He had wealth beyond possible for a regular wizard, but it was never enough for him. His paranoia made him afraid of death and he feared that he would lose it all. 

When he learned of a prophecy that could end in his demise, he panicked and sent all of his Death Eaters to search for children who were born in July. Eventually, he shortlisted two children, who were Harry Potter, and Neville Longbottom. Being Half-Blood himself, he was more afraid of Harry Potter so he himself went to stifle the threat in the cradle, but it led to his demise.

Stuck as a wandering soul, he fled to the forests of Albania and survived by sucking the blood of small creatures until he gained enough strength to start his scheming once again. Once bitten, twice shy, he came back more devious than ever, but things were not as he had hoped. An old organization, The Alliance was making its way back. This meant that someone was controlling them, maybe a new Grindelwald. He saw his old enemy, Harry Potter just admitted to Hogwarts. He saw a potential enemy he had ignored pull out the Sword of Gryffindor. 

Things were spiraling out of control. There were too many unstable factors in his plan. He needed strength. He needed power over the new generation of students. And he needed it quickly. 

"Quirrel," said Voldemort.

"Yes my lord," said Quirrel.

"Keep an eye out for wizards eager for power. People who are desperate and could easily be swayed. I need more minions to attract Dumbledore's decision by acting suspiciously and rashly." said Voldemort. 

Quirrel could only follow his master's orders. Although the moonlight shone brightly on him, Quirrel felt that his future was bleak.

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