
Harry Potter: Toby and His Young Lady

Transmigrating into an eleven year boy raised by a single grandma is hard enough, but when it turns out that the grandma is actually a Dark Wizard from an old organisation, life becomes complicated. Join Toby as he protects the heiress of the organisation from the rest of the world. Cover is not mine.

SruJan721 · Livres et littérature
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30 Chs

Chapter 4: Sorting Ceremony

​​By the time the Hogwarts Express arrived at Hogsmeade Station, it was already completely dark. Before he could get off the train, Toby had already seen a giant-like figure in the narrow window beside the train corridor, holding a torch and standing outside. This giant had a bushy beard, and Messy hair. Undoubtedly, waiting for everyone below was Hagrid, the key keeper and the Keeper of the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts.

This is another character worth noting, Toby thought to himself as he followed the crowd and walked off the Hogwarts train.However, when Toby and others got out of the car, the first person to speak was not Hagrid. A witch with glasses walked out from behind Hagrid.

"Excuse me, is Ms. Ilona here?"

Rosier, disguised as Ilona, slowly got off the train, walked to the witch, and said with a smile, "I'm here. Hello, I'm Ilona."

The witch also showed a smile and said:

"Hello, Ms. Ilona, ​​I'm Professor McGonagall, the vice-principal of Hogwarts, entrusted by the headmaster Dumbledore, waiting to greet you here, I'm sorry, the headmaster couldn't come in person, but you know , after all, today is the first day of school, and there are many things waiting for him to deal with."

Ilona waved her hand indifferently and said:"It doesn't matter, Professor McGonagall, the reason why Hogwarts has been regarded as the best magic school in the world for so many years is inseparable from the efforts of Headmaster Dumbledore and the professors."

Hearing Ilona's words, Mcgondall just showed a smile, but quickly retracted it.

"Fred and George! Put down your things! What do you two want to do?!"

Toby saw Mcgondall walk back aggressively, came to the two identical twins, and said angrily.

"Hey, professor, don't be nervous, it's just some fireworks!"

"Yes, Professor, it was prepared by us for the first-year freshmen! You know, it's too dark on their way! We're afraid they can't see the road clearly." The twins said with a smile.

And McGonagall responded mercilessly:

"Put away your things! You should be glad that the new semester has not officially started, otherwise, I will already deduct points for you!"

After Mcgondall finished speaking, he turned to Ilona and said apologetically:

"Let's go this way, Ms. Ilona, ​​I'm sorry to keep you waiting, you know, these kids..."

But for some reason, Toby always felt like when Professor McGonagall left with Ilona, ​​she seemed to stare at Alyssa more from a distance.

As Mcgondall and Ilona walked away, the surrounding students gradually became noisy again.

"First Year, all the freshmen of the first year come to my side!"

Hagrid shouted loudly while shaking a bell in his hand.

"Toby, I think we have to separate for a while, remember what I said to you, the way we enter the school is different for first-year students, but it doesn't matter, I will wait in the castle for Hogwarts."

Cedric's voice sounded behind Toby, sounding apologetic.

Toby said quickly, "It's all right Cedric. I'm also really reluctant to be separated from you for a minute, but since this is a Hogwarts tradition, there's nothing I can do. I'll go to Hogwarts to find you as soon as possible!"

Cedric seemed to be moved by what Toby said, and even took the initiative to hug Toby when he left. Toby watched Cedric leave, and when he turned around, he saw Alyssa looking at him strangely.

"That's the most poetic thing that I have ever heard you say. Are you sure that your orientation is normal? Is Cedric the sleeping beauty in the castle and are you the knight in shining armor"

"Hey! Don't ruin the brotherhood bonding between two people!"

Soon, all the new students, led by Hagrid, crossed a winding path and came to a vast lake. "Everyone, in front of you is the Black Lake. We will take a small boat and row across the Black Lake to Hogwarts Castle. Remember, four people per boat, and not a person more!"

Hearing Hagrid's words, Toby quickly looked curiously into the lake.

"What are you looking at?" asked a freshman behind Toby.

"I heard that there are monster-like mermaids in the Black Lake, let's see if they want to say hi.!"

Toby's words made many young wizards around him take a step back subconsciously. Many freshmen who were still scrambling to be the first to board the ship subconsciously stayed away from the direction of Black Lake. Unlike mermaids that are usually envisioned, the mermaids in the world of Harry Potter have a more gruesome appearance and most wizards tend to stay away from them

"Che, what bunch of cowards, get out of the way for me. Don't get in my way!"

Cassandra strode towards the lake and went straight to the boat docked by the lake. Alyssa also stepped forward and sat elegantly besides Toby, but after Alyssa got on the boat, there were no other freshmen willing to follow. Maybe it was because Toby's words scared them, or if Cassandra's aura was too strong, so that other students stood away from them.

Afterwards, everyone took a boat and rowed to the other side of the lake. When the Hogwarts castle first appeared in Toby's sight, he couldn't help but stand up to admire the breath-taking view. The star-studded Hogwarts was mysterious and magnificent. Although Toby in his previous life had seen it countless times in the original books and movies, Toby deeply realized the magnificence that could not be generated by computer graphics. Just as Toby and the others were crossing the river, Ilona had been led by Professor McGonagall to the headmaster's room at Hogwarts, where Dumbledore was already waiting for her.

After Ilona was sent off, Professor McGonagall left in a hurry. After all, compared to Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, the vice president of Hogwarts, was the busiest in Hogwarts. Looking at the wizard who she imagined killing countless times in front of her, Ilona showed a delicate smile.

"Hello, Headmaster Dumbledore, I'm Ilona. It's a pleasure to meet you. As the greatest white wizard of this era, I have imagined the scene of meeting you countless times."

Dumbledore looked at Ilona softly, and after a while, Dumbledore said: "Hello, Ms. Ilona, ​​it's been a long journey all the way. The opening dinner will not start until a while. Would you like some ZiZi honey candy first?"

Ilona waved her hand and refused:

"Thank you for your hospitality, Headmaster Dumbledore, but I don't think so. On the train, a generous student invited me to eat a lot of desserts."

Dumbledore nodded, did not force it, smiled and said: "Hogwarts students are all good and hospitable children. I think you will like it here! Ms. Ilona, ​​no, I should call you Professor Ilona in the future."

Ilona showed a just-right smile and said with surprise, "So, I am hired, right, Headmaster Dumbledore."

Dumbledore nodded and affirmed, "Of course, Professor Ilona, ​​not everyone can resist my Legilimency when looking directly into my eyes. You will definitely become an excellent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. It's just that due to time constraints, we can no longer let students buy the books you specified. You are afraid that you will continue to use the previous textbooks of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Can you please?"

And Ilona's smile was a bit brighter, and she said, "Of course, Headmaster Dumbledore, in fact, I don't need many textbooks!"

"That's good, Professor Ilona."

"I advocate actual combat!"

By the time Toby and Alice arrived outside Hogwarts Castle by boat, Professor McGonagall was already waiting here early.

"Everyone, welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! After we enter the castle, we will first conduct the sorting ceremony." "As everyone already knows, Hogwarts has four major colleges, called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin, which are named after the founders of Hogwarts. "

Toby listened to Professor McGonagall's introduction to Hogwarts above, and couldn't help but pout and say softly, "It's really a boring introduction!" But Toby forgot that cat ears are very sensitive, and Professor McGonagall is a well-known cat animagus.

"Mr. Maguire, right? You seem to have a better idea to introduce Hogwarts to us in detail?"

Toby didn't expect that Professor McGonagall would actually overhear him when he muttered something casually. He was going to apologize but he had a better idea.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall, I do think that your introduction to the four Hogwarts colleges is too simple. This introduction must have started many decades ago and had never changed. It is really nothing new. The muggle world is changing with each passing day, and so should the wizarding world!"

Although she felt that Toby was disrespectful, Professor McGonagall did not silence him. Even though Professor Mcgondall was strict she was not a professor who would not allow students to speak.

Professor McGonagall stood in front and asked Toby, "It seems that Mr. Toby, you know a lot about the four major houses of Hogwarts. If it were you, how would you introduce them?"

"Professor McGonagall, I don't know, which college do you want to hear about first?"

Facing Toby's question, Professor McGonagall, the dean of Gryffindor, did not hesitate to say the name of her academy directly, "Then let's start with Gryffindor."

Seeing that Professor McGonagall said Gryffindor without any accident, Toby showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, turned around, and faced the direction of the freshman.

Thinking carefully, he spoke his truest thoughts," Gryffindor! A branch truly for the brave!" Professor Mcgondall smiled hearing the first bit, but her face immediately blackened hearing the following words. "Our Dean is the legendary cat girl waifu! Cat girls reign supreme. Cuteness is supreme!!!"

Seeing Professor McGonagall taking a deep breath, Toby was secretly delighted. The goal was achieved, perfect!

Immediately, Toby turned his head and continued," Ravenclaw! Home to a generation of wisdom seekers!"

Hearing this, Professor McGonagall nodded subconsciously again. After all, no one denied that Ravenclaw's students are the smartest among the four academies, but Toby's second sentence made Professor McGonagall have the urge to hide his face.

"The dining hall is the farthest, and the dormitory is the tallest! A perfect place to look down on beings less intelligent than yourself. A true haven for a bunch of bookworms. "

Toby's voice just fell, and before Professor McGonagall could react, there were already freshmen who couldn't hold back their emotions and asked about the colleges they were interested in. "What about Hufflepuff? My father came from Hufflepuff's!"

Seeing that Professor McGonagall didn't stop him, Toby smiled at the freshman, and then said," Hufflepuff! Most welcoming branch in Hogwarts. House elves will serve you wholeheartedly. The kitchen is only a couple steps away. Come from Hufflepuff and be supported by 40% of people in London. Hufflepuffs always stick together!"

Most freshmen cheered, but no-one noticed a gleam that flashed through a certain blonde's eyes. 'Hmm, control Hufflepuff, be supported by the masses. What a brilliant idea my dear Toby. Uff… looks like I need to change my plans.'

After introducing Hufflepuff, this time it was Toby who took a long breath. He was speaking so much that his brain became a little deprived of oxygen.But some people didn't want him to rest, and in the freshman, Cassandra came out and said directly:

"Hey, you haven't introduced Slytherin yet!"

Seeing this, Toby had no choice but to continue," Slytherin! As cunning as a snake! If you wish to settle in with a couple of rich second generation brats then there's your place. Flatter them until they shower you in their riches. Ambition so deep, but strength so weak. They have degraded over the past few years."

Taking a deep breath, he decided to stir up the hornet's nest,"Overall, they need a Cobra to stir them up. Maybe you can become the new king of serpents."

When Toby finally introduced the four major colleges of Hogwarts, there was silence outside the castle for a while, and after a while, someone shouted, "Amazing!!!!" Thunderous applause. Toby stood at the front of the crowd, watching the reactions of the people around him, creating the illusion that he was speaking Improv movie dialogues, but soon, Professor McGonagall's voice sounded behind him,"Quiet! Be quiet!"

With an amplifying spell, Professor McGonagall's voice spread throughout the audience. The freshmen still respected the Hogwarts professor very much, and the scene soon became quiet. Toby was no exception. He had already returned to the freshman class with great interest, and looked at Professor McGonagall honestly.

"Mr Maguire, you seem to know a lot about Hogwarts, but there are many misunderstandings in it. I believe that when you really enter Hogwarts, you will gradually reverse your beliefs! Now, everyone lined up to go in with me for the sorting ceremony!"

Professor McGonagall looked at Toby sternly at the end, leading the freshmen who had just lined up and strode into the castle. And when Professor McGonagall turned around and no one could see it, a trace of worry appeared on Professor McGonagall's face.


When the freshmen followed Professor McGonagall into the Hogwarts Great Dinning Hall, countless curious eyes looked at them, and when Toby passed the Hufflepuff dining table, Cedric waved at him enthusiastically. Not only the students, but also the teachers at the front of the auditorium were curious.

"Oh, Professor McGonagall, the freshman seems to be a little late this time!"

Dumbledore looked through his glasses, and his eyes seemed to be looking for someone. Toby clearly felt that when Dumbledore's eyes swept over him and Alyssa, they stopped for a moment, but quickly moved away. Then, Professor McGonagall walked up to Dumbledore and said something softly. Toby noticed Ilona not far from Dumbledore's side. Obviously, being able to sit there proves that Ilona has been recognized by Dumbledore and has become the new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher.

Professor McGonagall briefly told Dumbledore what happened outside the auditorium. In the end, Professor McGonagall seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by Dumbledore's wave. Professor McGonagall did not deliberately lower her voice, nor did she use any sound insulation magic. Therefore, the professors around Dumbledore also heard what Professor McGonagall said and showed their surprised eyes.

Ilona, ​​who was not far from Dumbledore, also heard it, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. ' Toby, you understood the principle of gaining support even though one has taught you how to. Before you enter the school, you already established your own image among the freshmen. You have performed better than I expected. I hope you become the right hand of The Alliance quickly.'

"Professor McGonagall, let's do the sorting ceremony first. We'll talk about other things later." said Dumbeldore after interrupting Professor McGonagall with a wave.

Professor McGonagall also knew that some things were really not suitable for discussion here, so she did not insist on it, and immediately announced that the Hogwarts sorting ceremony officially began. Hearing the official start of the sorting ceremony, many freshmen showed nervous expressions. Looking at the tense freshmen around, Toby, who already knew the content of the sorting ceremony, only thought it was a little funny.Looking around, Cassandra was still relatively calm among the freshmen, but her originally white cheeks were now a little paler. Only Alyssa remained calm and confident in herself.The Sorting Hat, which had been waiting for a long time, seemed to be impatient. A gap appeared in the worn out hat in front of everyone, and a song came first to open his voice:

"La la la Hogwarts, la la la..."

As soon as the Sorting Hat opened, many freshmen couldn't help covering their ears, including Toby.After the Sorting Hat finished singing, Professor McGonagall took a long piece of parchment in his hand and stood beside the Sorting Hat. Obviously, the name of the new Hogwarts freshman was written on the parchment. Following the name that Professor McGonagall called, each new student stepped forward and put on the sorting hat.

"Cassandra Levo"

As soon as Cassandra sat down with the Sorting Hat on her head, the Sorting Hat said aloud, "No doubt, Slytherin!"

In the auditorium, there was a burst of cheers from Slytherin's long table. After all, there was no senior who didn't like beautiful junior girls. Hearing the Sorting Hat's decision, Cassandra also sighed with relief, smiled, and then walked to the Slytherin long table calmly. When passing Toby, Cassandra kept saying: "I said long ago that I belong to Slytherin!" She also passed by Alyssa and said," I look forward to seeing you in Slytherin," to which Alyssa shrugged off with a shrug.

"Alyssa ﻮгเภ๔єɭฬคɭ๔"

Toby wanted to hear her last name, but he dazed off suddenly. Looking around, everyone else was normal, so he attributed it to his fluttering thoughts..

After Alyssa sat down, Professor Mcgondall took a deep breath and put the Sorting Hat on top of her head. There was a brief pause before the Sorting hat whispered in a way only Professor Mcgondall and Alyssa could hear,"How can you have such a bold idea?! I have never seen such a bold student. I think you should be assigned to Azkaban!"

Although Professor McGonagall was taken aback by the Sorting Hat's words, she did not forget her responsibilities, so she coughed softly. Knowing that he couldn't delay the decision any longer, the Sorting Hat made a decision,

"Let me think, I know, how about Hufflepuff? I think Hufflepuff is the best for you, Hufflepuff!"

Hearing the name of his academy, there was also a burst of enthusiastic cheers from Hufflepuff's long table, and one of them cheered the loudest. Toby followed the sound and looked over, to see Cedric. After the Sorting Hat was taken off his head by Professor McGonagall, Alyssa went gracefully to Hufflepuff's table.

Cedric said in disbelief, "I didn't expect you to actually come to Hufflepuff!"

Alyssa responded with a smile on her face, "Hufflepuff has always been my dream!"

Alyssa's words caused the surrounding Hufflepuff students to cast an admiring look at her.

"Why? Most of the freshmen want to go to Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, and there are many pure-blood wizards who regard Slytherin as a dream. Few freshmen want to come to Hufflepuff?" Cedric asked suspiciously.

"Because it's close to the kitchen," Alyssa said some nonsense but everyone believed her.

Just as Alyssa and Cedric were whispering, it was finally Toby's turn.

"Toby Maguire"

Toby also walked up to the stool, but instead of sitting down, he stopped next to the sorting hat.

"Mr. Sorting Hat, as far as I have read in the book Hogwarts: A History of a Thousand Years, you were once a hat worn by Godric Gryffindor, am I correct?"

"Yes child, I was."

"So is it safe to assume that you know where his founding artifact is."

Gasps could be heard across the auditorium. The founding artifacts were four objects lost to history. Each artifact was made by one of its founders. It consisted of Slytherin's locket, Ravenclaw's Diadem, Hufflepuff's Goblet, and Gryffindor's Sword. They were lost to history, or so everyone thought.

"Yes. But I only know where Godric Gryffindor's sword is."

"That's enough for me," While saying so, Toby lifted the Sorting Hat and reached into it. Originally, the Sorting Hat deemed him unworthy, but suddenly, the ring of Merlin present on his right hand gleamed. After grasping around, he finally felt a hilt touch his palm.

"Mr. Maguire, please get on with you~ "

At that instant, a gleaming silver sword decorated with rubies on its hilt appeared in Toby's hand. Professor Mcgondall was about to scream in joy, but before she could react, Toby had raised the sword in the air," HOGWARTS, I NOW CLAIM OWNERSHIP OVER YOU! WHO OPPOSES AND WHO ACK~"

At that moment, a stinging hex sent over by Dumbeldore stung him. He looked over with tears in his eyes. Dumbeldore resisted the urge to laugh and coughed," Ahem, after the sorting ends, we can discuss ownership of Hogwarts at a later date. Right now, the sorting ceremony has gone around for too long. Also, please hand over the Sword of Gryffindor. It can be given at a later date."

Toby rubbed the area ruefully," Bah~ stingy old man. All I'm asking is for ownership of Hogwarts. Is that too much to ask?" While saying so, he threw the sword over to Professor

Professor Mcgondall resisted the miniature heart attack she was having at those words and placed the hat on top of his head. After pondering the Sorting Hat muttered," Intriguing. Young man, your thoughts point at Ravenclaw, but your actions are very Gryffindor like. So let it be RAVENCLAW!!!"

Silence ensued in the auditorium until Cedric stood up to clap loudly for his friend and the others started giving a lukewarm applause to Toby. Professor Flitwick laughed with tears of joy at idea of having a new genius student.

Afterwards, the headmaster of Hogwarts, known as the greatest white wizard of this era, Dumbledore stood up and tapped the glass in front of him with the spoon in his hand. The entire Hogwarts auditorium was instantly quiet, and everyone's eyes were on Dumbledore. This scene made Toby sigh in his heart, this is Dumbledore's reputation! The reputation of the greatest white wizard in the past century.

"Welcome everyone to Hogwarts. Before the new semester starts, I have two words to say as usual. That is: Nitwit, Blubberer, Oddment, Tweak! Okay, thank you everyone! Let's have dinner!" Dumbeldore finished his speech and waved his arms. Immediately, food filled the plates and the scramble for food began. The freshmen began to socialize and talk about themselves. Occasionally, Toby heard his name being mentioned everywhere.

Toby smiled. This was the effect he wanted. After hearing Albernotch's threats, he decided to be as high profile as possible in order to attract attention and let Alyssa develop her influence in a low-key manner. Glancing over at the Hufflepuff table, he saw Alyssa talking with everyone. Still, he was intrigued because he thought that by going to Slytherin, she could take control of the students with a noble background. Even the last statement about a king cobra was meant to tempt her.

Looking over at his table, he suddenly felt that the gender ratio was very uneven. Two thirds of the table were women while the rest were men. Not that Toby was complaining. Definitely not!

And at this moment, Dumbledore in front stood up again.

"Everyone, allow me to introduce a new professor to you!"

Having said that, Dumbledore stretched out his palm and gestured to Ilona beside him.

"Professor Ilona, ​​will become our Hogwarts, the new semester's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher!"

And Ilona also stood up and said to the students:

"Hello everyone, my name is Ilona. I will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in the new semester. I am very happy to come to Hogwarts. On the way here, I have already felt the enthusiasm of Hogwarts students. I I look forward to the new semester, and you can appear in my class!"

After Ilona sat down, there was a welcome applause and a lot of wispering among the students.

After the opening dinner, all the freshmen walked to their respective lounges under the leadership of the four college prefects.

And Dumbledore also returned to his headmaster's room and placed the Sword of Gryffindor back in the Sorting Hat. At the same time came the vice-president of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall.

"Dumbledore, I want to borrow your Pensieve!"

As soon as he entered the headmaster's room at Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall couldn't wait to speak.

Then, Professor McGonagall walked to Dumbledore's Pensieve, took out his wand, and gently pressed it against his temple.

Afterwards, a silver thread, as if under some kind of traction, floated out from the position of Professor McGonagall's temple and was put into the Pensieve by Professor McGonagall.

"Dumbledore, I think you'd better see it for yourself."

Dumbledore did not refuse Professor McGonagall's request, and walked over. In the Pensieve, Dumbledore saw Toby's introduction about the four colleges in front of the Hogwarts auditorium.

"Interesting introduction. Professor McGonagall, I think you're thinking too much and I know what you're worrying about, but Toby's speech was not aggressive as compared to Gellert's inspiring speeches." said Dumbledore after viewing the contents of the Pensieve.

Professor McGonagall refuted, "Dumbledore, It's not about how aggressive the speech is! Obviously, a muggle-born child raised by The Alliance knowing so much about Hogwarts is abnormal. What does this mean? It means that those guys have been seeking Hogwarts intel for many years! I don't understand why you would allow this child belonging to the dark forces and the heiress of Grindelwald to go to Hogwarts! We are responsible to all the students at Hogwarts! You know where the Sorting Hat thought she should be sorted? AZKABAN!"

In the face of Professor McGonagall's rare severe questioning, Dumbledore did not get angry at all, but said patiently, "Professor McGonagall, you know, the Sorting Hat sometimes makes innocent jokes, right?"

Dumbledore turned his gaze to the Sorting Hat, which was set aside, but this time, the Sorting Hat did not give Dumbledore face, and mercilessly said, "Dumbledore, I think, maybe Azkaban is really suitable for that girl. After all, with her talent in dark magic, she should be able to learn from all the prisoners there."

Hearing this, Dumbledore turned around and gave the Sorting Hat an incredulous glare. Turning around, he decided to reveal the real reason why he allowed the heiress of Grindelwald and her follower to enter Hogwarts, "Professor McGonagall, if I remember correctly, next year, it seems that the Boy Who Lived from the Potter family is coming to Hogwarts, right?"

Hearing Dumbledore's question, Professor McGonagall didn't understand why the topic suddenly shifted from the Grindelwald children to the Potter children, but he still replied:

"If you're talking about Harry Potter, next year is indeed the day he will come to Hogwarts."

Dumbledore nodded and said in a heavy tone, "According to the prophecy, He Who Must Not Be Named is coming back soon!"

Hearing this, Professor McGonagall seemed to suddenly understand something and opened her mouth wide. "You mean... Oh My God!"

Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore in disbelief, as if he didn't know the colleague and friend who had been with her for decades.

Facing Professor McGonagall's frightened eyes, Dumbledore's expression did not change at all. Instead, he said earnestly, "Alyssa and Harry Potter will become good friends, I firmly believe that. Perhaps they might even go further. We are all becoming old, Professor McGonagall, we need to pave the way for the next generation. Rather than letting them wander astray, I hope that we can lead them into the correct path!"

Thinking more, he added," As for Toby, I also appreciate that young man. Being able to draw out Gryffindor's sword already proves that he is a good kid and courageous at heart. As long as we guide him well, I am confident that he will get rid of the influence of The Alliance and become a great wizard."