
Harry Potter: Toby and His Young Lady

Transmigrating into an eleven year boy raised by a single grandma is hard enough, but when it turns out that the grandma is actually a Dark Wizard from an old organisation, life becomes complicated. Join Toby as he protects the heiress of the organisation from the rest of the world. Cover is not mine.

SruJan721 · Livres et littérature
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30 Chs

Chapter 3: Hogwarts Express

Another month had gone by in a flash and it was already time to board Hogwarts express. During this past month Alyssa was given strict Occulemy training to hide her secrets. Toby was also not idle. After learning a little more about Alyssa, he realized that Alyssa's ambition was not small. Normally, he would not care, but Grandma Rosier repeatedly berated Toby so he chose to bow down. He promised repeatedly that he would take care of Alyssa.

On September first, Toby got another chance to use a spell. He decided to create a non lethal spell as usual. He named it ' 100 Volts Paralysis'. It sent a steady stream of current using the ground as a medium, paralyzing a round area of 5 meters around him. Unfortunately, it had no differentiation between friend and foe, so it was a risky move.

Toby was dropped off at platform 9 and ¾ by Rosier and she left quickly. Puzzled, he found Alyssa and another old man holding her arm. "Albernotch, why can't you see Grandma Rosier today?"

Alyssa asked curiously while standing in front of the platform.

Originally, Alyssa thought that Rosier must have come to see her off today, but what she didn't expect was that it was Albernotch who knocked on her door this morning, and Rosier never showed up.

Albernotch replied with a smile:

"You have to understand that no matter how strong Rosier is, she is always soft. Rosier probably felt sad. Rosier said that she couldn't stand the feeling of separation, so she simply didn't come. Haha."

Toby glanced enviously at Alyssa. What kind of Grandma would feel sad at the separation of someone else's granddaughter, and not even bat an eye when her own grandson was leaving.

"As for you.. Boy… You will be in charge of Lady Alyssa's safety. If she gets in trouble, you would be expected to take a killing curse for her. If she is in danger, you are to protect her regardless of your well being. If she~"

"Okay got it. If she gets hurt, I will die."

"You don't just die, you will suffer for the rest of your life undergoing the most severe torture possible." said Albernotch giving a vicious smile.

Alyssa chuckled and blinked with her pretty eyes," Hear that 'boy'."

"Okay, Alyssa, come here! When you arrive at Hogwarts, remember to write to us! If you need help, let us know in the letter! Most importantly, if there is any danger, You know what to do!"

Albernotch whispered the last bit in Alyssa's ear.

"I understand, I always remember that, don't worry, Albernotch."

Alyssa pulled out a pendant from her clothes. It was taken from the vault of the Gringotts Grindelwald family. Between the triangular pendants, a circle and a vertical line were imprisoned , running through it.

"Remember, this pendant, don't let others see it casually, it is a symbol! However, if one day you are in danger, inject magic into the pendant, no matter where we are in the world, we will arrive instantly."

"Alright, Alyssa, it's getting late, let's go!" said Toby impatiently while tapping on his imaginary watch.

Albernotch watched Toby and Alyssa disappear in front of him, and was about to leave, but instantly became alert, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to his wand.

"Albernotch, who allowed you to add unnecessary details to the story?"

Albernotch heaved a sigh of relief, because Rosier's voice came from behind him.

Albernotch looked back, and saw a woman wearing a top hat, a long ponytail, and a dark green trench coat appearing behind Albernotch.

"Oh, Rosier, sure enough, no matter what you become, you have such a noble temperament, like a warm rose in a barren land. I think you need to pretend to be more, you know, you are going to meet Dumbledore!"

And Rosier ignored Albernotch's flattery. Albernotch smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Rosier ignored Albernotch and walked straight to platform nine and three-quarters.

"Are the preparations complete?"

"Do you think we are a bunch of amateurs? Don't worry. This year, you will successfully infiltrate Hogwarts as the Defense Against the Dark arts teacher. Lady Alyssa is now in your hands."

"Remember not to tell Lady Alyssa about me being undercover."

Nodding, Rosier disappeared in front of platform nine and three-quarters, leaving only Albernotch looking at her disappearing back with nostalgia. "Soon," he muttered," The Alliance will be back to its former glory under the leadership of Lady Alyssa."

At this time, Toby had already stood in front of this old-looking train, and the sadness when he parted had been completely replaced by the longing of the new Hogwarts life that was about to begin.

"Is this the Hogwarts train? It really looks...terrible..."

Toby looked at the dilapidated train in front of him, although he had already told himself in his heart that this was Britain in 1990, and he couldn't look at it from the perspective of more than 30 years later.

"Yes, the train is indeed old, but it's part of Hogwarts, isn't it?"

At this moment, a male voice was heard behind Toby.. Toby turned his head and saw a handsome and sunny boy standing behind him, and following behind him was a middle-aged man with a backpack.

"Hogwarts freshmen? Hello, my name is Cedric, Cedric Diggory!"

Cedric showed a smile that could captivate thousands of girls, and extended his hand to Alyssa and Toby. And the man behind Cedric followed closely and said in a boastful manner.

"Cedric, my son, he had the best grades among the freshmen at Hogwarts last year! All grades are O!"

And when Toby learned that the person in front of him was Cedric, he was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect to meet an important character in the Harry Potter novels so quickly.

Alyssa put her hand forward and responded, "Hello, senior! I'm a freshman at Hogwarts, you can call me Alyssa. This idiot behind me is Toby. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Cedric didn't seem to expect Alyssa to speak so directly. He blushed for a while and didn't know how to answer, but Amos, who was behind Cedric, said triumphantly:

"No, lass, you're a freshman, and you don't know yet. In fact, most of the students at Hogwarts barely pass the grades! So, if you have any questions in the future, feel free to ask Cedric. That's it! He'll help you!"

"Father, I don't want you to say that to my classmates, everyone's just good at different things! However, Alyssa, if you have any doubts or difficulties in the future, you are still welcome to come to me! Even better if you can get into Hufflepuff!"

"Ahem," coughed Toby, "I am still here."

After talking with Amos for a while, he boarded the train with Alyssa and Cedric. Soon, by the time the Hogwarts Express started, Toby and Cedric had become close friends, although Cedric was mostly explaining Hogwarts to Toby. All sorts of interesting things were mentioned in it. Suddenly, the door of the box was pushed open from the outside. Toby watched helplessly as a pair of slender hands pushed open the door of his box. Then, a girl in a long dark green gothic dress came in."It's you?"

"It's you!"

The two said in unison.

"You two know each other?"

Cedric asked curiously when he saw Toby's and the girl's reaction.

"I saw her once when I was shopping in Diagon Alley before school started. Her name is Cassandra, and like us, she is also a freshman at Hogwarts this year."

"The one next to me is Cedric, who is one year above us." Toby hurriedly explained aside, and introduced each other to both sides by the way.

"Hello, my name is Cedric, a second-year Hufflepuff."

Cedric hurriedly stretched out his hand and introduced himself.

But Cassandra had no intention of reaching out, she just nodded slightly. Alyssa also reached out her hand in a lady-like fashion. Seeing another girl in the cabin, Cassandra also started opening up slowly.

"It was full outside. Originally, my father had informed Hogwarts that they would leave a box for me, but for some reason, Hogwarts didn't do it. This matter, I won't let go!" Cassandra said sternly.

Cedric and Toby looked at each other and both saw a smile in each other's eyes, but neither of them said anything. Cedric had such a personality, while Toby was purely mature due to his actual age. Alyssa was the only one who nodded along as if it was natural. Whether or not she was acting couldn't be guessed by everyone.

Seeing that after she finished speaking, and there was no major reaction, Cassandra couldn't help but pout and say, "Hey, do you know who my father is? My father is the head of the Auror Office of the British Ministry of Magic! All Aurors in the UK are under his control!"

Hearing Cassandra say this, Cedric hurriedly said: "Really? So, your father and my father are colleagues!"

"Your father is also an Auror?" Cassandra's expression softened.

"No, my father works in the Department of Magical Creatures Management and Control at the British Ministry of Magic!"


Cassandra returned to her arrogant look.

At this moment, the door of the three-person box was opened again, and a woman wearing a top hat, a long ponytail, and a trench coat walked in.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but there are no seats in the other boxes. Do you mind if I sit here?" Although the woman said so, she had already sat down. In the middle of a carload of children, an adult woman suddenly appeared. The four of them were a little surprised when they looked at the woman who had just entered.

Seemingly aware of the children's eyes, the woman smiled and explained:

"My name is Ilona. I will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for the new semester!"

At this time, the atmosphere in the box had dropped to freezing point, and there was no sound. All four of them sat in their seats honestly. Even Cassandra, who was arrogant before, was extremely well-behaved at this time.

Toby looked at the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in front of him and felt a little familiar, but he really didn't know the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher this semester, and there was no introduction in the original book, so he didn't think much about it.

After a while, Cassandra seemed to want to make a good impression in front of the new teacher so she broke the silence and said, "Ms. Ilona, ​​there seems to be some dirt on the corner of your clothes, let me clean it up for you!"

"Reparo!" Toby saw Cassandra take out her wand and waved it lightly, and the corners of Ilona's clothes were as neat as new.

"Thank you very much!"

Ilona nodded lightly and thanked her with a smile. At the same time, she picked up the water glass in her hand and took a few sips gracefully.

Cassandra was praised by her teacher before school started, and she was obviously a little happy. Seeing this scene, Cedric, who was on the side, seemed to want to show it in front of the new teacher, and immediately took out her wand.

"Ms. Ilona, ​​let me add some water for you!"

With Ilona's permission, Cedric pointed his wand at Ilona's water glass.

"Aguamenti!" Afterwards, Ilona also expressed her gratitude to Cedric.

Alyssa leaned forward and said," Ms.Ilona, your suitcase seems to be scratched let me help you." Alyssa pointed her wand towards Ms. Ilona's suitcase and cast a repairing charm.

In the end, everyone's eyes were on Toby, looking at him with piercing eyes.

This made Toby, who was watching energetically from the side as if he was watching a play, have a stiff expression on his face.

What are you looking at me for? Do you want me to perform a magic trick for you? I only know how to make myself invisible to others! Just when Toby was embarrassed, the box door was opened again.

"Does anyone want some snacks?" the trolley lady asked politely.

This made Toby heave a sigh of relief, and then said:

"In that case, let me perform a magic spell for everyone!"

"Money Style: Rich Guy Jutsu!"

Saying so, Toby slammed a stack of Galleons on the vending cart and said, "We'll take the lot."


Cedric and Cassandra stared at Toby's trick, never expecting Toby to have such a hole card. Even Alyssa lost her composure and almost fell off her seat.

After he came to his senses, Cedric hurriedly said:

"Underage wizards are prohibited from using magic at will outside the school, and Toby is a muggle born, so he was not exposed to magic yet. In fact a vast majority of freshmen do not know magic."

Cedric was afraid that the good friend he had just met would be taken lightly by Ilona, ​​the new teacher at Hogwarts, so he quickly explained to Ilona.Toby naturally understood what Cedric meant, and while holding various snacks from the vending cart, he cast a grateful look at Cedric.

On the other side, Ilona smiled faintly and said: "Sometimes, wealth and resources are just as powerful as magic! Very good magic, you are all very gifted students, the future of the magic world is on your wand."

With the teacher's praise, Cedric and Cassandra were obviously very happy, while Toby was on the side, busy distributing snacks to everyone. If Toby looked up at Ilona at this time , he would definitely remember how familiar Ilona's eyes were at that moment.