
Harry Potter: Toby and His Young Lady

Transmigrating into an eleven year boy raised by a single grandma is hard enough, but when it turns out that the grandma is actually a Dark Wizard from an old organisation, life becomes complicated. Join Toby as he protects the heiress of the organisation from the rest of the world. Cover is not mine.

SruJan721 · Livres et littérature
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30 Chs

Chapter 22: Blake Burkes Shop

After receiving the task given to her by Alyssa, Cassandra was inspired by the dream paper cranes that she bought with Toby, so she decided to go directly to the inventor of the item. In the middle of the summer break, Cassandra, disguised in black robes, went to Knockturn Alley and knocked on the door. "Sorry, the store has closed. If you need something, you can go to the Borgin and Burkes store and ask, everything will be available for you there."

Cassandra looked in the direction the voice came from, and saw a figure busy in the store. She asked," Are you the inventor of the Dream Paper Crane?"

The figure glanced at Cassandra and said," That's right. Inspired by the telephones of the Muggles, I designed a simple system for exchanging messages through artifacts. I dare say, this is an invention that can change the magic world, and only I, Blake Burkes, can make it!"

"Burkes?" said Cassandra in surprise," By any chance are you related to Borgin Burkes?

"Aye lass, that is my brother." replied Blake," At least I used to be."

"What happened?" Cassandra couldn't help but wonder.

Blake obviously seems to have a lot of things in his heart. Burke said directly, "That's right. They removed me from the genealogy because I tainted the blood of the Burkes family! I just found a girl I like, what's wrong with that!?"

Cassandra's expression softened," I'm sorry."

"Don't be lass," said Blake," It was bound to happen sooner or later. You see, the human mind is a very wretched thing. The old guys in the family keep on talking about glory, but they only want glory according to the rules. Only the firstborn child may be the head. The others must support the head. I had always had a higher talent for magic artifact creation, but it just did not suit their ideology well. I was suppressed until they found a reason to expel me from the family."

After a while, Cassandra asked, "Then what is this store?"

Blake Burkes glanced at his store with nostalgia, and said, "This is the store that I rented with most of my money. I want to prove to them that the Burgin Burkes store is only the past of the Burkes family, and I am the future of the family."

But Cassandra relentlessly pointed to the store, and said, "But obviously, you failed, didn't you?"

After listening to Cassandra's words, Blake nodded in silence, and said with a wry smile, "That's right, it's like this. In order to invent the Crane messenger system, I sold all my assets. I bet my future on this invention. The invention was successful, but the items just did not sell! Perhaps, my invention was too advanced for the current market. It is difficult for the wizards of the current era to accept."

Blake sighed," It also may have something to do with the cost of production. The Dream Crane that you talk about only cost two Galleons, but the Crane messenger system costs about 20 Gallons each."

Cassandra broke the silence with a question," So, what are your plans now?"

Blake sighed," There's no point in struggling with a pointless endeavor. I plan on selling the shop and moving to America or Japan. I have a daughter, so I will teach her my craft and hope that she can succeed with my dreams."

"Why Japan?" asked Cassandra.

"My wife is actually Japanese, so I considered Japan as an option." said Blake," But lass, you have only been asking me questions ever since you came here. Why don't you tell me what you are here for."

Hearing Blake's words, Cassandra glanced at the paper crane displayed in the glass cage in melancholy as if she was in thought. Suddenly she asked, "Can this magic item only be fixed in the form of a paper crane?"

Hearing Cassandra's question, Blake was stunned for a moment. Although he was a little puzzled, he still answered:"No no, in fact, it is my personal hobby to make it into the shape of paper cranes, because I actually confessed to my wife with a love letter in the shape of an origami paper crane. It can be embedded into any shape and material."

Cassandra had a bright smile on her face," Then you are in luck Mr.Blake, because you are about to receive a huge order of 52… no 53 items. I would like it if you made them into the shape of a deck of cards, like the ones you use when playing poker."

Cassandra twirled her wand and a paper crane unfolded itself and turned into a vase with flames surrounding it. "I would like to make these cards with the best materials and this needs to be on the Joker Card.

Blake gulped. He wanted to refuse, but his dreams and aspirations were on the line. After hesitating, Blake said," Miss, although I want to make the deck, I need some funds for the raw materials."

Cassandra pulled out a pouch and let it fall on the desk. The coins made a satisfying clink as they fell on the desk. Blake opened the pouch to almost be blinded by all the golden Galleons in the pouch." This pouch contains six hundred Galleons as a down payment for materials. I will also pay an extra thirty Galleons per card that you make."

Blake Burkes also quickly agreed with a flattering expression,"Okay Miss Cassandra, I will start preparing now. This set of magic artifacts will definitely shine in the magic world! I am honored to be able to make this set of cards for you! I will definitely finish this by the end of July."

Hearing this, Cassandra forced out a smile and said," Certainly."

Back at home, Thomas Reeves put down the newspaper and said," Is it done?"

"Yes," said Cassandra.

Thomas sighed," You do realize that you will have to kill him to maintain the secret."

"I'm hoping it does not come to that," said Cassandra.

"Cassandra, don't be childish. You need to keep these items a secret. If the shopkeeper reveals that he made these cards, the enemy will trace back and find out about you. This is how the Alliance does things." said Thomas with a stern tone.

"Well, I chose to follow Alyssa, not the Alliance. I will leave the final decision to her then," said Cassandra

Thomas said nothing, but his expression of disapproval was evident on his face.