
Harry Potter: Toby and His Young Lady

Transmigrating into an eleven year boy raised by a single grandma is hard enough, but when it turns out that the grandma is actually a Dark Wizard from an old organisation, life becomes complicated. Join Toby as he protects the heiress of the organisation from the rest of the world. Cover is not mine.

SruJan721 · Livres et littérature
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30 Chs

Chapter 2: Diagon Alley

The next day, Grandma Rosier took Alyssa to her home to collect Toby. Toby woke up to find Alyssa staring at him, muttering, "What a lazy boy. How can he protect me at all?"

Toby retorted, "At least I have the courtesy to let a person sleep."

Rosier gave Toby a playful smack and said, "Don't talk to Lady Alyssa like that. Remember to treat her with respect."

"Yeah, yeah, now let's get a wand, Grandma. I've been waiting for a full 23 hours." Chuckling at Toby's impatience, she ruffled his hair and said, "Alright, we can grab some breakfast at the Leaky Cauldron. Hurry up and get ready!"

"Wow, I haven't seen such a handsome young man and a delightful young lady in a long time." When Rosier led Toby and Alyssa to the Leaky Cauldron, Tom, the owner of the pub, greeted them with an exaggerated tone.

"Young man, this must be our first encounter. A Hogwarts first-year, I presume?" Toby smiled and nodded, and Tom looked pleased.

Guided by Tom, Rosier, Toby, and Alyssa arrived at a small courtyard surrounded by brick walls. Rosier took out her wand and tapped the wall lightly. After three strokes, every brick in front of them began to vibrate.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley!" Stepping through the opening, Toby was greeted by the enchanting sights of the wizarding shopping district. The shop windows on both sides displayed a dazzling array of magical goods, and Toby couldn't help but feel a strong desire to buy everything in sight.

Grandma Rosier handed Toby two golden Galleons and said, "Why don't you go and treat yourself to some breakfast?"

Giving them a disapproving look, Toby walked off towards a quaint café. Alyssa frowned and asked, "Haven't you told him about The Order?"

Rosier shook her head, "I trust Toby, but trust alone cannot make someone devoted to the greater good. I am not authorized to recruit Toby into The Order. Whenever you feel he is loyal, then you can decide when to involve him."

Alyssa observed Toby with a discerning gaze, "Something tells me he will accomplish great things. Where shall we go now, Grandma Rosier?"

"Now? We need to withdraw some money first! Remember to withdraw a substantial amount. It's your Grindelwald family's inheritance, and you'll be attending Hogwarts soon. The thought makes me uneasy, so let's be prepared and bring extra funds!"

As Rosier and Alyssa entered Gringotts, their distinguished presence caught the attention of many goblins. The goblins nearby gathered around, curious about their business.

Ignoring the young goblins, Rosier led Alyssa straight to the counter where a wise, wrinkled goblin sat. He looked at them and said, "So, what brings you here? Two esteemed guests?"

"We need to access vault No. 714 in the underground!"

When Rosier mentioned the number 714, the old goblin's previously clouded eyes instantly brightened.

"714? I remember that vault. I always remember. So, the heir of that family has returned? What astounding news for the wizarding world! Follow me! I hope you haven't made a mistake, making me run for nothing. You see, the underground vault No. 714 has been in the Grindelwald family for generations."


While this was going on Toby wandered into another shop by accident. Just when he was about to turn around, the sound of the salesman attracted him. "Miss Cassandra! This is the latest product in our store. Although it looks like an ordinary Paper Crane, you can use it to communicate with another person over long distances. It won't be long before we can replace romantic communication for couples!"

As the clerk spoke, he handed the paper crane in his hand to the girl, but the girl frowned and said arrogantly:

"Do you think I'm the kind of little girl who likes to play with dolls and origami paper cranes?!"

As she spoke, the girl threw the paper crane casually with no thought, and it followed the wind and landed in Toby's open palm. Everyone's eyes fell on Toby along with which startled him.

At this time, the clerk said with a sad face, "Miss Cassandra, The paper cran flew away from your hand and landed on someone else's hand. This is considered good fortune! In the future, no matter what the young boy writes on the paper , you receive an identical message in your dream once!"

Cassandra and Toby were both stunned by the clerk's words. Cassandra suddenly blushed and said, "Is this a joke! You gave me this paper crane, so, don't we also..."

Before Cassandra said anything, she saw the clerk stretch out her hands. "Miss Cassandra, look, the payment for this dream cranes..."

Cassandra raised her head and roared, "Liar! How dare you ask me for money? My father is from the Ministry of Magic. Believe it or not, I'll let someone arrest you and send you straight to Azkaban?!"

Just when the clerk wanted to leave with a disappointed face, he heard someone shouting from behind:

"Wait a minute!"

Toby took two steps forward and asked gently:

"This is very beautiful. I like it very much. How about this? I will buy this paper crane for two Golden Galleons."

The sudden change made the clerk overjoyed. When the clerk left with the gold Galleons that Toby gave him, the girl's voice sounded behind Toby.

"Hey, you're also a freshman at Hogwarts this year? Why are you helping him? It's obviously his own fault!"

Toby turned his head and said warmly, "It's nothing, I just think this Crane looks pretty good!"

Cassandra curled her lips in disdain, and then said: "My name is Cassandra, the pride of the future Slytherin!"

"My name is Toby. I'm probably going to go to Gryffindor?"

"I must belong to Slytherin!" Cassandra seemed obsessed with it.

Toby shrugged nonchalantly, and when the two sides turned to leave, the corner of Toby's mouth twitched slightly. Oh this year in Hogwarts was going to be more fun than he would have thought. Toby froze at the sight of Grandma Rosier who looked at him with approving gazes while Alyssa scoffed at him.


After shopping for all the rudimentary items required in Hogwarts, Grandma Rosier took them to Ollivanders for a magical wand. As they entered the door, Grandma Rosier said perfunctorily, "Let's just take a look. If there is no suitable one, just pick one and use it temporarily. We can also go to Germany and find Gregorovich."

At that moment, Ollivander happened to suddenly appear from behind the cabinet beside him.

"Lady, I will never deny that Gregorovitch has a high level of wand making, but no matter where you are, wizards don't pick wands, wands pick the wizards!"

Grandma Rosier snorted and Toby stepped forward to ease the situation," Of course Mister Olivander, but I also believe that we do not choose the wand. The wand also chooses us."

Alyssa stepped forward." Mister Olivander, why don't you help us find a wand."

Perhaps hearing the Gregorovich mentioned by Rosier just now stimulated Ollivander, who thought he was the number one staff maker in Europe, Toby clearly felt that Ollivander was burning with passion.

"Are you used to using your left hand or right hand?"

"Right hand please!"

"How about trying this? Eleven and one-half inches, ashwood with phoenix tail feathers, absolute loyalty, born of absolute confidence, ash wands will never accept a second owner, because they firmly believe that their own The master is the greatest wizard of this era!"

Ollivander carefully took out a wooden box, took out a wand from it, and handed it into Alyssa's hands with confidence.

When the wand touched her palm, a warm light suddenly lit up, illuminating Ollivander's wand shop. Just when Toby felt that she was lucky and could find a wand that suited her on her first try, the light disappeared quickly, as if it had never appeared, leaving Ollivander and Alyssa looking at each other.

"Oh hoo, it doesn't matter, I often encounter this kind of thing. Some guests are very likely to choose seven or eight wands before they can find a wand that suits them!"

"How about trying this again? Ten and three-quarters inches, an extraordinary combination, willow with unicorn hair, willow wands are all potential owners, there's a proverb in my family, if you want to go far , Willow will help him speed up."

When Alyssa took the new wand from Ollivanders hand, a green light circled Alyssa's arm, and everyone felt the refreshing air.

However, the willow wand quickly dimmed and returned to its ordinary appearance.

Alyssa looked at Ollivander with a puzzled expression, but found that Ollivander was also frowning at this time, and muttered to himself:

"Impossible, it doesn't make sense, I clearly felt the joy of wands, they should be happy, why did they refuse to transmit your magic power anymore??"

Rosier, who was waiting on the side, was already a little impatient. "Will it work? If you don't have a wand worthy of Lady Alyssa here, don't waste our time. You are not the only one of Europe's top wandmakers!"

Originally Rosier wanted to put some pressure on Ollivander, but unexpectedly, after Ollivander heard Rosier's words, his eyes lit up and he exclaimed in surprise like a child:

"That's right! That's it! I understand! I finally understand!"

Ollivander happily summoned a magic ladder, stepped on it to the top of the locker of the wand shop, and carefully took down a box from it.

I saw Ollivander gently blowing off the dust on the box, then opened the box, and a wand that looked a little crooked appeared inside.

"This is?!"

Unexpectedly, when this wand appeared in front of me, Rosier reacted the most. Rosier screamed, and then he covered his mouth and widened his eyes. Toby saw Rosier so inelegant for the first time ever.

"Nine and a quarter inches, Elderwood, Infused with the hair of a thestral and the Heartsring of a dragon, a rare dual core wand. Come on child, come try it"

When Alyssa carefully took the wand from Ollivander's hand, a flame suddenly lit up at the top of the wand, and then the flame spread out and exploded around the wand, as if expressing joy for the first time in its life.

Needless to say, Alyssa knew that this was her own wand!

"Elderwood is a rare wand wood. It is more difficult to control than any other wand. It disdains to associate with incompetent wizards, and a wand whose nerve is the heart of a fire dragon is the easiest to bend to black magic, and it is easy to change hands."

"This is the work of my early years. At that time, I was dedicated to making the strongest wand, something modeled after the most powerful wand in the world. The Elder Wand. I didn't realize that the most suitable is the strongest! That's why this wand has been idle for so many years, but , this wand has one advantage, and that is—powerful! Undisputedly powerful!"

"The Heartstrings of a rare Albino Welsh dragon is the core of the wand. Combined with the hair of the Thestral, it is undoubtedly a wand with a high output. With such a powerful wand, a witch only needs to worry about one thing, and that is whether she can control it!"

Ollivander looked at the wand in Alyssa's hand, his eyes filled with confusion and intoxication. Suddenly, Ollivander seemed to have suddenly woken up, looking at Alyssa with a strange expression, "Do you know why the previous wand accepted you at first, but finally gave up responding to you?"

Alyssa shook his head slowly, with a blank expression on his face.

Ollivander, on the other hand, continued to look at Alyssa strangely, until Rosier behind him was a little annoyed, and Ollivander explained:

"Because they don't deserve it!" Oliver explained, "They don't deserve it, they say it themselves!"

Alyssa and Toby looked at each other's blank faces.

"They all accepted you at first, but when they resonated with you, they backed away. They felt that they were not worthy of you! As for why it's not worthy of you, it's not clear. Maybe it's your talent, maybe it's your ambition! In short, they all gave up in the end!"

Hearing Ollivander's words, Toby was stunned, while Rosier looked at Alyssa with dazzling eyes.

"As expected, of the future leader of The Alliance. Her ambition is so obvious that she could shock several magic wands! But, it should be like this! Just like the master back then! The Queen of wizards, how can she not be infinitely arrogant!" Rosier thought to himself.

Ollivander then looked at Toby," This time, I will definitely show my excellent wand picking skills."

Half an hour later Olivander collapsed panting in tears," Why? How come no wand wants to choose you. The Unicorn rejects you, the Dragon can feel your arrogance yet no ambition. The phoenix resonated, but quit later on."

Toby also collapsed behind him," Hey Grandpa, can't you find something similar to a phoenix."

At that moment, Olivander realized something," Of Course, the feather of a Thunderbird. Wait here young man."

Seconds later," Olivander reappeared with a wand and gave it to Toby. At that moment, the Ring on his hand glowed and purple lightning coursed throughout his hand.

" A thunderbird feather is very picky. Each host that was picked has a certain type of arrogance in his heart, but Loyalty to friends is a must. Silver Birch is the strangest of wood. What you may consider common sense may make others look at you as either a lunatic or a genius. Perhaps you will become someone to be truly respected."

Looking back at Olivander's shop, Toby felt that he had truly taken his first step into the wizarding world.