
Harry Potter: Toby and His Young Lady

Transmigrating into an eleven year boy raised by a single grandma is hard enough, but when it turns out that the grandma is actually a Dark Wizard from an old organisation, life becomes complicated. Join Toby as he protects the heiress of the organisation from the rest of the world. Cover is not mine.

SruJan721 · Livres et littérature
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30 Chs

Chapter 18: Planning an Attack

The next day, Toby, Alyssa, and Grandma Rosier sat down for breakfast. While they were eating, Albernotch came in and sat down.

Then, Abernotch said calmly, "I have been to Cassandra's house. There are indeed many defensive and early warning spells, fortunately, there are no particularly complicated or difficult ones. After I entered Cassandra's family's manor, I used a stun spell on one of the servants to make him fall down. Then I used a special morphing spell to turn into his appearance.

I have to say that Cassandra's manor looked normal. Not to mention the repairs are very perfect, you could see the smiles on the faces of the servants and housekeepers passing by. Everybody was in a hurry, holding all kinds of things in their hands, busy setting up the manor, no matter how you look at it, it looks like they are preparing for a banquet."

Hearing this, Toby relaxed and said, "So, the Reeves are really preparing a banquet. That's fine, looks like my worries are irrelevant"

Alyssa took a sip of tea calmly," Those are only what they are trying to project. Grandpa Albernotch, can you move on to the more suspicious parts."

Albernotch continued," Yes, there is indeed something wrong. When I transformed into the servant and inquired about the manor, I found that all the servants and house-elves were very quiet, except for those who occasionally moved things. No one said a word. No instructions to decorate, nothing! It's like all of them were programmed to complete the set of tasks.

Not only that, I tried to pretend that I accidentally broke a cup, and immediately a house elf appeared and cleaned up. After the cleaning, the house-elf left. During the whole process, not only did the house-elf not speak, but also the other servants around didn't speak, as if everything that happened just now didn't exist! No one even looked at me!"

Grandma Rosier suddenly said," It must be a Vitrolous ward right?"

Albernotch nodded," I thought so too."

Toby said, "So it's simple. Let's not go!"

Alyssa opposed fervently," No! We must deal with this problem now. I want to know the identity of these wizards and this is the perfect opportunity for our first success."

Toby scratched his head, "Why are you so confident that this trap is only meant for you? What if it's just a plot against the Ministry of Magic or a political plot conceived against Fudge."

Alyssa paused, and said," Do you remember the time in the Astronomy tower? I had a vision of several wizards holding Thomas Reeves alive as a hostage. They said that they can move on to the next stage of their plan and that soon, the last Grindelwald would die. I think they are using Cassandra for their bidding."

Toby was surprised," Oh my god. That explains so much. She's the one who planted the Portkey in the Hufflepuff dorm. She will invite us all and kill us."

Alyssa nodded," Since this is finalized, Grandpa Albernotch, call for the manpower tomorrow! No matter who the other party is, let's destroy them first!"

Grandma Rosier interjected," Alyssa, once we start a war, it will be difficult for us to ensure the safety of Cassandra! If there is an accident, I hope you will also be prepared!"

Smiling, Alyssa took out the paper crane in her hand," I will send her the plan by writing it on this paper crane. In this way, she is prepared and can take care of herself."

Watching all of these proceedings, Toby looked at them with mixed expressions. Alyssa noticed this and said, "Grandpa Albernotch and Grandma Rosier, can I talk alone with Toby? In private."

Albernotch and Rosier got up and left their seats without any hesitation. Alyssa then proceeded with the conversation,"Yesterday's speech was amazing."

Toby glanced at her," Well who do you think it was said by? Words that come from my mouth are all treasures that can be handed down for generations."

Alyssa chuckled and then got serious all of a sudden,"Why are you helping me?"

Toby grew nervous and looked aside, "What do you mean?"

Alyssa said," Your speech was wonderful, but none of it felt like it came from your heart. These words sound like something that would come from a con man. So tell me the truth. What do you think of me?"

Toby sighed and said," When Grandma Rosier first introduced you to me, I just wanted nothing to do with you. I don't care if you are some big shot in the magical world. All I want is to be happy with my friends and family. This includes Grandma Rosier, Cassandra, Cedric, Fred and George, and Penelope."

"But not me?" Alyssa noted with a puzzled tone.

"We could have been close friends, but our identity is completely different. You will always stand in a superior position to me, not because of your surname, but because Grandma Rosier wants me to support you. That's why I've been acting as a loyal follower."

"So what changed."

"Now, Cedric has become your follower. If I want him to be safe, I must take care of him. Even more importantly, Cassandra has been captured. If I want to save her, I need your strength, so this is my reason for the Big Speech."

Alyssa sighed," Toby, I have always looked at The Alliance as a tool, but I treat my friends sincerely. Everyone wears a mask, and my mask is the perfect heiress of the Alliance."

Toby looked at her. In Hogwarts, she was supposed to act as a cheerful strong girl. In front of the Alliance, she had to be a cold-hearted strong woman. So which was the real her?

Toby sighed," I will probably regret this, but I'll do it anyway. Alyssa, I will truly support you from now on. Not only as a friend but also as someone working for the Alliance. But tell me, why do you value me so much?"

Alyssa responded," It's actually based on your spells. Some of the spells you used are spells beyond the reach of a first-year student. And you created so many spells. Toby, you have a talent for magic spells, but you are hiding it. From now on, don't hide any of your strengths. If anyone asks, I'll cover for you."

Toby said, "Okay, but I want you to promise me something. Let me take care of implementing your ideas. Whenever you have an idea, tell it to me. I promise that I will take care of it beyond your satisfaction."

Touched by what Alyssa said, Toby gave her a slight hug and left. While leaving, he mentally got ready for the raid tomorrow. For not only was Alyssa's reputation at stake, but Cassandra's life was hanging in balance.

Alyssa looked at the back of Toby and muttered," I hope the prophecy is really about you."

She remembered that the spirit of Delphi had given her two prophecies. The second prophecy was more interesting to her.

In a realm where magic's sway is vast,

A young wizard emerges, spells created unsurpassed.

Bound to a girl of Grindelwald's kin,

The fate of the wizarding world lies within.

With abilities profound and powers rare,

He holds the keys to hopes and despair.

Guided by choices, his path yet unknown,

Will he aid you to rise or stand alone?