
Harry Potter : The Unyielding Shadow

Like every sister, I love my brother no matter what. Even when he's an idiot. Even when he's in the spotlight and I'm forever waiting in the wings. That's life as Lorena Potter. Can't complain, really. At least I don't have a psychopath out for my head.

Fantasy_fusion · Livres et littérature
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93 Chs

Chapter - 28 : Stepping into the Unknown


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But we didn't hit. We kept going, through the barrier, and suddenly we were standing on a platform next to a gorgeous scarlet steam engine. I gaped.

"Harry," I whispered, reaching over and tapping his shoulder. Harry opened his eyes and looked around. He stared at the train in awe as well. In sync, our faces split into wide grins.

"Let's go," I said, bouncing in excitement.

We took off down the platform, passing a dreadlocked boy with what seemed to be a tarantula in a box and a pudgy boy with a rogue toad. The first few compartments were already filled, so we kept going to the end, avoiding the cats that darted here and there around people's ankles.

Working together, Harry and I managed to get our trunks off the cart. I carried Hedwig and Artemisia aboard and tucked them safely away, then I came back for the trunks.

"I'll take this end?" Harry suggested, shoving his trunk along the platform so that it lined up with the door.

"Right, and I'll lift," I said, standing in the doorway. I gripped my side and grunted, "Push!" The trunk skidded wildly. I could barely make it budge. "Gah, stop, stop!"

Harry stopped pushing and we stared at the trunk helplessly.

"Need help?"

We looked up to see one of the twins from the platform. I sighed in relief.

"Are you a guardian angel?" I asked. He grinned widely.

"Hey, I like that. Oi, Fred, come here and be angelic with me!"

The other twin emerged from the crowd and looked at his brother. "Be angelic? What're we doing, feeding widows and orphans?"

"Helping firsties with their trunks."

"Ah yes, Saint George and Fred of the luggage," the other twin said dramatically. "Alright, let's go."

With the twins helping, Harry and I managed to get our trunks put up and secured without too much fuss, but by the end we were both sweating. Wandering around during the summer meant that our legs were pretty strong, but our arms were pretty much noodles. I collapsed back against the seat with a sigh, Harry reached up, ruffling his sweaty bangs.

The twins paused, staring at him in awe. "Blimey, are you-?"

"It is, it's him!"

"Him who?" Harry asked, startled.

"Harry Potter!" the twins chorused. Harry's face fell slightly.

"Oh, him. Yeah, I am."

"Then that means…"

The twins turned to face me, who gave a weary wave and greeted, "Lorena Potter, nice to meet you."

The twins gaped at us. I flushed, grabbing the chunk of hair hanging over my face and tugging it tighter against my cheek.

"Fred, George, are you in there?"

"Coming mum!"

With a parting stare, the twins left the compartment, bounding down to the platform. We took seats on either side of the window, partially-concealed as we watched the red-haired family. The mother jerked out her handkerchief.

"Ron, you've got something on your nose," she said, reaching for him. Despite his struggles, she caught him and started scrubbing at his nose.

"Aw, has ickle Ronniekins got somefink on his nosie?" one of the twins snickered.

"Shut up," Ron grumbled.

"Where's Percy?" their other called.

The older boy came striding through the crowd, already in his Hogwarts robes. He had a silver P badge pinned to his chest near some kind of red and gold crest.

"Can't stay long mum," he announced importantly, "the Prefects have two compartments reserved up front-"

The twins feigned shock. "Are you a prefect Percy? Why didn't you tell us?"

"Hang on, I think I remember him saying something."



"A minute-"

"All summer-"

"Shut up," Percy huffed.

"How come Percy gets new robes?" one of the twins complained.

"Because he's prefect," their mother cooed, kissing Percy's cheek. "Have a good term, dear, send lots of owls." Percy walked off and she rounded on her twins with alarming vehemence. She seemed almost desperate as she said, "Now you two, this year, try and behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you've… blown up a toilet or something…"

"We've never blown up a toilet!" one of the twins protested indignantly.

"Great idea though mum, thanks!"

"Not funny. And look after Ron."

"Ickle Ronniekins is safe with us," the twins snickered. "Don't worry."

"Shut up," Ron said, going a shade that matched his hair.

"Hey mum," one of the twins began. "Guess who we met on the train?"

Harry and I whipped away from the window, staring at each other and listening hard.

"Those kids from the platform, know who they were?"


"The Potter twins!"

"Mummy!" Ginny begged. "I want to go on the train a see them."

We winced in sync.

"We're not a bloody sideshow," I grumbled to herself.

"You've seen them Ginny, and they're not animals in a zoo," their mother scolded. "Were they really? How do you know?"

"Asked him."

"Saw his scar."

"Didn't see hers."

"But it was like lightning."

"Poor dears," the woman cooed, and I felt a surge of affection for the woman. "I wondered why they were alone, and that girl seemed nice when she asked about the platform."

"I'm nice," I mouthed to Harry, grinning. He stuck out his tongue.

"She doesn't know you."

"Oi!" I protested.

"Never mind that, think they remember what You-Know-Who looks like?" one of the twins asked.

Their mother sounded horrified. "I forbid you to ask them! As if they need to be reminded of that on their first day of school."

"Alright, keep your hair on!"

The whistle sounded and the boys clambered aboard, leaning out the window to kiss their mother goodbye. Their sister began to cry softly.

"Don't worry Ginny, we'll send you lots of owls!"

"We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat!"


"Only joking!"

The train started moving and we were off, whizzing away to who knew what? Whatever it was, it had to be better than the Dursley's place. I wormed my fingers through the bars of Artemisia's cage and petted the owl to soothe my nerves.

"What d'you think it'll be like?" Harry asked.

I grinned weakly. "Magical, I'm guessing?"

The truth was, I was nervous. Someone recognizing who we were was exactly what I didn't need in my life right before heading off to school. At our old school, we'd been well known, but only because we were the ones Dudley's gang went after most often. We were well-known for getting beat up, and that was something we could do. We'd been doing it for years.


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