Harry has a twin sister. Sorted away from Harry into Ravenclaw, how will she handle Harry's heroics? Join Sarah Potter as she makes her own friends, faces her own challenges, and tries her best to help her brother fulfill his destiny. All the while wondering why the potions master hates her brother, but not her?
The classroom consisted of three rows of chairs facing the front. On Flitwick's chair sat multiple books so he could see over the desk. Much like Professor Quirrell had done, Flitwick started class by taking role. When he called my name, he looked at me like he'd done earlier. Again it was a look of sorrow and sympathy.
"Now." Professor Flitwick began as he finished rollcall. "Before we begin I'd like to officially introduce myself. I was once a world class dueler." There was some amazed faces at that." But I left that life a long time ago. I've been teaching at Hogwarts for over thirty years..." So he had taught my parents. "...head of Ravenclaw for the past twenty. As I'm sure you've heard by now, anytime any of you need anything. My door is open. Any questions?" Flitwick looked around the room. "Good, now let's begin."
"Who can tell me what a Charm is?"
A few hands shot up and Flitwick looked pleased.
"Miss Brocklehurst?" Flitwick called.
"A Charm is any spell which adds a element to something. Like the ability to fly to a broomstick. Charm's differ from Transfiguration in the sense that they don't change to object itself, just make it do something new."
"Well done Miss Brocklehurst, five points to Ravenclaw."
Mandy beamed and everyone was quite pleased.
"Now lets begin by taking notes on..."
Professor Flitwick began going over all the basics we would need to know. All though we were all disappointed we'd not be trying spells until at least Halloween, it was still and enjoyable lesson overall.
As class ended I again lingered behind. I needed to know...
"Again?" Anthony asked as he noticed me.
"I need to ask...about..."
After a few seconds it dawned on him, and he nodded.
"Of Couse." Then he and the others headed off to lunch. Like with Quirrell, I walked up to Professor Flitwick's desk. However instead of jumping like Quirrell had done, Flitwick looked at me and smiled.
"A question over the lesson Miss Potter?" He asked.
"No sir...it's just. You said you've been teaching here a long time." I began awkwardly.
"I hope I don't look that old." He joked.
"It's just...did you know my parents?"
The joking and smiling face faded and the more sorrowful one I'd seen returned. There was silence for a moment, until he finally spoke.
"I did know your parents Miss Potter." He finally replied.
"What were they like?" I asked. The tiny Professor looked down, he actually looked...angry.
"Hagrid did mention." Flitwick said under his breath, then turned back to me. "I would be delighted to tell you about your parent's Miss Potter. Right now I have errands to attends. Why don't you meet me at my office Saturday afternoon?" He asked me.
"Yes sir, thank you." I immediately replied.
"Of course, now you best run along. Wouldn't want you to miss lunch."
I nodded and made my way to the Great Hall. To my delight, Harry and Ron were already in the entrance hall. When he noticed me Harry waved me over.
"Sarah, Sarah. Over here." He said calling me over.
"Hey Harry, Ron. How are you, I know you were disappointed with us being separated?" I asked Harry.
"I have to admit...I saw it coming. After hearing the song, and what the houses represented. I thought you'd be in Ravenclaw." Harry told me.
"Yeah, I was more worried for myself than you. I had no idea where I would end up. I was just worried..."
"You'd be in Slytherin?"
"Any way's, how's your morning been?" I asked.
"Other than almost getting detention from Filch, fine." Harry replied.
"What happened?" I asked.
"We thought the out of bounds corridor was a classroom. He thought we were trying to break in." Harry said.
"The only reason we didn't is because Professor Quirrell was passing by. He convinced Filch to let us go." Ron added.
"Well that's one way to start the school year." I said.
"Yeah, anyways, what about you?" Harry asked.
"I've been good. No run in's with Filch yet." I replied smirking.
"How's Ravenclaw?" Ron asked me.
"I've thoroughly enjoyed it, I really like most of my year mates."
"Good, we'll be coming to you for homework." Ron said, partly joking, part serious.
" Of course I'd help. Now how's Gryffindor been?"
"Amazing." Harry answered immediately.
"Other than having your older brother be prefect." Ron added, rolling his eyes.
"Everyone's really nice. Even if Hermione's a little..."
"Annoying." Ron stated firmly.
"She tried to help Neville find his toad." I pointed out.
"She's still annoying. Annoying and bossy." Ron said firmly.
"Anyways, what classes do you have next?" Harry asked me, changing the subject.
"Transfiguration, then Herbology with the Slytherins." I replied, at the mention of the Slytherin's both Harry and Ron faces contorted into annoyance and worry.
"I can't believe we share classes with the Slytherin's, but not each other." Harry said annoyed.
"Yeah, when I saw the schedule, I was disappointed."
"Percy said it's a rotation. His year has herbology with Ravenclaw, and Potions with Hufflepuff." Ron added.
"Yeah." Harry affirmed, annoyed.
"So we just drew the short end of the stick." I commented.
"It sucks, at least until third year with electives." Harry commented.
"Well we'll just have to make times between classes and such."
"We will." Harry said firmly. "Any way's we best get to lunch."
"We better." I replied.
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