
A Feast of Friendship

I looked over to Harry who seemed to be talking to the ghost in the ruff from earlier. When Cho saw where I was looking...

"Seems your brother's met Nearly Headless Nick." Cho said grinning.

"Are there a lot of ghost's?" I asked. The other first years all turned to Cho, clearly curious about the ghosts.

"Plenty, there's Peeves, though he's more of a poltergeist. The Fat Friar, and Nicholas over there, there the ghost's of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor respectively..."

"Who's our ghost?" Morag asked.

"They grey lady." Cho motioned to the dark corner, and indeed leaning against the far corner wall, was a ghost. Even in death she was beautiful. She had waist length hair, but also seemed distant.

"Don't call me that name Cho." The ghost suddenly spoke causing all of us to jump, Cho just rolled her eyes.

"If you'd just tell us your name." She tried to reason.

"Hmm." The ghost said nothing and went back to leaning against the corner and watching the house eat in silence. Cho just sighed.

"Anyway. If any of you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." Cho gave as one last smile, then sat down a few people away.

"So." Mandy began. "I guess we should introduce ourselves." She said.

"I guess we should." Michael replied.

"I'll go first. Then I'll choose who goes, and so on?" Padma asked excitedly. Everyone nodded. "Well obviously I'm a twin, our parent's our from India. Both my parent's work at Gringotts's. Mum's a translator, dad's a curse breaker."

"A what?" Lisa asked.

"Basically he opens vault's of criminals."


"Well, what about you?" Padma asked Morag.

"Dad works security in the Ministry, Mum...loves magical creatures."

"Really, what kind?" Anthony asked.

"Let's just say we have a big back yard."

"Let's see... Mandy?"

"Dad's a muggle auror... Mum's a muggle security...thingy?"

"A police officer?" Lisa corrected.

"Yeah, one of those."

"Interesting." I said.

"Anyways...Terry?" She asked. He shrugged.

"Dad does investitive work for the Daily Prophet, mum does the same for Muggle paper...The Times."

"Sound interesting."

"Let's just say I get a lot of information about both worlds. Anyways, Michael mate?"

"Dad...didn't make it during the last war." He said, there were some sad gasps. "World's not perfect but my mum always gotten us through. She sells Potion ingredient's to Diagon Alley, she's an expert at it. Really proud to be her son."

"You should be." Mandy told him firmly.

"Yeah, anyways...Lisa?"

"Mum work's at the Muggle University, Cambridge, she take's her job...seriously. Dad Is a soccer coach..."

"A What?" Anthony asked her.

"A muggle sport coach. He's more relaxed than she is, still..." Lisa turned to me, as did the rest of the group.

"I mean...most of you already know about me." I said.

"What about your Muggle relatives?" Terry asked.

"Yeah, what are they like?" Mandy added.

"...not pleasant. Let's just say they lied to me and Harry about how are parent's died. About us being magic, we didn't know anything until a month ago." I said, all of them looked disgusted.

"That's horrible." Padma told me, giving me a sad look.

"It was. Really this is the first time in our lives me and Harry..." I looked down at all the food, and my skinny frame, but I couldn't. "Have ever really been happy."

"I'm sorry." Michael said, everyone else nodded.

"We all our." Anthony added.

"It's fine, just...don't tell anyone about any of this. It's..."

"We understand." Lisa said quietly, I nodded. Then turned to Anthony. "What about you?"

"Stay at home Mum, while Dad works at the Ministry."

"What's he do?" Morag asked.

"Can't sat, because I don't know." Anthony said.

"How can you not know what your father does?" Lisa asked.

"Because' he's a unspeakable."

"A what?"

"A member of the Ministry who does...something. It's top secret, only he and his colleagues know."

Everyone of us from Muggle backgrounds was staring at him in confusion, while the other's were more accepting of this...situation.

"I asked him hundreds of times, like I said top secret." Anthony finished shrugging.

After introductions I turned back to my plate and began to eat some more. Conversation turned to more one on one interactions. The meal continued and eventually dessert was served. As I ate I turned to turned to the high table, curious who would be teaching us. I turned to Cho

"Cho?" I asked curiously.


"Can you give me a rundown on the staff?" I asked, she nodded eagerly.

"Of course...Well you know Dumbledore and McGonagall." I nodded and saw the pair sitting together talking in the middle of the table talking. "See the tiny Professor sitting on a stack of books?" She asked, I nodded. He was indeed short, had white hair, and was chatting happily with Hagrid.

"That's Professor Flitwick, he's our head of house. Basically he handles everything in our house, discipline, and anytime you need anything go to him. Heck if you're having a hard day stop by his office."


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