
Harry potter: The ringmaker

Nicholas died under mysterious circumstances on earth and was reborn into the world of harry potter as an orphan with a mysterious ring maker system. He does not know why he is here nor why he has this system but Nicholas is determined to make the best of his new life , noseless freaks be damned.

loskro · Livres et littérature
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621 Chs


Nick briefly sensed the magic near Neville and frowned as he felt the blatant rejection the wand in his hand was showing the boy. He cut off his magical sense and approached Neville seriously "Is that a legacy wand?" he asked sternly. "Y-yes it was my da's" Neville stuttered out nervously and Nick sighed. "The wand is sabotaging you , both your pronunciation and wand movements are correct but the wand is refusing to allow your magic to flow through it so you are struggling when you would have been successful already. I suggest getting a wand of your own as soon as possible." Nick said sincerely before walking over to Ron who was also struggling.-

"Calm yourself and relax your wand movements , you are flicking it too far forward." He said helpfully and Ron took a deep breath and gently flicked the wand forward and said "LUMOS!" causing the tip of his wand to glow as it was supposed to. Nick nodded at this before walking away to help another student but he still caught the "Thanks" Ron said under his breath and waved it off. The next person Nick helped was Pansy Parkinson from Slytherin who was having the same problem as Ron with how aggressively she was moving her wand.-

She saw him approaching and sneered at him "Bugger off mudblood , I don't need your help!" she said venomously but Nick didn't react at all to the insult. "If you say so." he said simply before moving on to another Slytherin who was much more receptive to getting his advice. Flitwick saw this exchange and deducted points from Slytherin for foul language in the classroom. After that none of the Slytherin insulted Nick openly during the class but told him they didn't need his help.-

Nick didn't bother with these ungrateful and bigoted people but made sure that those he did help outshone them which was insult enough in his opinion as it directly attacked their pride. A good third of the entire Slytherin currently in the class were steaming mad seeing others surpassing them thanks to his help. None of those in Nicks group were having any problems at all with the spell and Nick had even given them a small extra lesson on his own version of the spell that they were currently attempting. Tracy was the first to grasp the combo followed by Harry and then Daphne who pouted at coming in last.-

Jealousy was rampant when the three of them cast the spell even if it wasn't on as grand a scale as when Nick did it. Hermione looked like she was about to pass out from sheer anger as she kept trying to cast the spell based off his single demonstration and failing. She wo excelled at rote learning simply couldn't understand why she couldn't cast the spell despite seemingly copying him perfectly. Sadly she didn't realize that the key to the combo lied in what he named it "The starlight dirge or final song of the stars".

Soon lunch time came and the students headed to the great hall to refill before they went back to charms class. Malfoy apparently couldn't help himself and confronted Nick in the hallway on the way. "Oi mudblood!" He said loudly drawing attention to himself from the other students. Nick sighed and turned to look at the walking daddy complex. "Didn't your parents ever tell you it's rude to insult someone you are trying to gets attention , honestly you must be the shame of all purebloods." he said scathingly.-

Malfoy visibly cringed at the reply he got as Nick had just struck him in four different ways with a single sentence. "You'll pay for that mudblood! EXPELLIARMUS!" Malfoy attacked but Nick didn't move at all as the spell whizzed right past him harmlessly. "You should stop before you embarrass yourself further." Nick said with a bored expression. Anyone paying close attention however would notice that Nicks eyes never left the other boy and his hand was near his wand the whole time. "Shut Up!" Malfoy yelled angrily before trying to hit Nick with the same spell again.-

This time however the spell was actually heading towards Nick if only just so he casually took a step to the side letting the spell miss harmlessly again. Malfoy didn't get to cast another spell however as Flitwick caught up with the group and angrily deducted points from the livid Malfoy. "My father will hear about this!" He said before storming off aggressively. Flitwick looked like he was about to say something but Nick stopped him "He isn't worth the effort professor , just let him go." he said seriously and the teacher sighed and relaxed his stance. "You are right of course , but his behavior is simply atrocious" The small man said upset.


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