
Changing Fortunes

A now embarrassed Claire tried to calm her protective brother "No, nothing like that. When we were in Flourish and Blott's getting Hogwarts supplies I heard Theo talking to someone I didn't recognise and he told them all the details of the Potter wedding. He told them where, when and even that Ragnok would be there. Well after what happened I'm really worried, do you think he had anything to do with it?"

Blaise knew there was a good chance the information had leaked from someone inside the Potter house, when Griphook's wedding invitation from Hermione was overheard the news had spread like wildfire with a detail discovered here and there, pretty soon everyone was in possession of the information these terrorists would have needed and they were all under suspicion.

He surmised Theo had great ambitions but this would be really stupid as both Potters had laid it on the line 'work against the family and St Mungo's wouldn't be able to help you' in plain English you would be dead.

They were being offered opportunities beyond their dreams but Theo seemed to be trying to cover all of his options.

Hermione had interviewed the Zabini family and learning their mother was now a Hogwarts professor and head of Slytherin wasn't the only shock in store for them. Blaise had expected a demand for his oath to the potter house but she had calmly explained that they were willing to take oaths when the people felt the time was right, again here was this concept so alien to the pureblood community – choice.

Blaise new the time was right and set off to pass on the information and swear his oath.


Ewan Abercrombie sat with a look on his face people frequently had after a meeting with Lord and Lady Gryffindor.

It was a curious mixture of shock, wonder with a little bliss thrown in for good measure – the only other time this look existed involved small children and Christmas morning.

His first view of the fabled Harry Potter had been earlier on today when he knocked Ramsey, the autocratic arsehole on his back, one of the highlights of his day. Working with goblins, elves and treating muggles in St Mungo's were some of the others.

The young couple had approached him and asked if he had time for a chat and some coffee, seconds later they were being served by potter elves while a couple of goblins made sure they were undisturbed.

Ewan couldn't help but feel like he was being interviewed as he told them of his muggle father, a doctor who had lost his life in a traffic accident and his mother who was a witch raising him in the magical world after his Hogwarts letter arrived.

Sorted into Ravenclaw he had enjoyed his time there and went on to become a healer, which he felt was preordained. He had fallen in love and married a friend's sister who was a squib that had inherited her parents flair for potion brewing but could only find a job working behind the counter of an apothecary due to her status.

Hearing this news seemed to please the Potters, which annoyed the healer until they made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

He was now head of the Lily Potter Clinic and his wife was in charge of the potions lab, which would not only supply the clinic but also manufacture wolfsbane for every werewolf in Britain. All training, equipment and personnel to be organised by the Abercrombie's with anything they needed available.

When he had said that the clinic should be open to anyone who needs it, be they muggle, magical, goblin or elf! Harry had stood up and shook his hand saying something like right man for the job while his wife kissed Ewan on the cheek and offered her congratulations.

Ewan now had the very pleasant task of going home and telling his wife they were leaving their tiny rented flat for accommodations that were provided in the clinic by their new employers, Stag Industries.

He sat smiling as realization started to take hold of the changes this would make not only to their lives, saving children is a wondrous thing but they could now financially afford to produce some of their own. Christmas had indeed come early to the Abercrombie's.


Theo Nott saw the four goblins approach and slowly raised his hands, palm outward to acknowledge both were empty and his wand was staying in his robe where it belonged, this was definitely not the time to lose your head.

He was led away and interviewed, Theo told them everything including the wizards name with whom he had his chat but his claim of innocence seemed to fall on deaf goblin ears and he new the game was over when they produced Veritaserum claiming it was just to make sure he hadn't forgot any details.

Less than an hour later Theodore Nott found himself sitting in a goblin cell awaiting his fate, somehow he thought Claire Zabini would need a date for the Yule Ball.


Amanda Flint was a troubled young witch, her father had just died, mother was washing dishes somewhere and she had watched while her brother was killed trying to murder their lord.

Amanda Flint had never felt this free or happy in her life and that's what troubled her, she decided to look at each individually in an attempt to understand her feelings.

Her father was a cold hearted man who she could never remember saying a kind word, the end of any affection came when introducing her future husband.

He was older than her father and proceeded to examine her as if some type of livestock, running his hands all over her while the parents who were supposed to protect their daughter haggled over price.

If she had a wand Amanda would have been hard pressed choosing whom to curse first.

Her mother took the attitude 'my life is crap and so will yours be, accept it and reduce the hurt later'; she seemed to take all her frustrations out on the poor house elves.

Amanda wondered if a week working with them would change her view on life.


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