
Harry Potter: The fool

when you reincarnated as Harry Potter but have fool's power then what will happen to the world?

devt2 · Livres et littérature
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chapter 5: needle can be deadly weapon.

After Harry woke up in the morning, he felt very hungry so he went for breakfast.

I have been in this world for two days only now my soul and my body synchronized with each other. I am getting hungry more. It seems like the more you use magic the more tired and hungry your body becomes. Because I am practicing magic all day, I am getting more hungry. So that is why there are less fat wizards. Only those who do not practice magic or don't use magic very often are fat. It's good know. So when I will be practicing magic I have to manage my food intake.

Let's go back to where I left off yesterday. I can levitate the toothpick and make it dance in the air so if I can also levitate a silver needle then it can be used as an attack. Imagine you are in the middle of an attack and suddenly a silver needle comes at you goes into your eyes or goes into your mouth, ear then that will be great deal of damage. If the speed of the needle is high then it can also penetrate in the head.

So Harry started to practice levitating silver needles. It's more difficult to levitate a needle than a toothpick. After some time has passed he can levitate the silver needle for a few moments.

Harry thought that wingardium leviosa is a first year spell, technically his body was third year Harry Potter's body, that's why he thinks that this spell is becoming easy.

So, for a needle attack to happen its need to hit the target. For this reason, Harry draws a target nearby wall and then practices the levitating needle spell and sewing it to the target. But the needle goes in a completely different direction. After a few more practices, Harry realizes that it is far more difficult than it looks. So if it is going to be work then it needs practice for months then it will work. So Harry thought he will practice this everyday from now on, to make it work. Let rest for minutes.

After taking some rest, Harry prepared other things he needed to do. Dobby popped up and said great wizard Harry Potter, Dobby has collected all the material from the list which great wizard Harry gave Dobby from black market.

Harry told Dobby that he did a great job. After that Harry thought that he had to made the potion today because Hermione and Ron will come tomorrow and he is going Hogwart day after tomorrow. But he can not make potion possible in his room because if there was some kind reaction which will alert others in the inn. He has to make potions somewhere else.

Therefore Harry asks Dobby if he can teleport Harry to some other place without someone noticing. Dobby said he can teleport great wizard Harry Potter.

After that for the last time, Harry told Dobby to make sure no one was spying on his room. Dobby took some time and said that at least at that moment no one was spying on the great wizard Harry Potter.

So Harry told Dobby to teleport Harry to some other place. After that Harry hald Dobby's hand and Dobby teleported them.

Harry and Dobby teleported to some beach. Harry told Dobby he needed to make potion so some enclosed place might be better for potion making. So Dobby teleported them to an empty house in London.

After seeing the house, Harry thought about the residents of this house being out of the house for some time, because there were some layers of dust on the floor.

When Harry took out material for potion he released that because of excitement he actually forgot the potion making instrument. Because of that Harry felt very embraced. So Harry looks at Dobby who is standing there eagerly and says that he forgot the potion making instrument, can Dobby bring the instruments. Dobby said that Dobby was always ready to serve the great wizard Harry Potter and then teleported and brought the instruments for potion making.

Because some of the material is very difficult to get, he has only enough material for making potions two times. So Harry prepared material exactly in formula.

100 millimeters of pure water.

13 drops of night vanilla liquids.

7 gold mint leaves.

3 drops of poison hemlock.

9 grams of dragon blood grass powder.

10 milliliters of Lavos Squid's blood.

50 gram Stellar Aqua crystal.

Harry told himself he can do this!!


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