
Harry Potter the Fifth House: Galegold(corrected and redone)

Credit: Cadenadeaventuras. A fair amount is his work early on with little changes then I decided to do my own thing. I'm doing some major changes to the story overall. I take no credit for his work. Keep in mind that my MC is obscenely smart in comparison to original. I do not own Harry Potter.

Echo_Chamber · Livres et littérature
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56 Chs

Review/Power stones/That stuff

Hey everyone, I wanted to know your thoughts on my writing and story thus far, both in writing style and content thus far. Maybe write a review about the story. I only pay attention to constructive criticism, so fire away. Just don't be a prick, and we'll be all good. Also, I don't add the whole add power stones, and I don't own Harry Potter stuff because it messes with reading if you read by listening to it. It gets annoying, so I don't. But I appreciate it if you did give my story a power stone if you think it deserves one. I'll probably take this post down a couple of weeks later. I'll probably do this every 50 chapters or so.