
Harry Potter the Fifth House: Galegold(corrected and redone)

Credit: Cadenadeaventuras. A fair amount is his work early on with little changes then I decided to do my own thing. I'm doing some major changes to the story overall. I take no credit for his work. Keep in mind that my MC is obscenely smart in comparison to original. I do not own Harry Potter.

Echo_Chamber · Livres et littérature
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56 Chs

Newt Scamander Eat Your Heart Out

We return to his office.


"While I find this incredibly unprofessional, may I ask how the insides of the vault were? As large and expansive as the outside?" asked the curious head teller.


"Larger, it had massive expansion charms that made rooms more akin to individual warehouses that went as far as the eye could see, even from an elevated place," I said.


"Ahhh, ahem, right back to business. Now, are there any further questions?" said the goblin teller in a slight daze but quickly returned to his more professional persona.


"First, I intend to have three manors placed in an undetectable expansion charm briefcases. Can you organize that?" I informed the goblin.


"I'm uncertain if any will be available, but I will look for someone to take the job. It may take a couple of months. Is it of substantial size or just the size of something akin to the black manor?" asked Grashnak


"The size of the black manor will be sufficient. Just ensure that it is livable inside a suitcase." Said Aurelius.


"Very well. As for the construction time, it shouldn't take more than a few weeks to build the homes with the right people. And the briefcase, I recommend going to the expanded chests store, Lock's," he said, jotting that down in his notes.


"Will do. Also, Grashnak, can you begin the process of all of this roughly about two weeks later? I will inform you by owl that I am prepared, and you can send me a letter to inform me that you are ready, and we will apparate to Gringotts." I said.


"Certainly; however, I find it prudent to contact them and just inform them to put it on their calendar since it would be difficult to get everyone ready." He told me, making me remember that people aren't going to drop everything to cater to me. Well, probably, unless I pay them an obscene amount of money and a magical contract with a specific timeline doesn't bind them. After all, a business has a reputation to maintain.


"A reasonable assertion. Also, look at these contracts and let me know if they are still valid. And if the reserves still exist." I said while Nagini handed him the contracts.


"Hmm, the one for the forbidden forest has long expired, but this contract is still valid. As for the reserve's existence, I do not know. So, I will look into it and inform you at a later date." He said with a hum.


"Aurelius, what do you mean three? Why would we need three?" asked Martha. I thought, surprised that Ann wasn't the one who said it, was looking at me sternly, waiting for my explanation.


"Well, I thought it would be best to have proper accommodations should we ever need to flee a place quickly," I said, trying to prevent my voice from cracking.


My mother, Ann, sighs. "All right, Aurelius, we said this isn't something we could half-arse when it came to our safety, but for Merlin's sake, I didn't think we'd have to be this prepared given all our preparations."


"While I know not of your preparations, I find it to be the correct choice to ensure all safety measures, especially given your rather precarious situation. Even if you effectively have all of Britain by their lower bits with no means of fighting against it directly or indirectly. It would be foolish to trust your defenses to protect you completely. There is likely a lot you disregarded, even if you covered all of those, which I highly doubt considering Mr. Galegold's lineage's passing despite their more innovative minds. Additionally, you can't defend against everything while new methods and spells are being created." Said the head teller in a surprising amount of detail.


"Thank you for your support," I said, thankful for his support in our safety and alleviating my mother's concern.


"I believe that completes our business, or is there something I need to be informed of head teller Grashnak?" I said amicably


"Is it safe to assume that you'd want the wards to your home done as quickly as possible?" he asked.


"Yes, just send an owl when you are prepared. We will accommodate your schedule. Nagini will guide you to our home." I said.


"Understood." He said in response.


"We will take our leave then. Thank you, and happy hunting." I said with a smile.


The goblin chuckles and returns to his paperwork.


We leave Gringotts.


"Hey ladies, can you wait for me? I will be heading to the store that Grashnak told us about." Aurelius said.


"That's fine, dear. We have Lintang, was it?" said Martha.


"Yes, madam." Said our Asian guardian.


"Lintang will stay with us. We have some money, so we'll grab something from a shop, and you can meet us there with a point-me charm." Said Ann.


"Sounds like a plan," I said in response.


Aurelius goes to the store known for its expanded chests. He goes to their list of services and creates a list of what he's looking to make.


Aurelius goes up to the counter and subtly casts a silencing barrier around them.


The store owner was surprised but merely raised an eyebrow, noticing the sounds of the rest of his shop disappear.


"So, you wish for others not to know what you're purchasing, so what do you want?" said the curious owner.


"You are correct. Would it be alright if we were to discuss in the back from prying eyes? And may this purchase remain between us via magical contract?" Aurelius asked.


"I'm a professional child. People's business is their own. I decide whether I work with them or not. If your offer is sufficient, I will be willing to enter the contract. As for your request for a private audience, keep in mind that I will be keeping my wand in hand during this conversation; you can't be too careful when it comes to things like confundus spells, especially given that you've shown to be able to chant wandlessly and silently. Regardless of the fact, I have some defenses for my mind." The owner said


"That is perfectly fine and understandable. Shall we go then?" Aurelius said in response.


"Let's," said the ever-curious shop owner.


They leave to the back and begin their conversation.


 "I'd like all of these charms on five briefcases that will have all of these enchantments with the exclusion of the manor itself and to be placed in three of them. The expansions should be large enough that Newt Scamander's would weep in jealousy," he said, showing a list that he made of all of the services they provide, but typically are done in only about half the amount he has and with far fewer physical defenses.


Core Charms

Undetectable Extension Charm: 1,000 GalleonsFeather-Light Charm: 500 GalleonsUnbreakable Charm: 700 Galleons

Security Charms

Muggle-Repelling Charm: 300 GalleonsAnti-Theft Hex: 400 GalleonsProtean Charm: 600 GalleonsIntruder Charm: 500 GalleonsSelf-Repairing Charm: 400 GalleonsEhwaz Rune(keying charm to those trusted): 300 GalleonsMuffliato Charm(magic muffling barrier preventing detection): 400 GalleonsProtego Totalum Charm: 800 Galleons

Convenience and Utility Charms

Undetectable Tracking Charm: 500 GalleonsShrinking Charm: 300 GalleonsTemperature Control Charm: 500 GalleonsFreshness Charm: 300 GalleonsWeight Distribution Charm: 400 Galleons

Enhanced Functionalities

Time-Slowing Charm: 1,500 GalleonsAuto-Sorting Charm: 600 GalleonsVoice-Activated Charm: 500 GalleonsDisillusionment Charm: 600 Galleons

Defense Mechanisms

Protego Maxima Charm: 800 GalleonsAnti-Apparition Jinx: 700 GalleonsCaterwauling Charm(loud alarm): 400 Galleons

Internal Features

Automatic Environment Adjustment: 800 GalleonsEnchanted Lighting and Climate Control: 500 Galleons

Living Quarters (Not included in final estimate)

Self-Sustaining Amenities: 2,000 Galleons

Luxury Additions

Portable Wizarding System: 300 GalleonsSelf-Updating Library: 700 GalleonsGreenhouse and Garden: 1,000 Galleons

Maintenance and Management

House-Elf Servant Charm: 1,500 Galleons

Implementation and Customization

Layers of Protection and Intelligent Interface: 2,000 GalleonsCompactness and Portability Features: 800 Galleons

Subtotal for Charms and Features: 21,100 Galleons


Are you sure you can pay this much? This is the amount of money a senior auror or department head makes in a year per trunk on the enchantments, and the estimate comes out to exactly 21,100 Galleons. And to provide our services to place an entire manor inside would cost you another 1000 galleons per house." Said the incredulous shop owner.


"Don't worry about the price. It is well within my pay range. Do you prefer a safety deposit or the first half before & final half after?" Aurelius said in a calm tone.


"Certainly, a security deposit of 20% of the total price will be sufficient. Your total comes out to 108,500 galleons, so your security deposit will be 21,700 galleons. As for whether I go through with this transaction, I think the caution on your part was warranted. Therefore, I am willing to make the magical contract," the shop owner said.


"Excellent. Do you have a bottomless bag in which to place the coins? And an easy means of counting the money?" I asked.


"I do. It magically detects metals and records on a ledger after the amount has been placed. Remember that it does it by a thousand galleons, so we'll be here for at least thirty minutes." Said the shop owner.


"May I have a receipt for the transaction? And when is the estimated completion time so I can have a manor placed in each?" said Aurelius.


"Let me make one before we continue. The estimated time will be about five days per suitcase, and it will take about eight days for the ones involving a manor. You'll need to contact a contractor to aid in the actual construction of the fundamental aspects of your home, such as plumbing, near the completion of each suitcase. Naturally, there are people also waiting, so you'll have to wait a while. So we won't be able to start until three weeks from now. And the time frame for each suitcase as said, so you'll get your first two each in 5 days apart, and the three suitcases eight days apart." he says, grabbing a magic quill to copy the charms and their price to a receipt. "By the way, do you prefer to get them all at once or get them when each is completed?" he said after thinking briefly about what he had forgotten.


"As they're completed, as for the suitcases with manors. Is it possible to receive them as is and then place them in the suitcase with the infrastructure later? The manors themselves will have to be built at another time." I asked, somewhat worried.


"Hmm, if you're okay with just having dirt that you can dig yourself to place the foundation and all of that, or have an elevated platform, then I suppose it wouldn't matter. I could get the boxes to you right away. The only thing needed would be my aid in placing the manor inside your briefcase since you seem rather eager to get them." He told me, seeming to understand my plight.


"That would be for the best," I told him in relief.


"Alright, I guess it will be all of the cases 5 days, each one after the other. This will take roughly 25 days, then, but like I said, there are people ahead of you, so you won't receive the first one until late June and the last by mid-July." He said


"Hmmm, but what if I compensated them for their position?" I told him.


"A few are more forgiving customers, but even with that. They'd have to be compensated quickly and heavily, like at least 50% of the cost of their trunks for the delay. Keep in mind that I will have to notify them that their orders will be put on the backorder, so all of your orders come first, so they'll need to wait a month for me to start on theirs," He told me with caution.


"What's the soonest one that wouldn't take much time to do with a back order?" I asked.


"Hmm, two people are only getting a singular trunk for their order. But those are still the later orders; even with that, the soonest you would only have moved up your starting date to 10 days later. So everything will be finished in early July." He told me.


"That is fine. Can you send them a letter by owl to notify them that someone wishes to pay for their spot in line?" said Aurelius.


"I can do that, but as I said, at least 50% of their purchase would be the likely minimum; since their order is pushed back an entire month, they'll likely increase their purchase by 90% to compensate them. Granted, they didn't seem in a rush, so they will likely say yes, but if it doesn't work out, your orders will likely be pushed back or near the same time frame, give or take a week," he says.


"As I said, money is not an issue," I said, thinking about the financial mountain that I didn't have to see to realize that I had a literal mountain worth of gold that, while massive, couldn't even compare to the amount I have in the debts of the nobles.


He writes letters and sends them using owls.


"They should return by the end of the day. I will let you know if you can be pushed up the line by owl and how much compensation they desire, should they accept." He told me.


"Shall I send you the compensation to be sent, or should I send my owl?" I asked.


"I think it's best to send it back here and send it to them since, like I said, people's business is their own. That applies to their privacy as well." He said with a nod.


"Okay, how much do I need to pay you for the owl?" I asked, preparing my pouch.


"Since I'm in such a good mood, it's free this time." The owner said with a chuckle. "We will do the contract once you've placed the deposit."


Aurelius just nods.


 He grabs his magic bag and puts it over the scale that houses a bowl-like structure. And prepares to command it. "Ready when you are."


"Just place it on this scale. And then, I will order it to go into this bottomless bag. The ledger will update itself when it's confirmed the weight is accurate." The owner told me.


"Bag, pour out 21,700 galleons at a rate of release of 1000 galleons every 40 seconds," Aurelius told the bag.


They continued the verification process and tossed the mountain of coins onto the bag with levitation charms by the hundreds of coins.


"Well, it appears that everything is in place." The owner said while handing him his receipt, confirming that the deposit had been paid. "All right, let's do the contract. It would be appropriate to tell me about your name after that."


He writes down a contract that Aurelius watches like a hawk and feels no magic from the scroll, so there are no hidden words. The owner pricks his finger with a needle and places a few drops onto the contract. And prompts Aurelius to do the same. Aurelius pricks his hand with a weakened version of the cutting hex like a needle and then immediately heals his hand after dropping a few drops of blood.


"I am James Locksmith for the vow; know that I will not accept anything extreme like keeping your identity for life," he said


Aurelius just nods


"Do you, James Locksmith, vow to keep the identity of my purchase details unknown until I am emancipated?" I asked, starting the unbreakable vow.


"I do. Lumos," he casts the lumos spell, finalizing the contract.


"I am Aurelius Galegold. It is nice to meet you, Mr. Locksmith," said Aurelius.


"Just call me James; it makes me feel old when people call me formally. Granted, I am pretty old since I'm in my 60s, but the point still stands." Says the man in a joking tone.


"Feel free to call me Aurelius then," I told him in a cheery voice.


"I'll be going then." I said while putting the receipt in my pouch and left the store. I directed myself using a point-me charm. Surprisingly, I found them at the Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor.


"What's the occasion?" I said, curious, knowing how rare sweets were in the family.


"Hmm, it's just a stressful day, so I suggested it was an appropriate time to treat ourselves to ice cream," said Martha.


"Fair enough, I'm going to order a cone." He orders and returns soon after.


"Dear, we thought studying your defensive and offensive spells might be prudent." My mother Ann said.


"I honestly think that is unnecessary. I am simply going through the motions since I already know the curriculum. So I could practice and even make spells that could take out focused targets in a crowd." I said with excitement.


He didn't tell them that many of his spells were inspired by other shows that his other life watched, and the spell he said was inspired by a white-haired ninja who could control lasers at will.


"Also, how many briefcases did you buy? And how much did you pay? And when should we expect them to be finished?" asked my mother, Ann.


"I bought five briefcases, and it will take roughly a month to receive them all five days apart for each, but the best time frame is 15 days later for the first. And for the worst, 33 days later."


"I happened to notice that you didn't say the price." Said Martha, who raised an eyebrow I thought was too absorbed in her frozen treat that was the size of her face that surprisingly wasn't melting in the slightest until she placed it into her mouth.


I discreetly place a magic silencing barrier. They noticed but gave it no mind.


"Well, I put in a security deposit of 21,700 galleons," I said nonchalantly.


All those involved did a spit take while coughing profusely, unsure if they heard correctly.


"Did I hear that right? You just spent more than a senior auror's entire salary as a security deposit?" said an incredulous Martha.


My other mother just sighed, knowing that my money was so obscene that it might as well be pocket change. "And let me guess, that was a small fraction of the final price."


"20%," I said, hoping it wouldn't anger her too much.


"108,500," my mother said almost immediately after while the others were still doing the mental math. My mother, Martha, was doing the cute thing of writing in the air to calculate.


My mother followed soon after with a gaping mouth.


"I know we're rich, Aurelius, and that you needed to have briefcases to house entire homes, but what on earth could you have possibly gone and bought to get that? I swear the bloody thing is probably more ridiculous than the protections on Hogwarts." Said my mother, Ann, trying to keep her calm, but she is gradually failing. "Just…..just let us…..I don't know anymore, bugger me." She said snapping.


'I think you broke her,' said my guardian over our mental link.


'Well, might as well destroy her sense of money sooner rather than later.' I said with a mental chuckle while keeping my face stoic.


"Don't worry, Mother, I promise you that everything is done at a reasonable cost and is better to be left to the experts," I said, hugging her to calm her down.


"You're distorting my sense of money, Aurelius," she says half-jokingly.


"Yup, but nothing but the best for my family," I said with a smile.


"But I remember you saying three houses for the suitcases, so why five cases?" said my guardian.


"She's right, why is that?" said Martha


"Well, I thought it would be a good gift for my muggle friends, who will be limited since they will have no way to use magic at home. I would give it to them sooner, but I think it would be most prominent to give it to them as a birthday gift." I said.


"Hmm," said my mother, Martha, contemplatively. At the same time, Ann had a similar contemplative look.


"An investment, no doubt, but for close allies or more?" she said half-jokingly.


"We will see," I said, unsure of which one.