

Everyone just looked at him as if he were being obtuse. He relished these moments, reveling in his superiority over their ignorance.

"Is... nobody going to answer?"

"You're clueless when it comes to women," Theo sighed.

Harry blinked. "I don't associate with many women," he said, ignoring the disapproving glances from the girls nearby.

"Never mind where she is," Theo said, trying to ease the sudden tension that Harry was blissfully unaware of, "Where have you been?"

"The library."

His friend scoffed. "Of course."

"And what were you researching this time?" Zabini asked, a hint of curiosity creeping into his tone. Sometimes he randomly took an interest in Harry's activities, although Harry suspected it was more out of a desire to keep tabs on everyone than genuine curiosity.

Nevertheless, Harry perked up at the question, almost choking on his ham in excitement. "Alternative methods for levitation spells. You see, the standard levitation charm has quite the lengthy incantation, eight syllables in fact, which can be rather cumbersome in urgent situations. Pronouncing such a long incantation, especially with its specific accents, could cost valuable time - Boot and I timed it, it's approximately two point three seconds. I have a theory, purely speculative at this point, that due to the liberal use of gender and declensions in Latin, the length of the incantation is not necessarily tied to its etymology, thus -"

"We understand, Potter," Parkinson interrupted, her irritation evident in her voice. "You're knowledgeable. Can we move on?"

Harry frowned. "I'm not claiming to be exceptionally bright. I just have a penchant for inquiry."

His comment was met with several glares. Honestly, people were so touchy.

"That came out wrong. What I meant to say is that I'm merely curious. Didn't any of you find it perplexing that such a basic charm has such a lengthy incantation?" Harry had pondered this for years. He'd attempted to discuss it with Tom, only to be dismissed with an instruction to "figure it out himself", implying that he was capable of doing so - Tom enjoyed making him feel inadequate at times, but he never set Harry tasks beyond reason. Well, not usually, anyway...

Theo rolled his eyes. "Most of us struggled just to cast the charm initially."

"Honestly, Potter, it's beyond me," Davis remarked as she heaped more mashed potatoes onto her plate, "You always seem to get it right, usually on the first try!"

Harry grinned sheepishly. "Not always. Sometimes Granger beats me to it."

His comment was met with pointed silence, prompting him to change the subject. "The key is to study well in advance."

Beside him, Theo snorted. "You say that as if it's simple."

Harry refrained from responding and redirected the conversation. "You caught on quickly, Parkinson."

The girl sat up proudly. "It's all in the wand movements," she said primly.

Malfoy sneered at this, but remained silent. He too had mastered the charm swiftly, but Harry avoided direct interaction with him whenever possible. Though, perhaps offering a compliment might soften the Malfoy heir's animosity towards him...

Before he could speak, however, the doors to the Great Hall burst open, and a flustered Professor Quirrell stumbled in.

"Troll! – in the dungeons – thought you ought to know."

With that, the poor man collapsed, his face meeting the stone floor.

Suddenly, chaos erupted in the Great Hall, students leaping to their feet and shouting in fear, confusion, and disbelief - only to be hushed by the Headmaster's Sonorous charm. "Prefects," his voice boomed, "Lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately!"

Harry sighed as he rose, following the Slytherin prefect's instructions. This was... unexpected. Actually, he frowned as he trailed behind his housemates, it was rather suspicious. How did a troll manage to infiltrate the castle? He'd never encountered one, but he knew they were sizable and not particularly intelligent. How could it have gained access? It seemed implausible, unless it had assistance...

He was abruptly jolted from his thoughts by a startling revelation. Granger was unaware of the troll's presence. Recollection flooded in—he recalled Greengrass mentioning that she had holed up in the closest bathroom to the Charms classroom (a stone's throw from the dungeons), likely still grappling with her embarrassment (a conclusion he had deduced during his brief meal). He glanced at the Slytherin Prefect leading the way, Clara Rosier. She wouldn't concern herself with Granger's safety; her priority would be ensuring the Slytherins were secure. A single Muggle-born Gryffindor student wouldn't register on her radar. What was his course of action? They were nearing the bathroom... if only he could find someone to assist...

He blinked. Why did he need help? All he had to do was warn Granger. Yes, that should suffice, he mused, casting a disillusionment charm over himself and slipping away, unnoticed by the other Slytherins.

Once out of sight, he sprinted back down the hall, a sense of urgency gripping him when he heard an ominous growl ahead.

This couldn't be good.

Bursting into the bathroom, he found Granger cornered, tears streaming down her face, as the troll—a grotesque creature standing no less than four meters tall—lumbered toward her, wreaking havoc on sinks and stall doors as it advanced, emitting unintelligible growls amidst the hiss of ruptured pipes.

His eyes widened. "So that's what a troll looks like," he remarked, more curious than fearful.

The troll growled anew, snapping him to attention. "Granger!" he called out, "I'll divert its attention; you make a run for it!"

The frightened girl nodded frantically as Harry braced himself and shouted, "Bombarda Maxima!"

The force of the spell sent the troll careening to the side, affording Granger a chance to scramble past it, toward Harry.

"Are you alright?" he inquired.

She stared at him, wide-eyed. "No! And neither are you! We're under attack by a troll!"

Harry's eyes widened as the troll swiftly regained its footing and charged towards them.

Oh dear. Oh no. A troll was charging at him. A troll. What does one do when faced with a charging troll? Fear gripped his body like ice water, leaving no time to ponder.

Make it bleed.

Ah, that might just work.


Moments later, he and Granger found themselves drenched in troll blood, the massive creature collapsing to its knees, its severed head rolling to the side.

Well, that was... an exceedingly effective severing charm.

Poor Granger was on the brink of hyperventilation. She stared at him with wide eyes. "You just... beheaded a troll."

Harry nodded slowly. "Indeed..." he murmured, slightly taken aback himself. "I'm unsure whether to feel a sense of accomplishment or remorse for its premature demise," he admitted, as Granger regarded him as if he had grown a second head.

Just then, a cascade of footsteps echoed outside the bathroom, heralding the arrival of Professor McGonagall, followed by Professors Snape and Quirrell. Upon glimpsing the headless and lifeless troll, the queasy professor emitted a whimper and crumpled onto a pile of rubble. Snape merely cast a cold glance at the children before immediately scrutinizing the troll, while Professor McGonagall leveled a scathing glare at them.

"What were you thinking?" she demanded, her voice laced with icy fury. "You're fortunate to be alive. Why aren't you in your dormitory?"

Professor Snape, having finished his examination, turned his attention to Harry and Granger; his countenance was impassive, but Harry sensed the simmering rage beneath, tinged with a hint of curiosity.

Suddenly, a timid voice broke the silence, drawing all eyes to Granger. "Please, Professor McGonagall – he was searching for me."

"Miss Granger!"

Granger steadied herself and stepped forward, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I went to chec-"

Realizing that Granger was about to shoulder the blame alone, Harry swiftly interjected. "Granger wasn't feeling well after Charms and missed the feast. She wasn't aware of the troll. I realized this and decided to warn her of the danger... I know it was reckless, but I was genuinely concerned for her safety."

Professor McGonagall redirected her disapproving glare at Harry, but Granger spoke up once more. "If he hadn't found me, I'd likely be dead by now. He didn't have time to seek help. He arrived just in time to save me."

"In that case..." Professor McGonagall's glare remained fixed on Harry as she spoke, "Five points from Slytherin for defying the Headmaster and acting independently without supervision..."

Harry sighed, accepting his fate.

"But ten points to Slytherin for demonstrating concern for the well-being of a student from another house. And for sheer luck."

Harry nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Pro-"

Her glare silenced him.

He cast a guilty glance at Professor Snape, who continued to scowl menacingly, and tried to convey his remorse as convincingly as possible.

"Now," Professor McGonagall declared, "both of you will report to the hospital wing immediately."

"Yes, Professor McGonagall."


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