
The Class

"Wingardium Leviosa," echoed the class in unison, while Harry struggled to maintain an air of engagement amidst the familiar incantation.

Caught in his momentary lapse of attention, Harry noticed Theo casting him a disapproving glance. "You could at least pretend to be interested," Theo murmured, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

Harry flashed a sheepish grin in response. "Believe me, it's not intentional."

Theo raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "So, you've mastered this one too?"

Rather than answering, Harry aimed his wand at the feather resting on their desk and muttered, "Wingardium Leviosa."

True to his command, the feather lifted from its stationary position, hovering momentarily before gracefully descending.

"Eyes on Mr. Potter! Slytherin earns five points!" their diminutive professor exclaimed, prompting a faint blush from Harry.

Theo's sneer didn't escape Harry's notice. "You have a knack for showing off while pretending to be modest," Theo remarked, his tone laced with disdain.

"It's not intentional," Harry reiterated.

Meanwhile, he couldn't help but notice Granger and Malfoy shooting daggers in his direction, their animosity palpable as ever.

As the class dragged on, Granger took it upon herself to assist her Gryffindor peers, her efforts met with mixed reactions. Harry couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for her, realizing her altruism often went unappreciated.

The atmosphere soured further when Weasley's snide remark about Granger's pronunciation caused her to flee the room, tears in her eyes, while Malfoy reveled in her distress. Human emotions were indeed complex, Harry mused.

Later, as Harry, Michael Corner, and Terry Boot made their belated entrance to the Halloween Feast, they discussed potential alternatives to the cumbersome "Wingardium Leviosa" spell. Their inquiry led them on a quest through the library, seeking out spells with shorter incantations.

Boot furrowed his brow in contemplation. "Why isn't it considered a charm, though?"

Harry shrugged, pondering the nuances of spellcraft. "It could be as simple as the wand movements," he speculated.

"You think that's the case?" Boot queried.

"Based on what we've read, it's likely," Harry replied thoughtfully. "And it seems the spell requires more energy, which could also factor into its classification."

Corner's eyebrow arched in curiosity. "Oh?"

"Well, I reckon the intricacy of the wand movements might dictate how efficiently the magic is channeled..." Harry theorized.

Corner's grin widened. "And perhaps a fair bit of energy gets lost along the way!"

Harry nodded thoughtfully. "I reckon we'll need to delve deeper into the etymology to confirm."

Boot groaned. "Etymology? My Latin's atrocious."

Corner rolled his eyes. "You're just making excuses."

"I'm not lazy, I'm conserving energy," Boot retorted with a smirk.

Interrupting their playful banter, Harry suggested, "You know who might have some insights? Granger."

Boot's interest piqued. "Where is she, anyway?"

Surveying the Great Hall, Harry shrugged. "Not sure. Anyhow, I'm starving. Let's pick this up tomorrow."

"Sounds good, Harry."

"Later, mate."

As Harry settled in beside Theo at the Slytherin table, he wasted no time in querying, "Has anyone seen Hermione Granger?"

Malfoy sneered, while Zabini arched an elegant eyebrow, their customary response to Harry's inquiries.

"And why should we know her whereabouts?" Bulstrode sniffed, her disdain evident in her haughty tone.

"She's likely still blubbering in the bathroom near Charms," Greengrass interjected with a derisive scoff.

Frowning, Harry served himself some carrots, troubled by the notion of the Muggle-born girl's distress. "But why would she still be crying? And why in the bathroom?"

His peers regarded him with bemusement, leaving Harry feeling out of the loop once again. Such moments were always uncomfortable, reminding him of his outsider status amongst his peers.


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