
Harry Potter: The combat instructor

In the world of magic, Ciaran Frémont had spent eight years honing his skills as a graduate of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the passage of time, his longing to return to Hogwarts lingered, this time not as a student but as a professor. His wish seemed to manifest when a letter arrived from none other than Principal Dumbledore himself, inviting him for an interview. Ecstatic yet conflicted, Ciaran's joy was tempered by the realization of an urgent task awaiting him. Before he could embark on this journey, he needed to tell his boss the current Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the pinnacle of authority within the Ministry of Magic. I've decided to translate and fix up this fanfic in my spare time since it wasnt looking to good. No hate plz im trying my hardest :( translation 霍格沃茨新任教授

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Ciaran found himself unexpectedly drawn into a playful exchange. His eyes twinkled mischievously as he addressed Ginny, "Then I hope you can enter Gryffindor House, so that you can be in the same house as Harry Potter. As long as you are willing, you can meet and talk to each other every day."

Ginny's face flushed crimson, the hue creeping down to her ears and neck. She cast her gaze downward, a sudden urge to retreat to the sanctuary of her room seizing her. Harry, sensing Ginny's discomfort, felt a pang of awkwardness. He tactfully diverted his attention to Ron, engaging him in conversation as if he hadn't noticed the teasing banter.

Ron, struggling to contain his amusement, exchanged words with Harry under the weight of his friend's pointed stare. "Percy, I must say, your selection of books is quite astute," remarked Ciaran. Despite Percy's flaws—vanity, an excessive desire for recognition, among others—there was a kernel of truth in his actions. In the original timeline, he had bravely defected from the Ministry of Magic, which had fallen under Voldemort's sway, and joined the fight against the Death Eaters.

Ciaran glanced momentarily at Fred, the sole casualty among the Weasley siblings. Sensing Fred's reluctance to engage in conversation regarding school matters at this juncture, Ciaran gave him an understanding nod, though confusion flickered briefly in his gaze.

"Our esteemed prefect Percy, perhaps we should allow Professor Frémont a moment to share his insights," Fred interjected. "Indeed, Percy, our professor has much wisdom to impart," George added.

Percy blushed once more, opening his mouth to protest, but Ciaran's earlier gesture gave him pause. Does the professor truly dislike me? I am a Gryffindor prefect, destined for greatness as Hogwarts Head Boy.

Fred and George exchanged knowing smiles with Ciaran, silently expressing their approval. Ciaran felt a twinge of embarrassment. He hadn't intended to convey such sentiments; it was a misunderstanding on Fred's part.

"Well, Percy, your observations are quite valid," Ciaran conceded. "However, those two books are typically used by students in the upper years, such as Harry and Ron. First years like yourselves will not require such advanced texts."

"I understand, Professor," Ron chimed in. "Our textbooks are 'Basic Defensive Spells' and 'Fundamental Spells and Their Applications.' We haven't had the chance to purchase them from Diagon Alley yet."

"We made an arrangement with Hermione," Harry added. Ciaran feigned ignorance at the mention of Hermione. "Hermione?"

"Hermione is also a Gryffindor student. She excels academically and is one of the most talented witches among us!" Ron praised. Harry nodded in agreement.

"Hermione does indeed possess remarkable academic prowess," Percy chimed in, hinting at their amicable relationship forged through shared scholarly pursuits.

"I'd very much like to meet this young witch named Hermione," Ciaran mused, though he was well aware of her significance as one of the three central figures in their adventures.

"I believe she'd be delighted to make your acquaintance, Professor," Percy remarked. "Boys, enough chatter. Help your mother with dinner," Mr. Weasley interjected. Mrs. Weasley was bustling about the kitchen, preparing a hearty meal for her family.

"No, Ciaran, do take a seat," Mrs. Weasley insisted, brandishing her wand. In a flourish, she conjured a spread of delectable dishes—steaming stew, frothy butterbeer, succulent sausages, and an array of other tempting treats—placing them at the centre of the table. Fred and George made exaggerated faces, eliciting laughter from Harry, Ron, and Ginny, as the food levitated into place.

Mr. Weasley poured butterbeer for everyone, including Ginny, Harry, and Ron. Mrs. Weasley appeared on the verge of protest but thought better of it, offering a resigned smile instead.

"Cheers!" Mr. Weasley toasted, raising his glass. "Here's to Ciaran's appointment as Hogwarts' combat professor!"

The assembled company raised their glasses in unison, savouring the camaraderie of the moment. "Wait!" George exclaimed suddenly.

"Fred, did you forget?" George nudged his brother, prompting them to dash upstairs.

"Oh, right! I almost forgot!" Fred exclaimed, setting down his drink before hurrying off with George.

"Ahem..." Mr. Weasley cleared his throat, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Ciaran, pay them no mind. Those two have always been a tad... unconventional. Let's have another round, shall we?"

Ciaran and Mr. Weasley shared another toast, enjoying their butterbeer. "Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be amazed!" Fred and George reappeared, cradling something in their arms.

With a flourish, they ignited a burst of fireworks, crimson and azure stars cascading towards the ceiling in a dazzling display. "Glorious!" Ginny exclaimed, while Harry and Ron nodded in appreciation.

"The fireworks... Mum, don't scold us. It's not every day Professor Frémont graces us with his presence," George quipped, earning a gentle rebuke from Mrs. Weasley, though her lips curved into a fond smile.

Ciaran applauded the spectacle, genuinely impressed. "Fred and George, that was magnificent!" he praised.

The twins beamed with pride. "Ciaran, being a professor must be quite the challenge, don't you think? I'm sure you've been giving it considerable thought," Mrs. Weasley remarked.

Ciaran nodded solemnly. "Indeed, there are many aspects to consider. I bear a responsibility to my students—one that I cannot take lightly. To do so would be a disservice to Professor Dumbledore's trust and to the welfare of these young minds."

He had meticulously selected four textbooks, approved by Professor McGonagall, and had spent the past days poring over them diligently. Mastery of the material was imperative; he refused to lead his students astray, as Gilderoy Lockhart had done with his reckless antics.

"Fred and George may be a handful, but I trust you'll keep them in line at Hogwarts, and deduct house points if necessary," Mrs. Weasley interjected, her tone tinged with concern.

"Rest assured, Mrs. Weasley. Should they transgress, I shan't hesitate to enforce the rules," Ciaran affirmed gravely. The expressions of the twins and Ron bordered on despair, much to Mrs. Weasley's satisfaction.

"However, if they conduct themselves admirably, I see no reason for disciplinary action," Ciaran added, steering the conversation onto a more positive note.

The trio erupted into cheers. "Long live Professor Frémont!"

"Fear not, Mrs. Weasley. If they err go to far, consequences shall follow," Ciaran reassured her with a smile.

Mrs. Weasley breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for Ciaran's presence and the promise of order he brought with him.
