
Harry Potter system in Douluo Dalu

Aman reincarnates in the Doulou dalu world in the body of a twelve year old boy named Hansen. He awakens the H. P. System and his ordinary stick martial soul turned into a magic wand from Harry Potter's world. Hansen discovers that the mother of this body was previously a servant of Zhu Zhuqing and he followed in her footsteps after her death. But the original owner of the body unfortunately died while protecting Zhu Zhuqing from an assassination attack by Zhu Zhuyun's men giving him the chance to be reborn in this world. How will Hansen change this world now that he is here with his H. P. System ? Will he be able to achieve his dreams and goals? Read on to find out. *********** Hungry for more chapters? Join my patreon to support me and read advance chapters. patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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66 Chs


" You are sick, you trash."

Hansen said angrily.

" No, I'm not trash. You're saying this because I am standing between you and Erlong. But think about it from my perspective. "

Immediately upon hearing the word trash , Yu Xiaogang got irritated and shouted angrily.

"Your perspective? What great reason could you possibly have to destroy Erlong's life so self righteously? "

Hansen sneered.

"You don't understand. Ever since my martial soul was awakened and it was found that my mutated martial soul had no talent for cultivation, everyone looks down on me like I am a trash. But I will prove them wrong. Just wait till I cultivate Tang San to the Title Douluo level, then I'll see who will look down on me. "

Yu Xiaogang said maniacally.

" Oh don't make me laugh. If you really want to prove your theories, then why don't you try cultivating a person with poor talent to the Title Douluo level? As for Tang San, with his talent he will definitely become a Title Douluo sooner or later, even without your help. "

Hansen said mockingly.

"You.... I... "

Yu Xiaogang was lost for words as he didn't know how to answer this.

"And your theory, no martial soul is trash, only soul masters are trash. Let me see, what are you then? And leaving all this aside, Liu Erlong never treated you badly. She has always cared for you, but you are using her feelings too? "

Max asked confused.

Liu Erlong standing outside the window was already broken with grief. But hearing this, she also pricked her ears. This was exactly what she couldn't understand and wanted to ask him.

" Hmph, she is only useful to me till she is my lover. But if I marry her, then she won't be useful to me anymore. She will also be banished from the sect just like me . "

"So you don't love her even one bit, huh? You're one hell of an actor Yu Xiaogang. "

Hansen said mockingly.

" You are slick with your words, young man. But even if you say this, it won't change the results. You're destined to not get Erlong's love. Hahaha. "

When Yu Xiaogang couldn't find anything to say, he simply started to play rogue. He didn't think what he was doing was wrong. For him, as long as it satisfied his vane ego and could be useful for him, he would do anything.

At this moment, Hansen felt movement outside the window. Most likely, Liu Erlong who was standing outside the window finally couldn't bear it anymore and left.

Thinking of this, Hansen also felt it was enough. Moreover it was more important to talk to Liu Erlong. In her anger and grief, she might hurt herself.

Then without even saying anything to Yu Xiaogang, Hansen left the room and walked to a certain distance before disappearing in a flash.

When he reappeared, he was already standing in front of Liu Erlong's hut.

Even from outside, he could hear faint sobbing sounds. Sighing, Hansen entered the hut .

As he followed the sobbing sounds, he soon reached the bedroom. There, Liu Erlong was leaning against the bed and crying continuously.

Hearing the footsteps, Liu Erlong looked up teary eyed.

"Hansen? Please leave me alone for some time. I don't want to talk to anyone right now. So please go away. "

Liu Erlong said while sobbing.

Hansen stood at the entrance of Liu Erlong's room, his heart heavy with empathy for the dean. He could see the anguish etched across her tear-streaked face, and it pained him to witness her suffering. But he also knew that sometimes, in moments of despair, people just needed someone to be there, even if they resisted at first.

Taking a step forward, Hansen closed the door gently behind him and approached Liu Erlong cautiously. He could feel the weight of her sorrow hanging in the air, thick with disappointment and self-blame. As he sat down beside her, he spoke softly, his voice laced with genuine concern.

"Dean, I understand that you need some time alone, but I can't just leave you like this,"

Hansen said, his voice filled with sincerity.

"You're hurting, and I want to be here for you. You don't have to face this pain alone."

Hearing this, Liu Erlong glanced at Hansen, her eyes still brimming with tears. She saw the kindness in his gaze and a flicker of gratitude passed through her sorrowful expression. It was a vulnerable moment for her, and the presence of someone who understood her brought a sliver of comfort amidst the storm of her emotions.

"He played with my feelings, Hansen," she choked out between sobs. "I trusted him, and he betrayed me. I can't help but blame myself for being so foolish. I waited for him for years while he ... sob..."

Liu Erlong choked on her words.

"Dean, you are not to blame for someone else's deceit. Yu Xiaogang's actions reflect on him, not on you. You have a heart filled with love and trust, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's his loss for not recognizing the amazing person you are."

Hansen reached out and placed a gentle hand on Liu Erlong's shoulder, offering a soothing touch.

Liu Erlong wiped her tears, her breathing beginning to steady as Hansen's words sank in. She looked into his eyes, appreciating the warmth and sincerity that radiated from his presence. It was as if he had a knack for knowing exactly what she needed to hear.

"I feel so foolish, Hansen, I let my emotions cloud my judgment. I should have seen through his lies long ago. "

Liu Erlong whispered, her voice trembling.

Hansen leaned closer, his voice gentle but firm.

"Dean, we all make mistakes when it comes to matters of the heart. It's a part of being human. But it's important to remember that you took a chance on love, and that's a brave thing to do. Yu Xiaogang's actions say more about him than they do about you. You deserve someone who appreciates and cherishes you, someone who recognizes the incredible person you are. "

A glimmer of hope flickered in Liu Erlong's eyes, mingling with the remnants of pain and self-doubt. Hansen's words were like a balm to her wounded spirit, helping her regain a sense of self-worth that had been temporarily shaken.

"You really think so?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

"Absolutely, Dean. You are strong, compassionate, and resilient. This setback may sting for a while, but I have no doubt that you will emerge from it even stronger. You deserve happiness, and it's out there waiting for you."

Hansen nodded, a reassuring smile gracing his lips.

Liu Erlong took a deep breath, her tears beginning to subside. She felt a newfound strength coursing through her veins, an inner resolve to not let this heartbreak define her. Hansen's unwavering support had given her the courage to face her pain and grow from it.

"And besides, isn't it better that you found out about it before he could harm you more? "

Hansen said positively.

"Thank you, Hansen,"

Liu Erlong said , her voice filled with gratitude.

" There's no need to say thank you . Remember one thing, no thank you and no sorry between us. "

Hansen said with a smile.


Liu Erlong nodded, finally a little smile on her lips.

"Alright dean, I think I should go now. You need a good and refreshing sleep. Oh and don't worry, I'll take care of that guy before you wake up. You don't want to see him in the academy anymore, do you? "

Hansen joked as he stood up.

"Hmph, you're indeed slick with your words. "

Liu Erlong smiled slightly.

After bidding each other good night, Hansen walked out of the room. But just when he was at the doorstep , Hansen stopped suddenly and looked around.

"Hey dean, one more thing. "

Hansen said.

"Hmmm? "

Liu Erlong looked at him questioningly.

"Now I might sound like a bastard and hypocrite while saying this but what I said back in the room, it was from my heart and I meant it , all of it. "

Hansen said while looking in her eyes.

"Huh? "

Liu Erlong was stunned for a while.

"Please keep this between us for now, Erlong."

While she was still stunned, Hansen took this opportunity to wink at her and escaped hurriedly.

" You bastard ! "

By the time Liu Erlong came back to her senses and chased after him out of the hut, he was nowhere to be seen.

"You.... "

Liu Erlong stomped her feet angrily. But before she entered the hut again, a slight smile flashed on her face.


Shoutout to my new Patreons.

•Thomas Lindsay

•Albara Alkharusi

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