After five years travelling the world, Harry Potter has landed in New York. He figures that there's no better place than the city that never sleeps to settle in and forge a new life. If only the heroes, villains, aliens and spies had received the message. Begins just before the Avengers movie and continues through the MCU. Encompasses MCU movies & TV, some others along the way
Finally, after another two hours, a trio of doctors emerged, looking extremely tired but happy.
The family was up in an instant, huddled together to receive the news – even Peter was a part of it, but that may have been more due to the fact that Gwen had yet to release her hold of him since he'd arrived. Dropping the notice-me-not, Mage drifted closer to hear what the doctors had to say.
"He'll live," the lead doctor said simply.
There were cries of joy and relief, mixed in with a liberal amount of fresh tears.
"Whatever you did," the doctor said, looking straight at Mage, "it definitely saved his life and made our job a lot easier. He had massive internal injuries but we were able to repair it all. There'll be scarring, of course, nothing that we could do about that, and he'll be confined to bed rest for the foreseeable future."
"When can we see him?" Mrs Stacy asked.
"He's in Recovery at the moment and will be moved to a room in about an hour; you can see him then," the doctor said.
Then, after heartfelt thanks from the family, the doctors withdrew. The Stacy family turned to Mage, then, giving him just as much, if not perhaps a little more, of their thanks.
Mage smiled, not that they could see it with the obscuris charm on his face.
"Please, you don't need to thank me," he said.
"But you saved him," Mrs Stacy protested.
Mage shrugged. "Captain Stacy is an incredible man. What he did up there, helping Spider-Man and myself to stop the Lizard was one of the bravest things that I've seen. I simply did what I could for him; the doctors did the rest."
He didn't notice the way Gwen's eyes shone extra bright and the way she glanced at Peter with what he said.
"Will you all be alright?" Mage asked.
"Oh, yes, we'll be fine," Mrs Stacy replied. "The police department will take care of us; they're good that way, taking care of their own."
"Good," Mage stated. "Now, if you'll excuse me, it's been a long night."
With that, he gave one last nod to Peter before striding from the room, after all, it'd be rude to apparate out from the middle of the hospital, not to mention that he didn't want his magic to affect any nearby essential equipment.
Peter came to an abrupt halt, staring at the notice on the door in front of him. A hand ruffled in his pocket as he pulled out the note that he'd found lying on his bed the previous night after he'd arrived home from the hospital.
Meet me at The Marauder's Den. 5pm. Mage.
He'd arrived nearly on time only to now find that the place was closed due to a 'private function'.
Peter's eyes darted between the note and the door continuously, unsure what to do. His dilemma was solved by the simple method of the door opening and Gwen sticking her head out, a smile on her face.
"Well, aren't you going to come in?" she asked. "And believe me, you want to come in."
Meeting her smile with one of his own, Peter stepped in, pausing briefly to give his girlfriend a quick kiss, even if there was an instant pain in his chest as Captain Stacy's words rang through his head.
As Gwen closed the door behind him, Peter found himself once again freezing in place. The place wasn't empty. And the people who were here … he'd seen some of their faces before. Tony Stark. Hawkeye and Black Widow (not that he knew what their real names were). There were three others, two men and a woman. By process of elimination, he guessed that the taller, blonde guy was probably Captain America and the smaller, nervous-looking guy was the Hulk, or at least the guy who could transform into the Hulk. He had no clue at all as who the woman could be.
"I see you made it," Harry commented from behind the counter.
"This is the guy?" Stark asked, pointing a forkful of something at him. "He's a bit scrawny. And young. Is he even out of school yet?"
"Peter is one of Midtown High's best and brightest," Gwen stated forcefully before Peter could reply.
"Midtown High, huh? They've got a good science program there," Stark mused. "But you're gonna have to do something about standing up for yourself, kid. Talk about whipped."
Hawkeye suddenly gave a hacking cough that strangely enough sounded like the word 'Pepper' to Peter's ears.
"Leave the kid alone, Stark, I think he's earned some respect," the guy Peter thought was Captain America said.
"I'm supposed to meet Mage here?" Peter half-stated and half-asked.
"And you have," Harry said, coming around the end of the bar.
Peter's eyes widened as he connected the dots. Gwen's gasp beside him told him that she, too, had put two and two together.
"You're Mage?" Peter asked.
"Yeah," Harry said with a small smile. "Figured that it was only fair to tell you since I knew who you were, Spider-Man." His eyes flicked to Gwen then. "And I didn't think it'd be fair to make you keep secrets from your girlfriend."
"That doesn't mean that you can go around telling anyone else who we are," Black Widow stated.
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