
Harry Potter SI

Harry Potter Si after goblet of fire

Oden_490 · Livres et littérature
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July 25 1995

*Knock knock*

I was reading a book from the Black family library when threre was a knock at my door.

I wave my wand and the door opens to reveal Hermione.

"Harry you know you can't use magic outside of school." Said Hermione

"Hermione calm down you can use magic as long as there is an adult wizard in the area, plus were under the fidelius charm so no one will be able to detect us." I said

"Well when you put it like that…"said Hermione.

"Anyway I came to see what you were doing you don't talk to us anymore and I want it to stop." Said Hermione

"Well i've been busy and you all don't wanna do what I do." I said

"We could try." Said Hermione

"Ok i'll try and be less allusive." I said

"Good." Said Hermione.


Later that day:

I was in the dueling room of Grimmauld place practicing elemental spells.

The black family library had the basic and even advanced elemental spells.

I fired an 'Aguamenti' into a 'Glacius' at the target when Remus came into the room.

"Hey Harry what are you doing." Ask Remus

"I'm just practicing my elemental spells." I said.

"Elemental spells huh that's pretty advanced to use with dueling." Said Remus.

"Yeah thats why i'm doing it also, would you like to have a duel." I ask.

"Sure Harry." Said Remus

After he said that an hand of stone erupted from the earth and attacked him.

"Woh Harry no need to be so agressive." Said Remus as he dodged out of the way

"Its not aggresive more like proactive." I said fireing a spell chain of 'Stunner, Despulso.and Confrigo.

Lupin dodged the first and shielded the second and third.

Before the smoke could settle I used an 'Incendio' his way and a delayed shield breaker followed by a stunner.

It all worked like a charm, the 'Incendio' distracted him and the shield breaker stunner combo hit judgeing by the dull thud.

I walk over to find an asleep lupin.

I take my wand and fire an 'Rennervate' at his limp body.

Immedately he jumps up and is to his feet.

"Sorry about that Mooney." I said

"Its ok I should have been ready for it." Said Remus.

"Don't worry i'm sure that you can win if we duel enough." I said trying to get a new dueling partner.

"Mmhumm I guess we can duel again when I am free." Said Lupin thinking about it.

"Good we can get you into a better shape so you can fight the death eaters." I said

"That is certainly appealing." Said Lupin

"Yeah and we can spend more time together Uncle Moony." I said with a smile.

He smiled back and said "It's been a while since I was called that."

"We're family Mooney get used to it." I Said


At dinner the order and the kids were sitting down while Molly cooked.

After dinner was served and everyone got to eat the Hermione Ron and I made our way to the living room.

"So what you working on lately Harry you've been avoiding us." Asks Hermione

"I've been training so I won't be left in the wind when the war happens." I said

"War! What do you mean war?" Asks Hermione

"It's coming and I don't want to be left behind." I said

"But the auors and Dumbledore will-" Hermione tried to say

"Will do nothing becase when have they ever been useful!" I said angrily.

"But Harry lets let the adults handle it." Said Hermione

"Yeah mate we can't handle this one." Said Ron finally chiming in.

"Ok." I said calming down"You all just don't understand and you never will."

"Then help us understand we're your friends." Said Hermione

'It was impossible for them to understand at this point they haven't lived through enough pain to understand me.'

I then got up from the seat I was in and walked away from them.

"Harry! wait." Yells Hermione.

I just kept walking to my room ignoring her.


July 27 1995

"Expecto Patronum." From my wand springs a leopard into the air.

My Patronus changed when the 'merge' happened.

The normal prongs turned into a leopard maybe it is the effect of another personality.

"Hey Harry what happened to prongs." Said Sirius who I didn't know was there.

"I don't know maybe I changed alot and my Patronus changed with me." I said

"Well we need to find a name for it now." Said Sirius

"I already have I call it Preyy." I said

"Preyy huh that's a good name." Said Sirius

"Thanks Padfoot what are you here for by the way." I ask

"Oh I was just coming to you for a chat." Said Sirius

"Well what did you wanna chat about?" I ask

"Your future I just want you to know everything I own will go to you when I die." Said Sirius

"Really, that is kind of you." I said going in for a hug.

We then hug for a minute and release.

"Also I wanna say you should make up with your friends becase they don't deserve to be treated the way you have been lately, I know you are going through a difficult time after what happened with Voldemort but you should shut them out." Said Sirius

"I'll try but I make no promises." I said.

"Well that good enough as long as you are trying." Said Sirius

"By the way do you know if the international dueling tournament is still going on." I ask

"Yes, it is and it's going on in America I think. Why?" Said Sirius

"I wanna sign up for it, it should be a good experience for me." I said.

"Hmm well I think we can go but it would be a stretch it happens on the first of August." Said Sirius.

"Thats good we should bring Remus to make it a Marauders vacation." I said

"Yeah that could be a good idea we just need Dumbledore's permission." Said Sirus

"Huh why?" I ask

"Becase it's all hands on deck for the order right now." Said Sirius

"Ok i'll ask Dumbledore next time I see him." Said Sirius.


June 30 1995

I was in my room practicing my Occlumancy when I heard a knock at my door.

I wave my wand and the door opens to reveal Sirius.

"Good news Dumbledore said yes and we can go with Remus to America for the tournament." Said Sirius.

"Did you get us wand permits and papers for the Americans." I ask

"Yes we did we'll be all good once we arrive." Said Sirius.

"That's go I'll need to bring my a game for this tournment." I said

"Yeah the under 16 is no joke." Said Sirius.

"I'll keep that in mind." I said.

"Good." Said Sirius.