
Harry potter reborn in Game of Thrones

Harry James Potter sat in the Headmaster's chair at Hogwarts with a ring on his fingers, a wand in his hand and a cloak wrapped around him, slowly he closed his eyes, and the next thing he knew a blonde bombshell of a woman and a massive black haired, blue eyed man were calling him their son. Worst of all, he had this need to shit, cry and eat at the same time. All the time! (This is not my story is from fanfiction I just didn’t see it on webnovel thought that will make it easier for people to find it it’s really good)

Thelostking_6747 · TV
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13 Chs

Chapter 9

Robin sat in his carriage with the Queen, her handmaidens and the sleeping Joffrey. The Toddler was going to celebrate his third nameday at Casterly Rock, the seat of the Lannister and it's current Lord and Head of House, Tywin Lannister.

King Robert had politely refused to come, saying that he had 'things' to do. Cersei accepted the blatant lie, not wanting to get into an argument.

Now at eight namedays old. Robin's growth over the past three years was astounding. He was now as tall as his mother's shoulder, the baby fat on his face had burned off a little giving him the classic Lannister look, he had inherited his mother's cheekbones and her more feminine facial features. Back in his previous life, calling Robin a 'pretty boy' would be a fairly accurate description.

The Queen's party was accompanied by half of the Kingsguard, led by the Lord-Commander himself and some hundred men, including servants, maids and cooks. Everyone was surprised when the Queen announced that she was with child. There was a small feast thrown in celebration of the upcoming babe.

Speaking of Robin, the boy was currently doing all he could not to jump out and run to Casterly Rock himself. The speed at which they were going was quite frankly, fucking ridiculous.

Harry Potter would have reached the Westerlands in five minutes, unfortunately, he wasn't Harry Potter anymore. He was the Prince of Westeros and he had to sit down in the damned wheelhouse because his mother said so. They had just stopped to rest for the day due to the bad weather. Tents were being prepared outside and they were currently waiting for the Royal one to be set up.

"I'm going to...uh go out. I will return momentarily." Robin said, putting one of his massive books down on the seat before standing up.

"Where to?" she asked, the girls around her stopped talking at once to allow the royalty to speak.

"Meet a friend?" Robin said, making a face,

"Which friend?" Cersei prodded, wanting to know more.

'Come to think of it. I don't really have a friend do I? Well except for Jenny of course.' he thought.

And he was right, Robin, even if he was loved by the people for his generosity and kind-heartedness, did not posses any single friend other than Jenny. Not the Knights, no the Pages, the Squires or even the Sons of Nobles.

They were quite terrified of him really. Actually they were scared shitless of him. Over the years Robin had significantly improved with the sword and started branching out towards axes, bows, sticks, maces, spears and even war-hammers. The amount of people that were willing to face him were steadily facing a decline.

Mostly because Robin would sometimes lose himself into the fight, and would start smiling. Coupled with the usually bloody equipment,was extremely disturbing.

Nevertheless every Squire or small-folk had a healthy amount of respect and fear of him, which made it hard for him to befriend anyone.

"You're not going to meet that serving maid again are you?" Cersei sneered a bit, her voice dripping with disapproval as she rubbed her swollen belly.

"Mother please, she's my best friend, and only my friend." Robin sighed. They had been having this argument over Robin's apparent favor over a random maid, sometimes even preferring her over the sons of lords and knights. The arguments had been getting intense, with their object of argument none the wiser.

"What? She's the youngest person here! What other friends would I make on this oh so lovely journey?" he snarked. If he hadn't had his books Robin would have probably gone crazy by now. He almost stole Joffrey yesterday to play with him outside. The toddler was cute, and laughed at every joke he made.

Cersei was too tired to reprimand Robin for his behavior and merely waved him off, making him promise he would be back in time for dinner.

Robin stretched himself to get the blood flowing again. Hi arse felt numb sitting for hours and listening to his mother gossip with her handmaidens. Walking around, Robin quietly replied to calls and greetings from the soldiers and helpers.

"Ansen! Come here ya scruffy bastard!" Robin yelled, gaining a young squire's attention. The boy came running to his Prince at the order, stopping before him and bowing his head. Ansen as a full head taller than Robin was, he had bright blonde hair and blue eyes. Ansen was Robin's most favorite sparring partner, because he was the only one who didn't cry.

"Yes my Prince?" he asked, ready to fulfill his duty.

"You've seen Jenny anywhere around?" Robin questioned. Jason pointed to his right, and was awarded a pat on the back as Robin thanked him and made his way in that general direction.

"Jenny! Jenny!?" Robin yelled, calling for his lovely maid.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your mother young man?"

Robin spun on his feet, cracking a grin as he spotted his only friend in the world. The eight-year-old grabbed the maid, lifting her up and spinning her around in circles, ignoring her cries to put her down.

"You're light as a feather! You should eat more you know. Why don't we have a nice dinner in my tent tonight?" Robin asked, putting the maid down.

Jenny wobbled a bit and shook her head in an effort to make the dizziness disappear. Blowing a lock of hair from her eye, the girl gave her Prince a dirty look, eliciting a sheepish smile from him.

"I am just at the right weight I'll have you know!" she huffed, cheeks puffing as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"And besides, your mother will have a fit if you decide to skip dinner with her for some commoner girl." she scolded. The girl had changed quite a bit in three years, now ten and eight, Jenny was quite known around the Red-Keep for her constant presence around the Prince of Westeros.

Of course rumors had started flying about when a girl had caught them having a nice picnic in the gardens. Robin was resting, laying his head on Jenny's lap as he told stories about his previous world.

Some said that the girl was a witch that asserted herself in the Prince's life in hopes of being a future Queen. Some said that the young Robin was having a illicit affair with his maid and caretaker. Robin swore to himself that if he ever found the source of these rumors he would shove that person's head up a horse's arse.

His mother had hounded him for months when she heard the gossip, insisting that it was too much of a hassle to keep the girl around. Robin of course refused, and made his mother swore that Jenny wouldn't be having any 'accidents' anytime soon. Poor Jenny had to endure the Queen's ire ever since.

"Let's get some drinks in and go prank old man Andrew! The damn old cook deserves it for ratting me out last time..." Robin giggled to himself.

"Give him a break will you! What if gets sick or something! Mister Andrew had a heart attack a few years ago I'll have you know!" she hissed, face turning as red as her hair. She really hoped he would grow out of his pranks.

Robin decided to ignore that sentence completely, acting as if she hadn't spoken at all. He hissed in pain when the girl pinched his ears and pulled.

"Alright, alright! Sheesh you don't have to be so violent!" he snarked, rubbing his poor red ears.

"Good. Now why were you searching for me? It wasn't just for the prank was it?" she asked.

"Just that we'll be reaching Casterly Rock soon, and lunch." he said, laughing sheepishly as his stomach growled.

"Oh fine you big baby, come one then, I have some treacle tarts for you, You know I still don't know why or how you came up with such a recipe.."