
Laying some groundwork.

No i'm not dead, I'm also not stopping with writing, and I'm not going to give excuses of being so late with a chapter, just haven't been feeling any inspiration or motivation.

I do want to say that as long as I don't say to you guys that I have officially stopped writing, this novel will continue. that's what I wanted to say so enjoy the chap.


"Lowell, explain. What was all that?"

*sighs* can't they give me a break, my memories maybe make me in a 30 year old man but my brain is still 11 you know. It needs rest okay?!

'Huh? What do you mean mom?' I'll just act oblivious for now, I'll explain later.

As my mother notices I don't want to talk about it, but apparently doesn't find that important right now, she just repeats one word.


Welp… here we go then.

'Fine. I just saw an opportunity to achieve some goals easier for in the future and confirm some suspicions.'

I look at my mother while I talk to see her reactions if this is enough info for now, and as expected, that is not going to work. She is abusing her rights as a mother here.

'As you and father suspected, Harry Potter is probably raised by muggles, and by the signs of it, not in a friendly one.'

She has a confused look, but she just asks me the be more specific and see where this goes.

"What where those signs you speak off."

'Well first of is that he doesn't know anything about Hogwarts except that it is a school that teaches magic, not even about the four houses, this is pretty basic information in Britain's Magical World. Then you have some smaller hints ,which seems he is curious about everything that is magic, even the most basic things as flying objects.

And even if he doesn't know the Noble etiquettes, which he should if he is a Potter. There are way too many ordinary things he asked questions for in a wizard's perspective.'

Now the big problems are coming up.

'As for why I think he is raised in a bad environment, he has psychological signs of physical abuse and is clearly underfed. I susp-'

"Wait what?!"

I thought so, she is clearly shocked about this information, maybe not because she is worried, but Harry Potter is hailed a hero in Britain. That this hero is raised in those living conditions is just unbelievable.

'There where small but obvious signs off abuse and bad caretaking. Every time he suspected someone was angry at him for any reason at all, you could see him flinch a little and ready himself for an attack. Also as you've already seen, he is way to malnourished for his age, and it could have negative effects in the long run, this is the reason why I gave him the nutrition potion.'

I let this all sink in, mom is still okay because she is adapt in Occlumency and controlling her emotions, but Draco and Jasmine have a devastated look on their faces. While mother is still thinking about what I said, Draco is the one who talked first.

"How can someone with those experience's still smile and act happy, although I found it weird that he was so oblivious of magic but this…" as it looks like Draco is finished talking, Jasmine says something that is bothering her, and you can on her face that it is something she really struggles with to understand.

"Why is Harry Potter raised by muggles anyway, and by such bad ones at that? He is supposedly the hero of Britain but this is the treatment he gets? It just doesn't make any sense to me."

'Well it doesn't, think about it, nobody knew where Harry was after that event, it was obviously done intentionally to keep that a secret. And most people understood why, the only thing that is known is that Albus Dumbledore is his Magic Guardian, and Father always said that Dumbledore is more of a Slytherin then all Slytherin students combined. Now if you connect all the dots together… '

"That is enough Lowell, I already understand your concerns, I will discuss this with your father when we get back home. Until then we will just do as planned today, Shopping. We will need to give you each an Owl, this will be your personal mail carrier in Hogwarts and after that."

'Okay mother.'

As we go to [Eeylops Owl Emporium] I'll explain why my mother stopped me from saying anything further. Although I knew the storyline and watch the events unfold, it is a whole different thing to be in this world and interact with the characters.

The problem is that Harry's life is all planned out, is this bad? Well depends. The beginning of his life is a mess in every way possible, but this makes it that he finds Hogwarts more of a home then anywhere else, his past experience also makes him view most of the world in a better light, if this is bad or not I do not know. But what I do know is that Dumbledore is one sneaky bastard.

If you think about it then he is really merciless. He left Harry with the Dursley's knowing fully well what kind of people they are, even if he didn't know their hate for wizards, witch I doubt. He still would have some surveillance to check on his future hero, so he knew Harry's living conditions and the treatment he got from those monsters in human skin but didn't do anything and left him there.

Don't get me wrong, in some sense Albus Dumbledore is a true hero, not one of those novel hero who can't hurt a fly. He takes the sacrifice's he thinks he needs to make, even at the cost of his life. But I find there are to many sacrifice's, and the only way to do that is change his view on things.

As you can probably find out for yourself, but that is going to be a long term plan, I'd like it if it is finished before Sirius escapes Azkaban. That way Harry can move to the Black house and his living space will improve and so will his mental health, if I can change my name to Black before that then I have more influence on Harry and let him grow more on his choices and path, and not one layed out for me.

If you were thinking, why would you change the future when you know your family would survive. Well first thing, the future changed the moment I was born in this world, and that doesn't even include the other 5 people that are reincarnated. The second thing is…

You didn't think I was going to put my hope and Fate on a 11 year old child with no past experience on magic did you? I would use a gun if necessary to kill that f*cker called Voldmort, all's fair in war my friend.

*after some time**Eeylops Owl Emporium*

We step inside the pet shop, my mother goes with Draco to the owner while me and Jasmine look around at the animals. Mom knows my fascination with creatures and Jasmine just loves cute animals, and she knows I will keep an eye on my lil' sis while they are gone.

'Jasmine don't go to far away from me, if you break something it will come from your pocket money.'

"I won't! And stop treating me like a little girl!"

As she is throwing a little tantrum, which I find ridiculously cute. I just pet her head and say.

'First thing, you are 10 years old, you are a little girl. Second, you're my younger sister, so even if you are 50, you will still be a little girl.' And finish it off with a cheeky grin ,I think I got my daily sister teasing quota done for today.

"*Humpf* Lo is a bully!" She says as she storms of to the Puffskeins section, and she will probably stay there until mother comes back, so I don't have to worry for now.

Puffkeins are Little furballs with long tongues, they are highly resistant to being squeezed or thrown. With their tongues they pick wizard's noses in their sleep and are for the rest peaceful creatures. They are loved by small children because of their cute appearance and won't be hurt because of the heavy playing kids do to them.

So while mom and Draco are looking for the owner, I am just waltzing around and observing the animals to see if I find something interesting, and I do find something, or more someone.

'Hello, aren't you the person that is with Harry? I believe told me your name was Hagrid.'

As I was walking I stumbled in the bird section and saw a very big person. He is around 11 feet, has a big bushy brown beard and the same amount of hair on his head, when he turned to me and looked in my eyes, you could see some curiosity but also a lot of innocence that would be hard to see in adults.

"Aye, and you are?"

'Oh sorry, my name is Lowell Malfoy, second son of the Malfoy family. I will be going to Hogwarts this year.'

When I said I was a Malfoy you can see he had a lot more vigilance than before. It something expected but sad at the same time. Hagrid was my favourite character in the franchise, you could call him brave, a fool, a baby, harmless, a victim. I you think about it he is way to soft, but still fought in both wars.

But to I have nothing but respect for this man, he has had a rough past. Raised without a mother who was a giant, so if this was found out in his youth there would have been obvious racism, even worse then muggle-borns. He's been sent to Azkaban even if it was a short period, but no one would even like to be near there.

I think he was the first person who is like family to Harry, who is at the same time an adult figure for him. That he is loved by a lot of creatures tells me his care, that he is even allowed by dangerous animals and can accompany unicorns says more about his personality then what anyone can tell you.

"And what would Mr.Malfoy want with me?"

('*Sight* getting his trust is going to be fast or take years, it depends how I play my cards.')

I put up my best smile while acting like a child that is just smarter than his age.

'I noticed you because I talked with Harry in Malkin's Clothing shop, and he said he was with you on his shopping trip and told me how you looked. But he said that he was going to get a wand so I found it weird that you where here, is Harry also here somewhere?'

When I finished, Hagrid looked a little flabbergasted. Probably because he expected an arrogant-like young master type of person.

('You know how cliché those types are?! They always get beat up and don't do anything worthwhile, why would I even pretend like someone like that. I would lose precious braincells just acting like them!')

'Uhm Hagrid? You still here? You didn't even answer one question? Could it be I can't call you Hagrid so casually?!'

As I keep the barrage of questions up, Hagrid finally comes back and speaks.

"OY! Calm down will ya! *Sigh* 'Arry is getting his wand, but whil waiting I wanted to get 'im a birthday present. So I thought of en owl."

I completely forgot it was his birthday… well I can use this to my advantage.

'Really? He hadn't told me. Lets see if I have something…'

I was thinking while looking in my bag, I have a lot of stuff in it but most off them are potions, some of my notebooks to write ideas on and also the stuff we bought today… Oh I found something.

I took out a wooden flute I carved myself and it's made of wand-grade Apple wood. Apple wood has a synarchy with people that have the natural ability to speak in other species native tongue. It was an experiment to see if it helps bonding with other species, which worked to a certain degree but it needs some further improvement.

I also took piece of paper and wrote a book that teaches how to play the flute, and while I was at it, I took out one of my notebooks that have tips on how to use Legilimency to connect with creatures and wrote a title of a book that teaches beginner level Legilimency.

'Hagrid, can you give this flute to Harry as a birthday gift, and say that when he can play it to a certain point he should play it beside his owl, it should make their relationship closer, I also wrote a book titel on the note that teaches playing it.'

As he took the flute and paper and put it in his pocket, he looked at the notebook and back at me.

"I'll say it was from you, But what 'bout this book?"

'That is a gift from me to you, Harry said you have a love for animals and so do I, so I gave you my notebook that have some tips on Legilimency that help connecyting with creatures better, I also put a book title on the paper that helps teaching beginner Legilimency.'

After I finished speaking he had a shocked look on his face and said.

"Boy, did ya not know that Legilimency is forbidden to be used?"

'On humans, and it is forbidden to invade their minds, it is perfectly legal to practice it and use it as long as you don't invade their minds on purpose. So it's all good.'

After my explanation he visibly relaxes, I know how valuable this gift is to Hagrid so I hope this puts myself in a better light. And besides, even the 3 unforgivable curses are allowed to be practiced, as long as you don't use it. I know it sounds confusing but there is a small grey area that says legal, as long as you stay in that area, no one can say anything about it.

'But anyway, I'm going back to where my sister is, my mother is probably already there so I got to go. I'll see you at Hogwarts Hagrid, and I hope I can come visit you to talk about some animals in the future.'

I put my hand out for a handshake and look straight in his eyes. After a few seconds he smiles warmly at me and takes my hand to shake it and says.

"You're a good boy Lowell, you're olways welcome at my hut."

After saying goodbye and going back to where Jasmine was and being just in time before our mother arrives. The rest of the visit at the shop was pretty anticlimactic, Draco got a healthy Great Grey Owl named Albert while I asked for an egg of a Barn Owl so that I can raise it from birth.

My mother didn't question my decision, probably because she is already used to my antics and I can use Albert if I need to deliver a letter

As we get out of the shop I'm pretty happy with the results of today already, I made connections with our Hero and with my ticket to a lot of exotic animals and knowledge called Hagrid.

But finally we get to the part of this shopping trip that I have been waiting 11 years for.

"Okay children, now the only thing we need to go is get your wands."

Both me and Draco say at the exact same time.



Do you guys have some ideas on a site where i can post pictures on for the story? let me know okaaay?