
Harry Potter: Novice Swordsman

For every review I will release one extra chapter Harry Potter now lives in the magical world where every woman has a wand bigger than him. Watch how he combats opponents and feel his hardship. Enjoy the journey of a double-edged wand master, There is no plot. This was written for special people who enjoy special stuff.

maxphantom · Livres et littérature
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66 Chs

Studying Ahead 2

<p>"Yeah… Just take it… slow?" Harry asks, feeling nervous once again.<br/>Giving him a gentle smile Hermione takes a hold of his legs, his clothes soon falling to the ground. Pushing his knees up to his chest she looks down to see his cock still hard against his chest, his shirt falling loosely below. Further down she spots his ass, wide open and slick, inviting her to take him.<br/>Taking a hold of her shaft she lines herself up and pushes the head against him. Slowly she inches the tip of her cock within, quickly being enveloped by his slick walls pressing against her firmly.<br/>"Hermione..." she hears him gasp out "It feels so…"<br/>"Good?" she asks as she slowly slides herself inside.<br/>"So good." he replies breathlessly.<br/>Inch by inch she slowly pushes inside him, gritting her teeth and the sheer pleasure his hole is providing. After a minute she feels herself almost entirely enveloped inside. Looking down she sees almost her entire cock is pressed within him, all 8 inches firmly massaged by his walls.<br/>"Look at you," Hermione gasps out. "It's like you were made for my cock"<br/>Seeing him laying back, eyes closed in pleasure, his own modest cock hard and dripping precum against his chest, Hermione fights to regain control. She soon finds herself firmly sliding her length back out until just the tip remained.<br/>Opening his eyes Harry looks up at her, already desperate to regain that sense of fullness she had provided.<br/>Seeing his face Hermione gives him a smirk.<br/>"Look at you, one stroke of cock and you're already a slut for it."<br/>Fighting back a whimper, Harry feels himself trying to push back against her length as she holds him still.<br/>"Hermione… Please…" he grinds out.<br/>Before he can finish she pushes herself back inside, slamming her entire length back inside him. Letting out a deep moan she watches Harry's eyes widen before a look of pleasure falls across his face. Taking pity on him she soon begins to slowly fuck his ass, gently sliding her cock back and forth as she watches him writhe in pleasure.<br/>With each stroke he feels her press against a firm bud of pleasure, each push sending a shiver down his spine as the bliss roles over him.<br/>Feeling sweat fall across her brow Hermione reaches down to pull her shirt over her head quickly discarding it behind her. Seeing Harry's eyes taking in her chest she reaches behind to undo her bra.<br/>"A good boy like you deserves a treat." she says as she lets her bra fall to the ground revealing her modest chest topped with soft pink nipples sitting firm.<br/>Seeing Harry's eyes soaking in her chest Hermione feels proud of his reaction, rewarding him with a firm thrust. Torn between taking in her breasts and soaking in the pleasure from her sock Harry can only gasp in pleasure.<br/>Now hammering into him firmly Hermione feels the pressure building up. Knowing her peak won't be long she reaches down to Harry's cock, gently bouncing against his stomach. First gently running her hands across his balls she firmly grasps him within her grip. Her hand easily fall around his smaller cock.<br/>Harry's eyes fly open once more to take in the goddess above him. Seeing her fiercely slamming her hips against his body as her breasts bounce freely. Looking down he sees her hand stroking across his length firmly while giving him a wide smile.<br/>Seeing the pleasure on his face Hermione only strokes faster.<br/>"Cum for me Harry," she gasps out. "Cum for me and my cock."<br/>Soaking in her words and the pleasure from both his ass and his cock Harry feels himself lose control.<br/>"Hermione!"<br/>With a shout Harry reaches the peak, feeling his cock spraying load after load against his own chest as Hermione's firm cock continues to hammer into his ass. After a few seconds he feels his orgasm wane off as Hermione continues to stroke his now softening length with the cum pooling within her grip.<br/>"So good Harry," she stammers breathlessly. "I'm about to…"<br/>She's cut off by her own pleasure, a deep moan fighting out of her chest as she slams home and begins to deposit load after load within his ass. Falling forward Hermione lets herself settle against his chest, feeling the remains of his cum against her stomach.<br/>Feeling her continue to cum within his ass Harry can only hold on to her as the pleasure continues. After a number of seconds he feels her cock beginning to taper off as Hermione herself continues to moan against her chest.<br/>As the pleasure ends both of them lay there recovering. Hermione still deeply lodged within his ass. Taking a moment Hermione looks up and feels Harry pull her hair back from her face. Without words he leans down to capture her lips.<br/>"Harry that was so…" Hermione begins, still trying to gather herself together.<br/>"Good, amazing, incredible?" Harry replies, almost as worn out.<br/>"…All of the above." Hermione finishes with a grin.<br/>Returning her smile Harry feels her begin to pull back, her softening cock falling from within him soon followed by her vast load beginning to escape.<br/>Taking a moment Hermione moved to sit next to Harry on the desk, her cock softly falling against her thighs as Harry lays back, his own shorter length lying against him.<br/>"So we're doing that again right?" Hermione asks.<br/>"Absolutely." replied Harry.<br/>Hermione leans over to scoop up a thick load of the cum sitting on Harry's chest, sucking her fingers in her mouth she gives him a wink before being caught off guard as he leans forward to capture her lips. She can only moan within his mouth as the two share his taste between them.<br/>Realising how long they had been here both move to begin gathering their clothes. Hermione pulling her bra and top back on as Harry rearranges his trousers. Before she can retrieve her skirt or underwear she hears the door open. Panicking Harry fights to finish pulling up his trousers before noticing the streaks of cum sitting across his chest.<br/>Realising they were out of time both teens looked to the door resigned to being caught as a familiar figure poked their head in.<br/>"Mr Potter… Miss Granger… As much as I like to see two of my Gryffindors getting along so… well," began their stern head of house. "You do of course realise these activities don't allow you to wander these halls after curfew."<br/>"I'm so sorry Professor, we didn't realise the time and…" Hermione began to rush out, terrified at having unwittingly broken the rules.<br/>Holding up her hands Professor McGonagall cut off her student's panicked reply "I understand, and as you are only a few minutes past curfew I'm happy to overlook this incident," she began. "And 5 points to Gryffindor for taking the time to use all… precautions." continued the professor, taking note of the magic used within the room.<br/>"Now hurry on and clean up before you get back to the tower." she finished, turning to give them some privacy.<br/>"Yes ma'am." Hermione replied, already pulling on her skirt while hurriedly stashing her panties within her bag. Taking her wand she cast a quick scourgify at Harry's chest before gathering her things to leave.<br/>Grabbing Harry's hand, she goes to leave until Harry stops in front of the now less stern Transfiguration teacher.<br/>"Sorry again Professor, I just wanted to say please don't blame Hermione for this." he begins as Hermione gives him a surprised look.<br/>"You're forgiven Mr Potter, both of you."<br/>Smiling at them both she gestures to the door as they turn to leave, only for Harry to hesitate and turn back around.<br/>"Erm… I also wanted to say…" Harry begins, as she sees him look at her in concentration.<br/>"As a Wizard, may I offer my sincere apologies for my error and ask you allow me to make reparations." He finishes.<br/>Startled Minerva looks at the young wizard in front of her before seeing the book within his hands.<br/>"Very well done Mr Potter, that was a perfect delivery," she replies sincerely. "However as I had previously forgiven you no such reparations are needed, even while the offer is appreciated."<br/>Having given him an out Minvera expects to see a look of gratitude on his face, but is met instead with the same look of concentration. Looking to the side Harry meets Hermione's eyes and sees her knowing smile.<br/>"In that case" Harry begins "As a Wizard, may I offer my sincere thanks for your tutelage and ask that you allow me to return my gratitude"<br/>Unprepared the professor can only stare in reply, seeing the smile on his face and the proud look being given to him by Hermione she reaches her decision.<br/>"Very well Mr Potter, I would be happy to accept," She returns with a smile. "Given the activities I walked in on, am I correct in assuming you would wish to show your gratitude orally?"<br/>Not expecting the formal reply Harry is momentarily confused.<br/>"She's asking if you want to suck her cock Harry." he heard Hermione whisper to him, happy to help her friend.<br/>"Yes Ma'am." Harry replies with a blush.<br/>"And I take it you would like to stay as well Miss Granger?" The professor turns to ask.<br/>"Yes Ma'am." She replies.<br/>"Very well, Miss Granger you may take a seat at one of the desks if you can remain silent," Minerva replies. "And Mr Potter please follow me back to the front desk." She finishes as she makes her way over to the long abandoned chair once used by a long forgotten teacher.<br/>Quickly making her way to a front seat Hermione chooses a seat to the right of the room, giving her a clear view past the large desk.<br/>Taking a seat within the chair Minerva begins to loosen the middle of her robes, seeing Harry standing in front of her she gestures for him to lower himself down. Falling to his knees in front of her he watches as she calmly rearranges her robes before vanishing her long skirt to present him with a view of her crotch, displaying a large bulge contained within a pair of lacy black underwear.<br/>Preferring to allow a wizard to remove her cock themselves Minerva sits back and gives Harry a firm but encouraging look.<br/>Raising his hands Harry begins to gently pull down the lacy barrier. He's soon met with a formidable length unfurling from within. Removing her underwear fully he looks back to study the stunning cock sitting before him. Displaying no signs of her age the Professors cock is instead firm, and already sitting hard in her lap. Harry is startled to see the length is far more than Hermione, sitting at least 11 or 12 inches long. He's only slightly relieved that she doesn't have quite the same girth. Only a fine line of silver hairs sit above her cock, with the rest of her length and her balls completely smooth.<br/>Reaching his hand out he gently takes a hold of her shaft, slowing pulling back her foreskin to reveal the large purple head with a bead of precum at the tip. Unable to help himself he leans forward and envelopes the head within his mouth. Sucking deeply Harry takes a moment to soak in the difference in taste and texture. Soon finding them to be just as pleasurable as the night before.<br/>"Mmm, I admire your enthusiasm Mr Potter." Minerva says with a groan.<br/>"Thmnk Ymm." Harry tries to reply while suckling on the heard of her cock.<br/>Removing her shaft from her mouth Minerva gently reprimands him. "Now Mr Potter, did nobody teach you not to talk with you mouth full?" she asks while softly rubbing her shaft against his face.<br/>"I'm sorry Ma'am, please allow me to make amends." Harry moans out, caught by surprise from the pleasure felt by her rubbing her cock against his face.<br/>"Very well, and as I do have other duties tonight I would like to you take care of this hard and fast, is that understood?" She asks. "No more dawdling around while you get off on tasting my cock young man."<br/>Quickly nodding Harry moves to take her shaft back within his mouth, soon moving himself down her length swiftly. Before long he feels her begin to enter his throat and wills his gag reflex back down.<br/>Surprised by his efficiency Minerva threads a hand through his hair and begins to direct him back and forth down her cock. She decides to let him first direct the speed, but soon notices his eager desire for her to use him however she wishes. Eagerly taking him up on his offer she begins to firmly thrust herself within his throat, taking swift pleasure in every gasp she earns from him.<br/>"I'm about… to finish Mr Potter…" Minvera gasps while continuing to fuck his mouth "As you've been so kind would you like to decide where?"<br/>Before Harry can reply he hears another voice speak up from the side.<br/>"Outside Professor, do it outside." He hears Hermione request.<br/>Looking over at her favourite student Minerva is pleased to see the eager looks of pleasure and approval on her face. Meeting her eyes she gestures for Hermione to come closer.<br/>"Happily." replies Minerva while powering her length down Harry's throat.<br/>Harry feels tears welling up in his eyes, but wills them to show the sheer pleasure he is feeling from having his professor slide her cock down his throat. Soon he feels her pick up even more speed before he realises she's about to cum.<br/>Pulling her cock from his mouth Minerva rapidly strokes the slick length, within moments she feels herself cross the point and with a choked gasp begins to unleash load after load against her students face. Harry feels the thick coating of cum landing against him, coating his entire visage. He's never felt so thankful to wear glasses until he's able to watch a blast of thick cum splash against them. Before she fully tapers off Harry hurriedly takes her length back in his mouth to feel the remains of her cum land against his tongue.<br/>Swallowing down the mouthful he caught he moans in pleasure at the taste of his professors cum. He leans back and goes to lower the now cum covered glasses from his head when his hands are caught by Hermione, who soon drops to her knees in front of him. Leaning forward she uses her tongue to clean his glasses of the cum, leaving Harry to stare at his red faced best friend.<br/>Giving her a gentle smile he leans forward once more before Hermione hurriedly attacks his face, cleaning each spot of cum she can find, swallowing drop after drop with a moan. Using her fingers she soon gathers the remains of the cum into one last mouthful and gives Harry a questioning look. Without speaking Harry leans forward to capture her lips. The two fiercely battle, Harry tries to capture as much cum from her mouth as he can leaning back with his plundered gift before giving her a grateful smile and swallowing.<br/>The two hear their professor clear her throat above them, and turn their heads to see the amused face of Minerva McGonagall calmly sitting in the chair with he still intimidating length now sitting softly within her lap.<br/>"As lovely as this is to watch, you two are still breaking curfew." she reminds them gently.<br/>Blushing the two teens jump to their feet and begin to gather their things once more.<br/>"Oh and Miss Granger, I do believe I said no talking." The professor gently scolds in an amused tone.<br/>Blushing Hermione turns to look at the professor once more, before turning to Harry mischievously.<br/>"I'm very sorry Professor, as a Witch may I offer my sincere apologies for my error and ask you allow me to make reparations." Hermione replies with a grin....</p>

So there we go, I felt like this could possibly be two chapters, but I thought it worked better as one continuous evening. The professor won't be the last older woman to feature either, in fact the current plan would have a few surprises happen sooner rather than later. So perhaps after the other Gryffindor girls get their turn.

The ending line was done half for a fun ending, and half because I do plan to try a chapter with Hermione/McGonagall exploring their teachers pet dynamic in the future.

As always thoughts and feelings welcome.

maxphantomcreators' thoughts