
Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood

Follow Alaric in his journey to be the strongest wizard out there by hook or by crook. This is the story of a guy who went to a different world to get power and to find new relationships in his life. Read how he fights off Voldemort in process becoming the leader of new generation of wizards and builds up his new life with his new friends, family and wife. A story of a wizard using his wisdom and power to ascend to the pinnacle of the world, who will do anything to protect his new family. This is a little slow paced and also somewhat slice of life story so keep that in mind, that focuses more on Alaric's relationship. There will be heavy changes to the original plot so be aware and also MC becomes overpowered rather quickly as the story moves forward and he won't hesitate to take some drastic measures if necessary, so he won't have a moral compass. If you want to support me and read advance chapters please visit: patreon.com/bobthewriter Main World: Harry Potter Second World: Game of Thrones Third World: ..... #harrypotter #gameofthrones Cover Image isn't mine original creator can contact me to remove it. I don't own this story, and this work and characters are entirely fictional, any resemblance is purely coincidental, and imitation is strongly discouraged.

bobthewriter · Livres et littérature
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309 Chs

Chapter 205: Seeker's Battle

The showdown between Cho Chang and Aidan Lynch began under the watchful eyes of the teammates.

The rules of the game were simple: on the Quidditch pitch, a golden snitch and two bludgers were released. 

The task was to catch the golden snitch amidst the distraction of the bludgers. The first one to catch the golden snitch would win.

Compared to an official match, they lacked twelve teammates and opponents interfering with their flight and observation on the pitch. 

However, there were no beaters to fend off the bludgers, nor were there others to distract the bludgers' targets. 

This meant that the bludgers would continuously follow them, disrupting their flight. One small mistake could lead to being knocked off the broomstick by a bludger.

The rules were proposed by Lynch. With his extensive experience in dealing with bludgers, he had a significant advantage over Cho Chang in such a match.

Ludo Bagman originally wanted to refuse such a contest. He felt that merely comparing flying speed and skill would suffice.

This type of match, which clearly tested experience, was too disadvantageous for Cho Chang, a young girl. However, Cho Chang herself and Alaric, standing behind him, had no objections.

Cho Chang was confident in herself. She already knew about the Firebolt broomsticks of the Irish team, and she had experienced the excellence of Firebolts. 

However, in terms of performance, the Firebolt was far inferior to the broomstick Alaric had modified for her.

Moreover, after learning to transform into a dragon, her physical strength had been gradually improving. 

Now she could fully utilize most of her broomstick's performance. 

Her broomstick exceeded speeds of two hundred miles per hour, while the Firebolts maximum speed was only a hundred and fifty miles per hour. 

Whether Aidan Lynch could fully unleash his Firebolt's potential remained to be seen.

Alaric himself naturally would not object to Cho Chang's decision. He always believed in the girls he had trained—now they all had the power of dragons.

Seeing that Alaric also had no objections, Bagman stopped arguing. 

After all, despite him being the Director of Magical Sports, Alaric was one of the few influential people who could make decisions here.

The scene in the Wizengamot courtroom back then was still vivid in his memory—it was someone he couldn't afford to offend.

So, after Bagman announced that the match was about to begin, Cho Chang took out her magnificent broomstick and took off first.

Seeing this unfamiliar model of broomstick, Lynch disdainfully sneered.

"This girl has no discernment, always buying flashy things. What's the use of a broomstick being just pretty? The professional ones are the best."

With that, he mounted his Firebolt. 

"The Firebolts of our Irish team are the latest models from the Nimbus Racing Broom Company. 

Its designer is the renowned broomstick designer Randolph Spudmore! With your broomstick, and you're already doomed."

Seeing this, Bagman, standing on the ground, whispered to Alaric.

"Isn't it too unfair for the two sides to use different broomsticks? 

If Miss Cho Chang's broomstick has poor performance, it will hold her back. Why don't I have other members of the Irish team lend her a Firebolt? That would be fairer."

Obviously, he didn't have much confidence in Cho Chang's broomstick either.

However, Alaric just glanced at him and said calmly, "The broomstick Cho Chang is riding was personally modified by me."

"I see." 

Bagman nodded in sudden realization. He had long heard of the alchemy skills of this person. 

He was a renowned alchemist, praised by both Dumbledore and the late Nicolas Flamel. 

Although he had never heard that he was also a broomstick designer, the work of such a grandmaster would surely have exceptional performance. 

So, he cast a sympathetic look towards Lynch flying in the air.

Barry Ryan, the Keeper of the Irish team, and Connolly, the beater each took out a box from the warehouse. 

Connolly's box opened, revealing two bludgers strapped inside. He and another beater, Quigley, released the straps, each grabbing a bludger and letting them struggle in their arms.

Barry took out a small ball with wings the size of a palm from his box—that was the golden snitch.

Barry let go first, and the golden snitch immediately flew around the pitch, but the two seekers remained in the air, waiting for the command.

After a few minutes, when the golden snitch was nowhere to be seen, Ludo, acting as the referee, announced that the match was starting.

The two beaters immediately released the bludgers from their arms, and the bludgers rushed towards the two seekers.

At the beginning of the match, Cho Chang and her broomstick shocked the entire audience.

Originally, Lynch wanted to take advantage of the speed and braking ability of the Firebolt to accelerate and leave first, so that the bludgers would target Cho Chang, who was closest to them. Then he could easily search for the golden snitch.

This was a victory of experience and broomstick performance, he thought triumphantly, about to start.

However, his opponent was much faster.

In an instant, Cho Chang, draped in a black cloak, turned into a black shadow in front of Lynch and flew upward.

The acceleration was such that even the Firebolt couldn't achieve such explosive speed.

And what kind of reaction force did Cho Chang, riding such a broomstick, have to endure at this moment?

The experienced Lynch immediately realized a fact that was hard to believe—he might be inferior to his opponent, whether in terms of the broomstick or himself.

That fancy unknown broomstick didn't seem as showy as he had imagined. At least in terms of acceleration, its performance surpassed the Firebolt beneath him.

And its user, the little girl, wasn't as weak as she appeared. 

Rather, her physical strength might even be stronger than Lynch, a man in his twenties. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to control the broomstick at such terrifying speeds.

But how could that be? His opponent was just someone with connections, a girl?

However, time didn't give Lynch a chance to consider. The bludgers couldn't find Cho Chang, so they targeted Lynch, who was closest to them.

This forced him to immediately maneuver his Firebolt to evade them.

As for Cho Chang, she accelerated instantly on her broomstick and flew to a high altitude, then stopped abruptly, allowing her to hover slowly in the air and observe the entire situation below.

Such instant acceleration and deceleration actions were something she couldn't achieve in the past. 

Without sufficient physical strength, such speed changes would be enough to make an ordinary person vomit blood. However, she completed them effortlessly.

Moreover, with the initiative in her hands, she immediately left the pressure of the bludgers to Lynch. 

Although Lynch tried several times to divert the bludgers' targets to her, with her speed advantage and excellent flying skills, Cho Chang never stayed in one place for more than three seconds, forcing Lynch to follow her closely and eat her dust.

But he had to do this, or else the simultaneous attacks of the two bludgers would be enough to prevent him from having the energy to search for the golden snitch.

Fortunately, his opponent also failed to find the golden snitch.

Thinking this, he breathed a sigh of relief temporarily and began to concentrate on how to catch up with his opponent and divert the bludgers' attacks to her.

After all, the pitch was only so big, and unless Cho Chang kept flying upward, she would eventually be blocked by Lynch, right?

Lynch glanced at Cho Chang again. This time, the girl had changed her position once more, then slowed down and began to observe cautiously.

Suddenly, the whistle from Bagman sounded.

And thus, the match ended just like that.




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