Why do you need to cast in Latin? Why are the three unforgivable curses so unforgivable? I can cast something worse than any curse for I cast TESTICULAR TORSION!! Not enough I CAST MANUAL BREATHING! ITCHY BONES! And I don't care how big the room is I CAST FIREBALL!!! I own nothing from Harry Potter all rights go to J.K. Rowling, I only own my OCs. For 10 advanced chapters go to Patreon.com/Joanjudo Stories
Student List
1. Kenneth Towler (Canon)
2. Bell Luminary
3. Catherine "Cat" Walsh
4. David Greene
5. Emma Fairweather
6. James McKinnon
7. Lucy Winterbourne
8. Michael O'Connor
9. Sarah Blackwood
10. Thomas Fletcher
11. Peter Summers
12. Mary MacDonald
1. John Winchester
2. Rosie Truman
3. Benjamin "Ben" Rivers
4. Charlotte Hudson
5. Daniel Cooper
6. Eleanor "Ellie" Whitman
7. George Summers
8. Isabel Matthews
9. Oliver Hayes
10. Rachel Thompson
11. William "Will" Parker
1. Roger Davies (Canon)
2. Penelope Clearwater (Canon)
3. Adrian Chen
4. Cho Chang (Canon)
5. Elizabeth "Liz" Sterling
6. Felix Serendipity
7. Henry Maxwell
8. Cho Chang
9. Ryan Nair
1. Marcus Flint (Canon)
2. Drake Macmillan
3. Anna Abbott (Hannah Abbott's cousin)
4. Cassandra Greengrass
5. Dominic Travers
6. Edward Selwyn
7. Helena Rowle
8. Serena Fawley
9. Victor Nott
Total: 41 students
Prefects, Head boy and Head Girl
Male Prefect: Charlie Weasley (7th Year)
Female Prefect: Sarah McKinnon (7th Year) related to the McKinnon family mentioned in Order of the Phoenix
Male Prefect: Gabriel Truman (6th Year), mentioned in Pottermore as a previous Hufflepuff prefect, though exact years aren't specified.
Female Prefect: Jane Smith (6th Year)
Male Prefect: Chester Davies (7th Year) Roger Davies's older brother
Female Prefect: Rebecca Clearwater (7th Year) Penelope's older cousin
Male Prefect: Alexander Yaxley (6th Year) from the Yaxley family mentioned in canon
Female Prefect: Victoria Rosier (6th Year) from the Rosier family mentioned in canon
Head Boy: Chester Davies (Ravenclaw, 7th Year)
Head Girl: Sarah McKinnon (Gryffindor, 7th Year)