
Harry Potter: I'm James Potter.

Edward is considered the most promising heir of the Rothschild House, a very powerful European dynasty; however, he dies at the early age of 15 years while saving the life of an ordinary child. For many, it would be a misfortune to meet such a fate when you have the power to control the world, but for Edward, it was not so, as he was never happy despite being considered a super genius. When he thought it was the end, he was reincarnated as a baby named James Potter. A name he knows very well since, in his past life, he secretly read a book titled "Harry Potter."

Nathe07 · Livres et littérature
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208 Chs

Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

They finished breakfast, and his father loaded his heavy trunk into the car. His father was a great fan of muggle objects especially mechanics, hence, cars. Fleamont bought a Peugeot 504 and after he retired tried to learn Muggle mechanics. It was one of his hobbies.

The Peugeot was white, had four doors, and was very well maintained. James climbed into the back seat and put the cage next to him where Shadow was.

"Everything ready?" asked Euphemia, turning her head slightly to look at James.

"Yes. I don't think I forgot anything," replied James, who had already gone through his trunk several times. The last thing he put in was the invisibility cloak.

"Right, let's get going!" said Fleamont, starting the car. The sound of the engine was heard. James knew how much it took for his father to learn to know how to drive and get his driver's license.

They arrived at King's Cross station at half past ten. Fleamont loaded James' trunk onto a trolley and wheeled him through the station. They made their way to platforms 9 and 10. The entrance to the Hogwarts Express was Platform 9¾. However, this did not exist or rather it was a platform hidden through magic so that muggles could not enter.

"Well. It's time to walk to the barrier, don't be afraid. You won't crash," said Euphemia.

James nodded. The training room he used this time had a similar mechanism, so he wasn't nervous. The three of them started walking straight towards the barrier normally. So as not to attract the attention of the muggles.

When they reached the barrier none of the three collided, they kept moving forward. James caught his first glimpse of the famous scarlet steam locomotive waiting on the crowded platform. A sign read 'Hogwarts Express, 11.00'.

Smoke from the locomotive rose over the heads of the noisy crowd. Cats of all colors came and went between everyone's legs. Owls called to each other, hooting grumpily, above the noise of the chattering and the movement of the heavy trunks.

The first carriages were already crowded with students, some leaning out of the windows to talk to their families. Others were discussing the seats they would occupy.

"Come on, let's find a carriage that isn't full," said Fleamont, pushing the trolley across the platform.

James, as he walked beside his parents, passed by a girl with a dark complexion, who said:

"Oh no, Mother. I forgot my diary!"

"I told you. You were supposed to check everything before you left!" he heard a middle-aged woman exclaim.

Then he passed by two girls, who were standing apart from their parents and seemed to be in an argument from the angry tone of their voices. "Monster!" one of the girls blurted out and ran off to where her parents were waiting, who were watching in rapt amusement at the various scenes happening on the platform, not noticing the girls' discussion.

The girl who ran off bumped James' shoulder slightly but didn't stop for a second to apologize. James grimaced and continued walking in search of an empty carriage.

Near the end of the train, they managed to find an empty compartment. James settled Shadow, and his father carried the heavy trunk to the door of the carriage up the steps and set it in the corner of the compartment.

"That's it..." said Fleamont, coming down the steps.

"Study and have fun," said Euphemia warmly as she kissed him on the forehead bidding him farewell. His father said goodbye to him as well and whispered in his ear to make big jokes with the invisibility cloak to which James laughed and climbed into the carriage, positioning himself next to the window.

"I'll send them a letter tomorrow..." said James in a sad tone. It would be the first time he would be so far away from his parents. It wasn't a nice feeling.

His parents looked at each other somewhat worried. As good parents they were. They had noticed James' dependence on them, "Send us any letters you want, you'll make friends, and soon you'll be comfortable at Hogwarts," said Euphemia with a smile.

A whistle was heard, and the students who were still dawdling began to enter the train in a hurry. After a few seconds, the train began to move. His parents waved their hands at him, and he did the same until they disappeared. When the train rounded a bend.

James felt a little sad but quickly felt a wave of excitement. For the first time, he would be going to a school, and not just any school, a magical one! Besides being able to make friends and have fun for the first time as a normal boy, he would be able to learn many things at Hogwarts.

The compartment door opened, and he could notice a blonde hair, blue eyes, and a haughty look. He quickly recognized the person, Gwen Shafiq.

Gwen seeing James smiled, "I finally found you! I had to go through almost every carriage," she said, grumbling and entering the compartment.

James smiled at the sight of one of his first friends, although she was somewhat shrill and arrogant, she was his first friend along with Emily. So he held her in high esteem. The last time he saw her was several years ago. They only communicated with letters.

"Hey, Gwen, long time no see! You didn't grow up much in that time," James joked with a smile that then disappeared as several people walked in that he unfortunately managed to recognize.

The second person to enter was Gwen's best friend, Anastasia Nott. A short girl and heavier than average for girls her age, her eyes were very small, and she still had a cupped hairstyle.

Behind her entered two tall, big boys, Goyle and Crabbe. Two boys that James broke his nose several years ago because they insulted his parents and wanted to hit him.

They wanted to hit him because of Gwen, who was now his friend, very confusing really. Finally, in walked a boy with short brown hair and eyes that gave off a haughty, cold stare.

"I grew 10cm since we parted!" exclaimed Gwen indignantly, looking at James angrily, but with a slight smile.

James knew what she was saying was true. He was just saying it to annoy her like he always did years ago since she got on his nerves when she wouldn't stop talking. Gwen had grown, and her blonde hair now reached her waist, despite that she was still shorter than James.

Anastasia and the others looked at Gwen strangely for some reason. Gwen noticed this and coughed a couple of times, "Well... you know Anastasia, my best friend, and Crabbe and Goyle," she said a little uncomfortable about naming the large-complexioned boys, as all 4 remembered the little incident.

"This boy is Rabastan Lestrange first year. I'm sure they will both stay in Slytherin and be top first years," she added. Introduced James with the boy staring at him. For some reason, the boy looked annoyed.

"Pleasure, Potter. I've heard of your family... especially your grandfather and his favoritism to muggles," Rabastan said acidly, reaching out to shake James' hand.

Gwen's expression changed as she heard this. Goyle and Crabbe too, even though it had been more than five years since that incident, now and then they remembered the incident where James broke both of their noses.

"A pleasure. Yes, my grandfather can see beyond. More than some narrow-minded people," James said with a slight smile and accepting the handshake.

"Narrow-minded?" repeated Rabastan as his tone grew increasingly angry.

"Enough, sit down. We're not here to discuss..." said Gwen in a cold tone. Rabastan reluctantly sat down. Gwen sat across from James, and next to her sat her friend, who took up more space than the average person.

'What is she doing...?' thought Anastasia, looking with her beady eyes at her best friend. James had called narrow-minded referring to all pureblood wizards with supremacist ideals. She was about to jump into the discussion, not letting such disrespect pass, but her friend acted first and ended the discussion.

"By the way, did you go to the quidditch final? Did you see the attack thing?" asked Gwen. She knew of James' fanaticism, so it was a pretty safe bet that he had attended the final.

"Yes. I saw those hooded ones as they attacked the tents," James replied with a frown.

"The hooded ones acted well in tormenting those muggles," commented Anastasia with a disgusted smile. Crabbe, Goyle, and Rabastan laughed showing that they agreed with what Anastasia was saying.

"It's not a funny thing. They were murdered," James said in an unfriendly tone as he looked out the window.

The laughter died down, and the carriage was left in an awkward atmosphere, "Don't be a party pooper, P-potter," said Crabbe acting brave, although he stuttered a little when he said James' last name.

James stopped looking at the window and looked at Crabbe, who quickly looked away as he whistled nervously, 'Is his brain so brainwashed that he finds the death of muggles funny?' thought James dumbfounded.

This wasn't entirely crazy, as they considered muggles to be little more than animals. However, he was still amazed at how extreme these pureblood families could be.

"I've told you before, Potter. If you want your family to not be considered blood traitors, you must change those attitudes that favor muggles. That way, you can become part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight," Anastasia said, looking at James haughtily.

Gwen at hearing this put on an ugly expression. If the conversation continued in this direction, it could end badly, very badly.

"Why would I want my family to belong on some stupid list your stupid grandfather created?" asked James with a slight smirk. He was tired of this fat girl belittling his family, and now and then this one named the list of the sacred twenty-eight.

At Gwen's birthdays that he attended, Anastasia always said the same thing, but James ignored it and didn't argue, as he knew she was Gwen's friend and was in her house. He didn't want to cause an awkward situation, but now he was on the train bound for Hogwarts. He would not continue to put up with this insufferable girl.

"You... you..." said Anastasia with her mouth open and a very surprised expression. No one had ever said such words to her before. The others also looked at James shocked especially because he insulted Anastasia's grandfather a very respected wizard.

"How dare you insult my grandfather!" she exclaimed furiously after recovering from the initial shock. She quickly pulled out her wand and pointed it at James.

"Hey, calm down Anastasia!" said Gwen, standing up and stepping in the middle.

"Shut up, Gwen! Why do you always take her side? Who's your best friend?" asked Anastasia furiously as she ushered Gwen away, who remained with a doubtful expression, not knowing what to do.

"Come on, attack!" said James with a smile. In his hand, he already had his wand ready.

Everyone looked at him quizzically. This was a student who was about to start Hogwarts. Why was he so confident? Did he think he could beat a second-year student?

'This guy's got a couple of screws loose,' thought Rabastan looking at James' excited grin as if he was waiting for the match to begin. Being so dedicated to combat magic made James really like dueling.

On the other hand, Crabbe and Goyle looked at James with more terrified looks. They knew of James' talent. When they were little, they couldn't analyze much, but it was obvious that James had a very good control of magic despite his age and a coldness that was scary.

Anastasia looked at James with doubt. The look and smile that the boy had made her doubt. Her best friend had told her many times that James was very talented.

When the atmosphere was tense, suddenly the compartment door opened. A middle-aged woman with a smiling face peeked out and asked, "Would you like anything from the cart, dears?"


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