
The Hogwarts Express

The Hogwarts Express steamed through the countryside, its rhythmic clatter filling the compartment with a comforting hum. Adrian Blackthorn stared outside the window while being seated in his empty compartment. This was his sister's third year at Hogwarts, so she was sitting in the nearby compartment with her friends.

Adrian's thoughts were interrupted as the compartment door opened. Draco Malfoy entered the compartment as he strode in with his usual arrogance before sitting next to Adrian. Soon, Harry Potter and Weasley also entered Adrian's compartment. The train seemed unusually packed today as there were a lot of new students. This led to Adrian's compartment being the only free one remaining. Both of them sat down in the opposite seat. However, Ron looked slightly uncomfortable as he glared at Adrian and Draco.

"Well, well," Draco said, his voice dripping with mockery. "Well, hello, Harry Potter. Why are you hanging out with blood traitors like the Weasley? Surely you would know that some superior people exist?."

"No, I'm perfectly fine, and I don't think you should tell me who is better or not. I can make friends on my own," said Potter.

For a moment, Draco didn't respond, but then he suddenly felt enraged. "You will regret it," he said.

"You Slytherins are all the same," Ron screamed out. "Thinking your blood's better than ours."

Draco sneered. "And you're a Gryffindor, Weasley. I'm sure the best thing about you is your embarrassing family. The Weasleys are nothing more than a joke. How much money do you have? Even if you sold your entire family, you would not even have half our money."

Ron's face flushed red with anger. "You...."

Before he could finish, the door to the compartment swung open and a familiar voice interrupted the brewing fight.

"Excuse me," Hermione Granger said as her face flushed with urgency. "Has anyone seen Neville's toad? He's lost it again, and..."

Draco's eyes glinted with malice, and before anybody could stop him, Draco let out a sharp, cutting laugh. "You look like a despicable Mudblood. What are you doing here? Get out!"

Hermione froze, her face paling.She was new to the wizarding world, and she did not understand what Mudblood meant. Yet, the way Malfoy spoke to her made her feel distraught. Tears started forming in her eyelids as she ran away from the compartment.

"Malfoy," Ron snapped, his voice low with anger. "You cannot talk to anybody like that."

"Look at you, Weasley," Draco continued as his voice dripped with venom. "Coming to the defense of a mudblood. How pathetic."

"That's enough, Draco," Adrian said, his voice firm. "You want to prove you're a real wizard? Then stop acting like a spoiled child. You think your family name makes you invincible? Don't you, Draco? " You rely too much on your father's legacy. Don't you ever wonder what you have ever done on your own? Without hiding behind the Malfoy name? When the semester starts, I can guarantee that Granger will perform better than you in every subject. Bloodline isn't power; strength is, and you better remember that.

Draco's eyes narrowed at Adrian, but this time, he didn't respond with an insult. Instead, he leaned back, his posture becoming stiff. He looked away as Adrian's words had shaken his inner being. He looked conflicted as he took a deep breath and left the compartment.

Harry glanced at Adrian and said, "Why did you stand up for that Malfoy guy?" Harry said quietly. "Did he even deserve it?"

Adrian leaned back and said. "Because Draco doesn't know how to stand up for himself. He hides behind his family's name because he's terrified of what happens if he doesn't. But maybe, just maybe, he'll learn that he can stand on his own."

Harry gave Adrian a thoughtful look. "Do you think he'll change?"

"Maybe. But that's only if he stops being a coward and realizes that his blood does not make him superior."

With that, the compartment fell silent as the Hogwarts Express rumbled onward, carrying them all closer to their destination.The train ride today had been full of tension, but it was just the beginning. Soon the train arrived at the station before everybody got off.

"First years, over here!" A booming voice echoed across the platform. Adrian turned to see a towering figure with a wild beard waving at them. It was Hagrid, just as he remembered from the books and films, a half-giant with a kind yet imposing demeanor.

Adrian joined the small group of first-years gathering around Hagrid. Harry and Ron were nearby with Neville who, looked exactly like the the chubby and worried boy he remembered from the movies. 

"This way to the boats!" Hagrid called, leading them toward the edge of a vast dark lake. This was the Black Lake as per what Adrian remembered. It housed a giant squid that his sister had said could often be seen from the Slytherin dormitory. Adrian's heart soon raced as he caught his first glimpse of Hogwarts. The castle loomed majestically in the distance, its turrets and towers lit by countless glowing windows. It was even more magnificent than it had looked in the movies.

Adrian climbed into one of the small wooden boats with Harry, Ron, and Neville. The boats floated steadily across the still water as they were guided by an unseen force. The reflection of the castle shimmered on the lake's surface, creating an almost otherworldly sight.

"This is incredible," Neville said softly, his nervousness momentarily forgotten as he gazed at the castle.

Ron, who had been sulking slightly since their earlier confrontation with Draco, seemed to relax as he saw the grand Hogwarts. "It's just like my brother said it'd be," he murmured, leaning forward to get a better look.

The boats docked at the far side of the lake, and the first-years climbed out under Hagrid's watchful eye. The giant led them up a steep path toward the castle's grand entrance. As they walked, Adrian's mind raced with thoughts about the sorting ceremony. He expected the Sorting Hat to place him in Slytherin. Or would his knowledge of the future make the hat place him elsewhere? He also had his doubts that the sorting hat would get to know that he was not of this world.

Inside the castle, the first-years were greeted by Professor McGonagall. Her stern expression softened slightly as she looked over the group. "Welcome to Hogwarts," she began. "In a few moments, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting Ceremony is a crucial moment for every student, as your house will be like your family for the rest of your time here. There is also a House Cup system that will allow you to earn glory for your houses. All the best for your sorting, and please come up ahead as I call out your names. Do not be nervous.