I woke up in the world of Harry Potter, let's venture into this familiar yet new world. An :- The story will follow cannon. The link to the discord server:- https://discord.gg/xVMf4g2ZaM
We were in front of a pet shop. Grandpa was talking to some of his old acquaintances, I walked up to the owner was a Japanese fellow who had all kinds of exotic animals. The owner's name was Shinsuke Daito I asked him about the cat and he said "I don't really know which breed it is all I know is that it was sold to me by a guy and he said he wanted to get rid of it" hearing this my interest peaked in the cat I knew that there was something about this cat.
I walked up to it and slowly put my hand just in front of the cat and just waited for it to come forward it took some time for the cat but eventually he put his paw in my hand and gave me a meow.
Upon closer inspection, the cat had a reddish-brown fur and the cat was a male I picked him up and he was also happy and suddenly a bright yellow light flashed on my wrist and on one of the cat's legs and a black band appeared and slowly disappeared seeing the bright light grandpa hurried to towards me and asked "Are you ok?!. What was that light just now?."
I said giving a shrug and said "I don't know" he then noticed the cat that was in my hands and asked, "Why do you have a cat with you?".
I said giving my best puppy eyes and said "Can I keep him?" even the cat chimed in giving a begging meow, with both of our combined efforts.
Gramps had given in and said "Uhh fine you can keep him just make sure you take care of him properly".
I gave my biggest of smiles and said, "THANK YOU, GRANDPA!!". Grandpa asked how much for the cat and the owner raised 7 fingers and said 7 Dinaras.
(AN:- 1 Galleon = 5 pounds, 1 Dinaras = 2 Galleon basically 2X of everything it is because even though the British invaded India and exploited it the magical side still remained dominant same with the case of china never had the century of shame period in the magical side of thing 1 Jiaozi = .75 Dinaras = 0.375 Galleon.)
It was about 8:00 pm when we were done with all the work and made our way back to the carriage when we both got in I thought of the names for the cat-like James, Golden, Jojo but he didn't like any of those so I thought hard and suggested Dante the one from the divine comedy and the cat liked the name.
Grandpa asked, "Why did you name him Dante?" I said because the poet had to through hell to meet his loved one and the cat has that hellish fire like fur and the eyes of the cat is golden like that of treasure found in the level of greed and it has more intelligence than that of the normal cat that is why.
When we reached home I told my parents about my day at the dining table my Maa didn't like the cat but my dad absolutely loved the cat. The cat adjusted well in the family after a few days I took him to meet Kalki in the lab then Kalki said "Kid where did you get that cat?".
I said a few days ago I bought the cat at a pet shop what was interesting was that the cat was not really that afraid of Kalki. Kalki then explained that the cat was a lesser spirit.
I asked, "What do you mean by a lesser spirit?".
Kalki then said that "Spirits are of many types like fire, water, ice, grass, dark and light this particular cat is a fire spirit in the form of cat and this cat has made a bond with you lesser or young spirits need bonds and contracts to survive, think of it as a symbiotic relationship the spirit gains your little magic power and you gain higher affinity to that element".
"You are very lucky kid spirits don't normally form bonds with everyone lesser spirits are more likely to form pacts and survive on their own with the help of the ambient magic in the air and you are especially lucky because it looks like that this spirit has potential to become a greater spirit with time this cat can also help you in combat and especially in rune forging and potion making".
I just looked at Dante in amazement he gave me an I know I am awesome look. Then Kalki and I got to potion-making. I increased my training and it was showing I was getting stronger and faster although the growth was small it was surely there.
After the training session, I asked grandpa why is it that only cars can run in the magical world and not any other muggle inventions and he replied "You know how magic is all around us even in the muggle side right?".
I gave him a nod he then continued "Well in the magical world the magic becomes dense around the wizardkind and that interferes with the inner workings of electronic devices that is why you only see older models of cars which have fewer electronic parts even the headlamps in cars are modified by runes and the spell lumos and the horn with sonorous".
Today was the day that my occlumency training would begin it was 23 Jan 1989. My teacher Mrs. Viswakarma arrived early in the morning and we took our lessons in the study room and she explained to me that occlumency is trained through legilimency and that she would send a probe in my mind and I would have to detect it.
It was way harder than I thought it would be she also told me that I would have to create layers upon layers in my mind to protect my mind and that required a high level of concentration to maintain those layers of defense and she also said to make a mindscape to store my memories in one place so that it would become easier for me to protect information and it would be quick to access them. She also said to practice legilimency on her I tried sending a probe in and there were like 10-20 layers of protection and her mindscape looked like the golden pagoda. She gave me my homework which was basically meditating for hours so that I could calm my mind and in that time make my mindscape.
[An:- Golden Pagoda is a temple in India].
AN :- thank you for reading the chapters if you have any questions you can ask them in the comments.
Many people were asking me if the mc will go to Hogwarts or not to clear things up yes mc will go to Hogwarts.
I would like suggestions for the mindscape of mc about what should it look like.
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