
Harry Potter and the Young Occamy's Path

Here he was, Natsu Orion Flamel in the Harry Potter world. What is he going to do? Is he going to completely stay out of it or is he going to carve his own path? Let's find out! P.S: Copyright of some characters in the book and the world is belong to J.K.Rowling. So now this shitty sentence out of way, enjoy! P.P.S:English is not my native language, so I'm going to ask you to overlook some of my mistakes and grammer, especially with tenses. I mean, what's up with those tenses, it's always so confusing, it never feels right ,arggh! Anyway, enjoy! :)

natsukun · Autres
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21 Chs

Chapter 9: Animagus form

I was so excited, I'm finally going to Hogwarts. And my wands are just awesome, both of them! I'm literally in love with them. I get why so many wizards use wands. It's not just that it's really easy to cast the spells, though I'm sure majority of them use them for that reason, but it's your connection with them, it's like they are part of you. I feel just.. hmm, what's the word, content! yes content.

I also remove the trace on them. You see, I found a ritual in the books I bought from the Knockturn Alley. And let me tell you, ingredients for the ritual cost me almost all of my savings. But it was worth it. Now, I can use them outside of school, of course ministry still trace the magic in muggle areas, but that could just be an adult, right? I grinned.

I don't really have to prepare for classes, cause I've already finished the entire curriculum so I spent my last month with Harry and brewing a potion for my animagus transformation. You see, to find the animal you're going to turn in to, you have to hold a Mandrake leaf in your mouth for a month, reciting an incantation 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus' on a daily basis and you have to take potion which also includes Mandrake leaf in fullmoon.

So, potion is finally done. I've been putting Mandrake leaf in my mouth for a month, and let me tell you it tastes disgusting. Tonight is the fullmoon, I can't wait to see what my inner animal is. Is it going to be something winged or a some mammal. As a future Ravenclaw I would be okay with raven you know. Maybe I could be a snake and talk with Harry, now that's a thought! It's not like I don't have a Slytherin side either. I laughed. Ahh, I can't wait.

I carefully placed in a vial and got outside to the backyard. Harry was there, he wanted to watch me. I sat down on the grass, took a look at the moon, when I calmed a little, I chucked down the vial. I hold my wand over my heart and recited 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus' I closed my eyes. I could see a foggy area, and middle in the clearing, there it was, a little blurry at first but it got clearer, a plumed, two-legged serpentine bodied creature with wings that reached up to fifteen feet in height, protecting it's eggs. It was an Occamy!!! An Occamy! I gasped. It's an XXXX ranked creature mostly found in far east. Oh no, I'm not going to tell this about to Harry or mother. Occamy's are basically mother hens. They're so going to call me a mother hen, oh no! They're not going to let this go, are they? Why,life! Why you must be so cruel!! I yelled the heavens. I sighed, now that I know what animal I'm going to turn in to, i can start the transformation.

When I opened my eyes, Harry was looking at me expectedly. I turned my head. "So, what is it brother." he asked. I didn't give an answer. He sat in front of me and looked at me with those puppy eyes " Brotheeerr??" asked stretching the end a bit.

I sighed, damn those eyes! I'm so gonna regret this. " It's an Occamy." I murmured.

He blinked. After a few seconds he started to laugh. " That's so you!!" said and continued laughing. " A mother hen , protecting it's eggs, ahahaaa, and a serpent , you can call yourself a raven all you want but here you are, a serpent!" and he laughed even more.

" Not at all!! I'm not.. whatever." I harrumphed. " And it got wings!! so shut up!" I stick my tongue out. "And also if I am a mother hen, I am a Hufflepuff too then." said.

"Sure, you keep telling yourself that." He laughed and started running home, probably to tell mum. I'm telling you, that boy is too mischievous for his own good. Argghh, I'm so not gonna live this down, am I? Thankfully I'm going to go Hogwarts two days later and till I got back, this topic will loose his interest, yes yes definitely. I thought while trying to fool myself. I sighed and got inside.

There he was mum, dad and little devil spawn of a brother laughing their asses of. I sighed again and got inside while accepting my fate.

I know its not fullmoon but the lightning. But I changed it to my liking. It's a fanfiction so something's gonna change right?

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