
Harry Potter and the White Death Eater

Life does not usually lead people to the desired path even when the efforts are immense. After a death full of pain our character is reborn in a world of magic and fantasy but unfortunately he is in the worst place of all, he belongs to a family of Death Eaters.

Anon20K · Livres et littérature
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102 Chs

Chapter 34: Selfish Request

"Uhh..." William groaned as he furrowed his eyebrows, he opened his eyes and quickly recognized the place where he was, the infirmary, just as he had planned.

"Finally awake Mr. Rosier" the voice of the elderly headmaster had entered William's ears causing him to pay attention to him.

"Headmaster?" asked William, he could still feel the exhaustion in his body but it was no time to take breaks, he knew that better than anyone inside the castle. He lifted his body with difficulty, his best not to show his complete weakness "what happened to Quirrell and Voldemort?"

William's mind was in chaos, he could remember practically everything, including the fact that Pruna and Norberta broke free of their bags to save him "where are my belongings!" exclaimed William looking everywhere.

Dumbledore wasn't saying anything which made William worry more than he should, even with the tiredness in his body he struggled to get out of bed, he couldn't leave it at Dumbledore's trial, he was not a legit wizard but the greatest conspirator in all of history.

"I think the best thing at this time is to rest" said Dumbledore approaching William's bed both expanding bags "simple items in the eyes of many wizards but really useful."

William checked inside and could see the two creatures inside "they are both fine" sighed the white-haired man relaxed.

"Harry and Miss Granger told me a bit of their stories but I still have one version left to know all the facts, I think I know a few things but I would like to hear it from you" Dumbledore examined William using his eyesight, as a wise wizard he knew many things and William was aware of that "how did you know the stone was there?"

"It was simple, they left clues everywhere, the difference is that I have a fresh brain to tie up loose ends and I don't need to ask half the school like my fellow Gryffindor's did"

"Hagrid tried to warn me about Professor Quirrell."

"Yes, I told him at the time, I'm surprised he actually tried to warn you."

"He didn't say your name Mr. Rosier, he mentioned that it was his own investigation" William's expression froze and his eyes were bigger than before "Hagrid must really appreciate your friendship"

"Yes..." William clenched his fists tightly, Hagrid could have told Dumbledore that he was the one who discovered it but instead decided to hide his identity to save him trouble "he really is a good friend"

"do you have any questions?" Dumbledore looked at William one last time

"I guess the stone will be hidden somewhere else, this event will not be public but everyone in the castle will know anyway and I guess we will receive a prize" William showed his speculations causing a smile on the wise wizard's face.

"you really have a great intelligence, if you have no questions then I think I should retire, the farewell party is just around the corner and we must show the results of the house competition" Dumbledore turned around ready to leave but William stood up quickly.

"Professor!" the white-haired man called.

"Yes?" Dumbledore turned to look at William.

"may I make a selfish request?" William stood firmly in front of Dumbledore but before he could realize it his palms were sweaty, he felt the pressure on his body and his legs were shaking slightly but even with all that he had something to do.

Dumbledore looked William over from head to toe, he raised an eyebrow but nodded "let's hear his request before we make a decision."

William's mouth fell open but the words that needed to come out were held on his tongue "I want to go to Castelobruxo" finally the words left his mouth and entered Dumbledore's ears causing great surprise.

"Do you want to leave Hogwarts?" asked Dumbledore in surprise "is it because of the reaction of your housemates?"

"No!" exclaimed William "it's not about leaving Hogwarts, I just want to study at Castelobruxo during the vacations as an exchange program but without a student coming to Hogwarts, I wish that as my prize if possible"


"why the transfer?" asked William to confirm.

"no, why Castelobruxo specifically?"

"It's a place... the truth is for-"

"William you have nothing to fear, you just have to be yourself with your answer, depending on the answer will be what I can do."

"It's for Herbology and Magizoology. Castelobruxo specializes in those areas, their fauna is different, I want to learn as much as possible and I know Hogwarts in the best school but the rest also have their own strengths, I want to learn and know much more."

Dumbledore looked at William and finally let out a long sigh "I cannot answer at this time, this is not a request I can answer immediately, it not only includes Hogwarts and Castelobruxo, but also the two corresponding ministries of magic and the Rosier family, your family must approve the temporary transfer"

William hesitated for a moment, Dumbledore had not mentioned anything about money but William knew he had to have money for his transfer but that itself was not a problem after all he had the lottery prize, the problem itself is the approval of his family a small detail he had not taken into account.

"Well, I will let you rest, about your request I will do my best" That was the last sentence William heard coming from the lips of the wise director.

William sat on the edge of the bed in the infirmary for long minutes shuffling through all the possibilities he could think of, from sending the petition to his mother, to how to get his brothers to help him, he even thought about forging his mother's signatures but in this world of magic it would be ridiculous.

The white haired man didn't have many options in his mind so he decided to take one of the white sheets that were nearby and using the pen he wrote a note "This is my only possibility" he muttered in a low voice.