
Harry potter and the vast outer world

Reincarnated into the harry potter world, our mc edward kimsely slowly found out that the world he lives in is far more than meets the eye. "I don't need to bother about dumbledore and voldemort.......actually, i didn't even care about them." "I should marry beautiful girls and need to take them away with me to.........no no no i shouldn't say main story here right author- sama?" [Yes, if you tell all the story here.....i will definitely kill you with simple plot like........by the time you born in harry potter world, i will place Bellatrix beside you or some dementors................hehehehe]---AUTHOR SAMA {shivers}-------MC Find out what's happening in new harry potter world as you also can start journey with edward kimsely.

Im_jealous · Autres
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30 Chs

'settling down'

The next day, very early in the morning, even before the sun rose, Edward woke up from his sleep and made the candle lights on the wall to light up the room. By doing this, all the members in the dorm cursed him for some time, before going back to their sleep by adjusting themselves to the light.

Harry and ron also woke up from their sleep, but they didn't go back to sleep like others. Instead, they got curious about what Edward is up to.

"Why do you think he woke up this early?" Harry asked ron with some doubt and suspicion. He knew Edward doesn't do things randomly, as he will have some purpose to it.

"M-maybe, he is going to train in magic spells."

Ron also said with a bit of doubt in his voice. Seeing this, Harry knows, it's better to ask Edward himself.

"Edward, why did you woke up early in the morning? A-are you going to practice magic spells?"

Harry asked with some excitement in his voice. Because, if Edward going to practice spells, he will definitely going to teach them.

"No, I will only practice spells in the evening time. In the morning, I will practice external martial arts and some.....meditation."

He didn't want to expose his breathing technique to harry and ron, as he still didn't become a good friend to them. But if they want, I can teach external martial arts, even though they can't become a martial grandmaster, they can at least become a martial master realm.

Thinking up to that point, he looked at Harry and Ron who are looking like hesitating to ask something.

"Why are practicing something like martial arts, when you are an honorable wizard?"

Ron asked with all braveness he gathered from his body, he is still a little bit feared of Edward. Harry also nodded on the side.

"What are you even talking guys? Don't you know on the east side of our continent, there are some martial artists, that can beat 100 people at the same time? Even though they can't be compared to a Matured wizard, they can be able to deal with guys like you, who are still wet behind your ears."

After saying up to that point in a loud voice, Edward started mumbling, as he reminisced some of his previous life legends from all dynasties.

"In my previous life, there used to be legends who can turn mountains upside down. Large rivers can be cut in to by them, but by the time it's my generation, spiritual energy got so sparse. If these dumb fellows knew, that a true immortal level cultivator was to come to this place, they can squash both dumbledore and Voldemort like bugs. Pity, what a pity, I didn't born at that time when spiritual energy is abundant."

Edward just sighed thinking all those memories from his previous memories. While Harry and Ron didn't even know what to say, as Edward suddenly started murmuring.

"An ex....let's just say martial artists have different realms, wherein each realm they will refine their bodies by different forms of techniques. As for realms, if you can maintain the poses of these techniques for half an hour without falling you can call yourself a martial apprentice. The next level should be a martial expert realm, where you can maintain that poses for 1 hour. After that comes the martial master realm, where you can stand for 2 hours from all poses. As for next levels.... you don't need to know."

Saying that he looked at Harry and ron with a frown on his face before continuing,

"Even if you can just achieve, martial apprentice realm, you can beat almost ten ordinary thugs to a pulp at the same time. If you can achieve, martial expert realm, you can beat 10 good fighters at the same time. Say, in Hogwarts if we use magic without care or duel others with magic, we will get expelled. But if we were to beat them to a pulp as muggles fight, they won't expel us, right? At least this way, I will be able to deal with some troublemakers."

Saying that Edward clapped his left hand with the right fist and pressed a little bit making the crackling sounds to produce from his knuckles. Seeing this harry and ron got scared of Edward a bit, but their eyes suddenly gained with determination, as they remembered the encounter with Malfoy. They too want to be like Edward, whoever going to comes their way, they are going to beat them into pulp.

"Teach us, Edward, we too want to learn this, in this way we can at least protect our dignity!" Harry said with determination, while ron nodded with the same determination in his eyes.

"Let me first say some nasty things, once you are committed to this, I have to waste a bit of time to teach you guys. So, if you are ever going to dump this training daily unless it is necessary or you have reached a martial expert realm. Let's say, the simplest punishment is, I will beat you guys into shit as I did on the train for one month daily. Forget about hard punishments for now... I have considered you guys as my friends and I don't like my friends who back off from hard work. So, please decide before you want me to teach you. If you don't want, I will still consider you as my friends, but....."

After saying up to that point, he looked at Harry and Ron whose backs got drenched with sweat. They hesitated for a bit before saying,

"We won't back off no matter what, as you can do we will also definitely able to do."

Harry said with much confidence, while ron nodded his head seriously.

Seeing this Edward was satisfied by the duo performance and started instructing them.

By the time they did their poses, the sun already started rising from the mountains far away.

"Well, guys go take a bath with hot water, it will help you with the pains. We have to go to class early if we don't want to get scolded by Professor McGonagall."

Edward has already done his bath and asked harry and ron, who collapsed on the floor to go for a bath. After hearing Edwards words, harry and ron also knew its time for them to take a bath and dragged their bodies towards the bathroom.

As they just went inside the bathroom, Edward took his notebook and reminisced some of the data, he gathered yesterday.

"Of all the professors, I have seen yesterday, dumbledore got a medium colored red core, snape and mcgonagall got light orange colored cores, while professor Flitwick got medium yellow-colored core. Surprisingly, Professor Quirrell got a light yellow core on him, the remaining professors all got green colored cores. From what I have seen up to this point, the medium red colored core from dumbledore is the highest and he is called as greatest wizard alive. But there are still, a lot of colors of magic is present in nature, that is the reason I said a true immortal can squash dumbledore into a 'dumb'."

After noting all the details, he quickly placed that book in his luggage and started his breathing technique. By the time, he finished his breathing exercises, harry and ron also readied themselves and indicated Edward that its time for them to go.

It takes five minutes for them to reach the dining hall, where they ate in Gryffindor's house place. While they were eating some of the house members asked ron and harry about Edward. But they simply told them, they will introduce him to house members in the evening.

As they stumbled and fumbled, finally they reached their first class in where all they have to do is get attendance and an introduction of all classes. By the time they reached the class, professor Flitwick is taking the roll.

Seeing Harry, Edward and Ron coming late he didn't say anything. But Edward was not surprised by this, because he already knew Flitwick favored harry.

"What took you guys so long to come? Why are you so negligent and....." Hermione started rambling, just as they sat. But was suddenly stopped by the glare from Edward, that glare indicates her of her attitude, making her swallow whatever word came to her mouth.

"We lost our way, that's why it took more time for us. so...." After saying that, Harry was embarrassed to say anymore.

Hermione, looked towards ron, making him go from red to pink. After that, she looked at Edward, but he turned his head away from her.

He was the most embarrassed one of the three, as it was he who lead them to class.

Seeing the embarrassed Edward, three of them suddenly burst into laughter. It was their first time seeing Edward with that face. Looking at their laughing faces Edward also smiled towards them. This commotion from them, get them a glare from Flitwick.

"Ha! I thought I can find the class easily, but all the roots look the same. Don't worry guys, I will find a spell for this so that we can come here by closing our eyes."

Hearing this, three of them first got dumbfounded and later thought that Edward is just embarrassed about this incident and wants to save some face.

After Flitwick's class, they attended professor sprouts herbology, Quirrell's dark arts defense, snape's Potionology, Mcgonagalls transfiguration magic and professor binns history of magic.

By the time they got accustomed to all classes on the first day, they didn't learn anything that day. All they did is take a roll for classes and introduction of what their courses going to be.

After they completed all classes, they finally came to the great dining hall. Where all the house members welcomed new members to sit and celebrate their first official meet in the house.

I have got a power cut at my house, that's why this chapter came late. Thanks for the wait

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