
Harry Potter and the Tragic Path

A new Harry Potter Fanfic! Yeah, I wrote this simply because I hate the Dursleys. Harry Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived was a smart child with terrible living conditions, all of which were coordinated by a manipulative old man. Unfortunately for him, and the rest of Magical Britain, Harry doesn't act how most would expect. Beat someone down enough and eventually they'll SNAP! Read my other books : Elder Blood Witcher : https://www.webnovel.com/book/elder-blood-witcher_15882698206325105 Steel Waste : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 Modern History : https://www.webnovel.com/book/modern-history_16738054905046405 Join my discord community! : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF if you want to support me than go to my Patreon at : https://www.patreon.com/Nagross, Thanks!

Niggross · Livres et littérature
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129 Chs

Love conquers all... Except Evil.

A couple more days go by and harry is finally ready to conduct his ritual. Yesterday he'd gone to 'extract' the heart of the dog called Jason, so it should still be fresh and at max potency as an ingredient. He didn't need to do anything to the apple, so all that was left was creating the ritual circle, and the sacrifices...

Unfortunately, he couldn't conduct the ritual in the loft as the candles would set everything ablaze... Which just left downstairs available. Luckily he was intended to incapacitate the residents so he wouldn't need to deviate from his preprepared plans.

Using the Ignore spell, he poisons their breakfast with a profuse amount of sleeping pills, and after they fall unconscious he began inscribing the blood and lead paint ritual circle on the floor. This was going to be far more advanced than his previous ones, however. He'd be inscribing the outside of the circle with runes from almost every rune language that had even the slightest connection with loyalty.

This would likely be needed, as if he summoned something powerful, he'd need enough leverage to break through its defences and force his will upon it. He was still a novice at this after all, and he had no idea what to expect, for all he knew he could be attempting to summon a demon god... Hopefully, he'd die quickly if that turned out to be the case, though, he doubted it'd be happy with his attempt to bind it to himself.

He coated the dog heart in his own blood after bleeding it dry of the dogs... This would hopefully bind the loyalty of whatever he summoned to him, or his bloodline at least. It was fortunate he'd killed the Dursley's already, otherwise potentially giving them a powerful servant would turn him off from the ritual completely.

To maximize the effects of the ingredients, he stabs through the heart and the apple with a makeshift arrow he'd constructed... This would link them all more closely, as well as promoting love and loyalty due to its invoking of Cupid.

Once that was all done, he dragged the Marchfield family into the ritual circle, again sitting each in a chair at the tips of a triangle. He puts a bag over their heads so they can't see anything, but leaves a slit for their mouths, the reason for this will become apparent later.

He leaves the ingredients in the middle of the ritual circle and waits for the family to wake up... An hour later with some persuasion via ice-cold water. They all awake with a shock, immediately struggling against their bonds.

Harry doesn't immediately say anything however, simply watching them try to figure out what was going on.

"Mum! Dad!?" Owen calls out, desperately afraid and hoping for some reassurance that this was just a prank or something.

"Son!" the father shouts, still trying his best to tear his ropes off.

The family continues calling to one another, asking how they were here and what happened... Eventually, Harry decides to speak up. "Hello everyone, don't worry, this is just a prank..."

"W-what!? A prank? Untie me! What kind of sick game are you playing!" the father roars, absolutely furious.

"Well, not the kind of prank you all know... Let's just call it a game-" Harry continues but is cut off.


Harry walks over and slams a knife into his leg, making sure to avoid any arteries... Killing him too quickly would not suit his purposes. The man yelps in pain and the other two quickly start demanding to know what's happening. "You will play my game, or I will hurt you and your family... Do you understand?"


Harry twists the knife, getting a groan of pain from the man, "Y-yes! We'll play!" he shouts after a couple more moments.

Harry takes the knife out of his leg, not allowing the man any chance of escaping with it. "I will put a rope in each of your mouths. You will all need to hold it up as long as possible. If you drop it, I will kill one of you. Do you understand?" he asks, and quickly receives affirmative replies. "Good."

He places the tips of ropes that are tied together and has the family hold it up with their teeth... Of course, Harry isn't doing this to mess with the family. No, it's designed to invoke great feelings of loyalty for one another.

All their focus will be to keep the rope taut so their family doesn't get hurt. They most likely won't be thinking about the perpetrator forcing them to participate in this game until afterwards. This will prevent potentially summoning a creature that would hold hostile feeling towards him, and increase the bond he'd have with it.

"Remember to keep the rope up, otherwise I'll butcher your son first." Harry cautions before standing in the middle of the circle, directly above the other ingredients.

"Creatures of this universe and the next, heed my call. I extend to you the dearest love, affection, and companionship, and only ask for the same in return. Accept my laboriously gathered gifts and come to me, grant me which I have not yet experienced before in this short life of mine. Grant me the companionship I seek." he intones, the Marchfield family doing their best to ignore the mad ravings of the lunatic who'd kidnapped them to focus on holding the life-giving rope up.

After Harry had finished the incantation, the room goes dark, the flames atop the candles turning black and beginning to surround the ritual circle. Each of the runes lights up and the ingredients he'd placed in the middle of it dissolve into black ooze as it seeps into the blood and lead paint lines covering the floor.

The black flame suddenly appears on the rope being held up by the family, spreading to each of them. They start silently screaming as the agonizing pain envelopes their bodies, but their loyalty to one another prevents them from letting go.

Within seconds their bodies are burned to ashes, and Harry watches on as the particles begin collecting nearby. The candles suddenly blow out, leaving the room in darkness... Harry has to force himself from conjuring a flame to illuminate the place, as it'd likely disturb the ritual should he attempt to.

A minute passes...

Two minutes...


Nothing seems to be happening... Until. Harry notices the glowing yellow slitted eyes looking directly at him...

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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