
Harry Potter and the Tragic Path

A new Harry Potter Fanfic! Yeah, I wrote this simply because I hate the Dursleys. Harry Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived was a smart child with terrible living conditions, all of which were coordinated by a manipulative old man. Unfortunately for him, and the rest of Magical Britain, Harry doesn't act how most would expect. Beat someone down enough and eventually they'll SNAP! Read my other books : Elder Blood Witcher : https://www.webnovel.com/book/elder-blood-witcher_15882698206325105 Steel Waste : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 Modern History : https://www.webnovel.com/book/modern-history_16738054905046405 Join my discord community! : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF if you want to support me than go to my Patreon at : https://www.patreon.com/Nagross, Thanks!

Niggross · Livres et littérature
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129 Chs

Hogwarts Express

It was finally time. September 1st, the start of Hogwarts. To say Harry was nervous would both be an understatement and somewhat untrue. Behind his facade of confidence was an agitated boy on a hair trigger, ready to explode at anything that presented itself as a target.

He was going headfirst into enemy territory, and while he'd prepared for it mentally, emotionally he felt like he was back at the Dursleys. It was only Nanthisk and Kali's comfortable weight on him that kept him from doing something drastic and stupid.

Nanthisk had shrunk his form enough to fit around his shoulders comfortable, the bone-snake scanning absolutely every with his slitted green eyes, suspicious and wary of a sudden attack. He remembered clearly Kali's last punishment for his failure, he didn't intend to experience it again.

Kali was perched on the end of his shoulder in her bat-form, whispering small assurances within Harry's mind to keep him focussed. She'd rendered herself and Nanthisk invisible to Muggles, but Harry's school robes were already drawing attention in the train station. It wasn't every day you saw a young boy dressed in strange clothes fit for a 'Noble-looking Wizard'...

Harry shrugs off their eyes however and continues walking, the weight of his pouch on his waist making his mind go through everything to make sure he hadn't missed anything... The Necronomicon and Compendium of Druids? Yep, Muggle school books detailing maths, science, and other basic things he assumed wouldn't be provided at Hogwarts? Yep... It was unfortunate that he'd had to leave everything 'dark' back at home, the risk of Hogwarts wards picking them up was too great, for now at least.

He adjusts his glasses as he steps onto the platform where the school train would be... "Platform Nine and Three-Quarters... Why couldn't they just place the portal in Diagon Alley?" he grumbles to himself.

"After everything we've seen you're going to question the pedantic nature of these Witches and Wizards?" Kali drawls.

They walk down the platform and eventually port the pillar between platforms nine and ten, the non-magical people seemed to be ignoring, that or not being able to see it at all. Right now there was a family of ginger people standing at a brick wall, seemingly searching for someone...

Two identical twins, one younger brother, and one younger sister, all standing with their mother chatting rather loudly about 'muggles' 'Hogwarts' and other clearly magical things.

He crooks a brow at Kali, "This is definitely a trap, right?"

She nods, "They seem to have been sent to look for you, befriend you, and escort you onto the train. They aren't malicious from what I can tell however, merely ignorant of their master's intentions."



Breathing a sigh he walks towards the brick wall, completely ignoring the family. The mother just so happens to block his path however, scanning his face for what could only be his famous scar... But quickly realises how close she was the Nanthisk. She springs backwards, almost toppling onto the floor before recovering her balance.

"Mum!" the boys exclaim and help her, stopping the woman from completely humiliating herself.

"You need to put that thing in a box!" the youngest boy exclaims before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a rat, "It's even scaring Scabbers!"

"SSsss, are they trying to feed me, Masster?" Nanthisk hisses, causing the rat to scurry back into the boy's pocket.

"Ron, it's fine... He's allowed his pet and you're allowed yours..." the mother states somewhat unconvincingly.

"Weren't only rats, cats, toads, and owls allowed?" the youngest girl wonders aloud, shrinking away from Nanthisk.

"Yeah, it didn't say anything about snakes and bats, did it?"

"That's enough out of the two of you, if he has them then he must have asked for permission." the mother says before straightening her back and approaching again, this time more confident, "This is your first year isn't it? These are my children, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny. What's your name? Maybe you should make friends before school starts?"


Harry slowly takes a breath in before focusing on her, "Por favor? Ahh, me no speak Engrish?"


With the ginger family now dumbfounded and confused, he steps passed them and enters the portal while trying to suppress his sniggering.

"Really...?" Kali deadpans.

"If it works for Juan Servante then it works for me." he shrugs, now looking around the new bustling train platform he'd found himself on. At the side was a large black and red steam train with 'Hogwarts Express' written on the front of it, students slowly shuffling onto the rear carriages.

Already people were giving him a wide berth due to Nanthisk, but that was positive in Harry's mind. He makes his way onto the train and finds himself in an empty cabin, he sits and kicks his feet up, knowing that it's gonna be a long journey.

"I've warded this place, only those looking for you will find us." Kali notes.

"Why... I'm famous if you haven't forgotten..."

"Because we might miss something important."

"And shielding ourselves now might alert them... I get it... Let's just hope nothing annoying happens."

Unfortunately, his wish was soon forgotten when someone begins knocking at the door... Harry sends a glare at Kali before telekinetically opening it, revealing a young girl with bushy hair and slightly protruding front teeth.

Unlike the rest of the students, she'd also decided to wear her school robes now instead of later... Though, Harry was more focussed on the fact that her brown eyes were locked onto him like some sort of obsessive stalker... She hasn't even noticed Nanthisk yet, the large snake sprawled across some seats while sunbathing.

"Do you need something?" he sets down his book and asks, bringing the girl out of her stupor.

"I... I was looking for a free cabin,-I'm Hermione Granger, first year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry-!..." she blurts out before trailing off and blushing in embarrassment. Her arms snap down as she folds her hands in front of her, as if only now remembering to do so.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts