
Chapter 72: "Hogwarts Express"

When Harry reached Cedric's compartment, he pushed the door open without a second thought to knock, assuming formalities were unnecessary among friends. However, the sight that greeted him stopped him in his tracks, rendering him momentarily speechless.

The compartment was teeming with life, far from the quiet space Harry had envisioned for a journey spent in Cedric's company. Aside from Cedric, there were five other occupants—all of whom were girls. Harry couldn't help but mentally tip his hat to Cedric's undeniable charm; despite his young age, he seemed to effortlessly draw a crowd of girls.

Glancing around, Harry realized he didn't recognize any of the girls. But this was expected since even though he knew many characters in the Harry Potter books, he did not remember their character descriptions.

Cedric, catching sight of Harry, beckoned him in with a warm smile. "Come on in, Harry. They're all first-years like us. We'll make room," he offered, gesturing to the cozy assembly that had formed in his compartment.

The girls, upon noticing Harry—a boy who shared Cedric's good looks but was a new face to them—were quick to shuffle around, eager to accommodate another friend. Yet, despite their welcoming gestures, Harry felt a tug of discomfort at the prospect of joining such a crowded space.

"Actually, I think I'll find a different compartment," Harry demurred, his voice polite but firm. "I didn't get much sleep last night, what with all the excitement about starting at Hogwarts. I'm going to look for somewhere I can stretch out a bit. Catch up with you later, Cedric."

Without waiting for Cedric's response, Harry gently closed the door behind him. The idea of spending nine hours in a cramped space, surrounded by a group of lively eleven-year-old girls, was more than he was prepared to endure. He silently wished Cedric the best of luck, imagining the energetic conversation that would undoubtedly fill the compartment in his absence.

Roaming the narrow corridors of the Hogwarts Express, Harry was on a mission to find a quieter compartment. Given that first-year students were typically assigned compartments towards the end of the train, he focused his search there.

Utilizing an easy spell, Harry was able to discern the occupancy of each compartment without needing to intrude, allowing for a swift and unobtrusive search. Despite his efforts, an empty compartment remained elusive, so he settled for the next best option: a compartment that housed only three other students.

Before entering, Harry respectfully knocked, then gently pushed the door open.

"Excuse me, but it seems every other place is full. Would you mind if I joined you here?" he inquired, addressing the compartment's current inhabitants—two girls and a boy.

The trio seemed to be from affluent wizarding families, each carrying an air of aristocracy. One girl, with her hair tied back in a ponytail, was playfully interacting with a boy with long brown hair, while a blond-haired girl was engrossed in a book.

The playful girl warmly responded, "Of course, you're welcome to join us, provided you don't mind our company."

The boy, eager to be helpful, offered, "Where's your trunk? I'll help you stow it above."

"Thanks for the offer, but it's actually in my pocket," Harry revealed, hinting at the magic used to condense his luggage.

Curious, the boy asked, "Interesting... But how will you enlarge it once we're at Hogwarts?"

"I know the counter-spell. It won't be an issue," Harry reassured him.

Impressed, the girl speculated, "You must be a third-year student to know such magic, right?"

Intrigued by her assumption, Harry asked, "What makes you think I'm in the third year, Miss...?"

"Thornwood, Arabella Thornwood. The irritating fellow here is Reginald Whitlock, and that bookworm is his sister, Elvinia Whitlock," she introduced. "But you do look older. Am I wrong?"

As Harry settled into an available seat near Reginald, he clarified, "Pleasure to meet you all. However, I'm afraid you're mistaken. I'm a first-year student, just like you. Potter, Hadrian Potter."

Reginald's question cut through the small talk, his curiosity evident. "Potter? Are you related to Charles Potter, the Boy Who Lived?"

"Yes, that's my brother," Harry confirmed, a hint of resignation in his voice. "But please, let's not dwell on him. It's been years since we last met. There were... security reasons."

Elvinia, who had momentarily abandoned her book, chimed in with her own question, clearly intrigued by Harry's identity. "Are you the same Potter who's been all over the newspapers recently? The one who was emancipated?"

"That would be me, Miss," Harry replied, maintaining his composure despite the probing nature of the questions.

Arabella, looking both impressed and puzzled, asked, "So, you've already passed your OWL exams? How did you manage that? I only received my wand two months ago."

"I had a training wand for a few years and focused on the theoretical subjects for my OWLs. Didn't need to cast a single spell," Harry explained, trying to simplify the complexities of his unusual academic path.

Reginald couldn't hide his envy. "That sounds incredible. You mean you can use magic outside of Hogwarts without any restrictions?"

"Well, yes, but it's not without its dangers," Harry cautioned, hinting at the responsibilities that came with such freedom. "You might want to discuss it with your parents for a fuller picture."

The conversation shifted as Harry found himself fielding an array of questions about his life. Their curiosity spanned from why he wasn't living with his parents to the reasons behind his emancipation and his relationship with Sirius Black.

Harry had anticipated this level of interest and had prepared answers to navigate through the inquiries without revealing too much. He explained that security concerns had kept him from living with his parents, his desire for independence led to his emancipation, and Sirius Black was his godfather, nothing more.

As the questions continued to pour in, Harry found himself wondering if joining Cedric's compartment, despite its crowded state, might have been the lesser of two evils. At least the girls in Cedric's compartment did not look like the curious kind. Yet, Harry remained patient, understanding that this was likely just the beginning of the inquiries he'd face in his first week at Hogwarts.

The calm of their compartment was momentarily interrupted when the door swung open, revealing a tall teenager adorned with a Prefect badge, his dark hair framing a stern expression. A distinct, unpleasant odor wafted in with him, causing a wrinkle of noses among Harry and his new acquaintances.

"Seen any red-haired troublemakers about your age?" he inquired, his gaze sweeping the compartment for any sign of mischief.

The group shook their heads in unison, indicating their lack of knowledge regarding any such individuals. With a brief nod, the Prefect closed the door and continued his patrol down the corridor, leaving the scent of dungbombs lingering in the air.

"Any guesses on what that was about?" Arabella asked, curiosity piqued by the Prefect's unexpected visit and the peculiar smell.

"Seems like someone's idea of a joke," Reginald speculated, identifying the source of the stench. "I'd bet it was dungbombs."

Harry, connecting the dots, added, "Red hair, you say? That's got to be the Weasley twins. Cedric, who lives near them, told me they're quite the pranksters."

Reginald's concern was evident. "Should I be on guard?"

"Only if you end up in Slytherin," Harry advised with a hint of amusement. "From what I've gathered, the twins have a particular fondness for targeting Slytherins."

Elvinia, intrigued, questioned, "What's so bad about Slytherin?"

"Actually, it's quite simple. Slytherins tend to be more serious and have a no-nonsense attitude. If I were a prankster like the Weasleys, I'd find it more entertaining to play pranks on those kinds of people," Harry clarified.

Harry was unsure about the Weasleys' relationship with the Potters. If James had any influence on Fred and George Weasley, Harry suspected they'd be even more troublesome than they were known to be in the books. Should James and Remus have been mentoring them, Hogwarts could expect its fair share of chaos. Harry anticipated that the coming years at Hogwarts might be particularly challenging for those often on the receiving end of the Weasley twins' pranks, especially the students of Slytherin House.

Arabella broached the topic of Hogwarts houses, turning her gaze towards Harry. "Which house do you reckon you'll end up in, Hadrian?"

Harry's response was nonchalant. "Any house works for me, though I'd rather not be in Slytherin."

Elvinia, puzzled, inquired, "Why's that?"

Harry elaborated, "Being sorted into Slytherin might just make me front-page news. 'Boy-Who-Lived's brother turns to the dark side?' Sounds like trouble, and I'm not fond of trouble."

Reginald chimed in, expressing his preference. "I'm leaning towards Ravenclaw. It seems like it'll be a quieter environment, from what I've gathered."

Arabella teased, "You're aiming to be with the nerds? Doesn't sound like much fun. I'm thinking Slytherin could be interesting. Plus, I can't let ELvinia wander into Slytherin alone."

Harry offered some advice, "Ultimately, your house doesn't define your entire life. It's just a part of your seven years at Hogwarts. Choose the house where you feel you'll be happiest."

He knew that those brought up in pureblood aristocratic families often favored Slytherin, but he was also aware of the house's complexities. Joining Slytherin meant navigating a political minefield from a young age—a daunting prospect for any 11-year-old. He hoped Arabella and Elvinia were prepared for such an environment.

After spending a bit more time conversing, Harry excused himself to visit Cedric's compartment. Along the way, he spotted the Weasley twins in a dash but decided against engaging. He sought a tranquil Hogwarts experience, not a rivalry filled with pranks.

In Cedric's compartment, he was introduced to future Gryffindor Quidditch stars Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet. After getting acquainted, Harry returned to his own compartment for some rest.

As darkness fell, an announcement indicated their approach to Hogsmeade station. They took turns changing into their Hogwarts robes, anticipation building for their first night at the castle.

Upon the train's arrival at the station, the students began to disembark, buzzing with excitement about starting their Hogwarts journey.