
Chapter 204: "The Battle in the Forest Part - 2"

The Lestrange brothers had heard Ron's voice from their location. They demanded to know who else was there from Lupin. Lupin, still in agony, managed a defiant smile, hope rekindling in his eyes.

Enraged, Rabastan cast another Cruciatus at Lupin. "We should kill you now," he spat, "but that would be too merciful. We're not done with you yet." He and Rodolphus decided to investigate the disturbance, leaving Bellatrix and the rat to guard their captives in case someone else was there hiding to save these two.

As the brothers reached the spot where the trio had been held, they found only empty air. Before they could react, two bolts of purple lightning streaked towards them. The spells were too quick for them to react and struck true. However, unfortunately for Harry, although the spells hit the target, the two brothers had dragon hide armor which blocked the spells' power.

"Potter!" Rodolphus snarled, recognizing his attacker. "You'll pay for that, boy!"

Harry emerged from the shadows, his wand at the ready. "I wouldn't count on that," he said coolly.

The Lestranges attacked with fury. They wanted to kill Harry and erase the shame to their name after being defeated by Harry during the Halloween attack. Curses flew thick and fast, lighting up the dark forest with flashes of deadly magic.

A fierce duel erupted, with Harry relying heavily on his newly mastered thunder spells. Despite being outnumbered, Harry's lightning-fast attacks kept the brothers on the defensive. Although they had dragon hide armor, Harry could aim for places with no armor.

"Fulgur Ictus!" Harry shouted, sending a bolt of lightning at Rabastan's exposed face. The Death Eater barely managed to duck in time, the spell singeing his hair.

Rodolphus retaliated with a barrage of dark curses. "Crucio! Confringo! Avada Kedavra!"

Harry dodged and shielded, his movements fluid and precise. He could feel the raw power of his thunder magic coursing through him, amplifying his spells.

After several intense minutes of back-and-forth, Harry saw an opening. With a complex series of wand movements, he conjured a storm of lightning bolts that rained down on the Lestrange brothers. Their dragon hide armor protected them from the worst of it, but the sheer force of the attack knocked them off balance.

Seizing the moment, Harry followed up with two perfectly aimed Stunning Spells. The red jets of light found their mark, and the Lestrange brothers crumpled to the ground, paralyzed.

Panting slightly, Harry began securing the incapacitated brothers. But in his focus on the Lestrange brothers, Harry failed to notice Peter Pettigrew, who had transformed back into his human form behind him. Bellatrix had asked Wormtail to check the place when she heard a fight beginning between the intruder and the Lestrange brothers.

"Avada Kedavra!" Pettigrew squeaked, his voice high with fear and desperation.

Harry heard the incantation at the last second. Before he could consciously react, his arm moved of its own accord, his wand deflecting the green jet of light with an unknown spell. The Killing Curse ricocheted off into the trees, leaving a scorch mark where it hit.

Harry stared at his wand in amazement, realizing this must be the protective ability of his Thunderbird core. But he never knew it was so powerful as to deflect a killing curse. Could his Thunderbird animagus form have boosted this ability?

Recovering quickly, Harry sent a Stunning Spell at Pettigrew, who collapsed in a heap. For good measure, Harry approached the unconscious form. His fist clenched, knuckles white with barely contained rage. Without hesitation, he delivered a series of swift, powerful punches to Pettigrew's face.

As he stepped back, Harry surveyed his handiwork. Pettigrew's face was already swelling, evidence of the beating that would leave him in pain for days to come.

"That's a small payback for betraying my family, you rat," Harry muttered, his voice filled with satisfaction.

With three opponents down, Harry raced back to where Neville and Lupin were being held, determined to end this once and for all. As he burst into the clearing, Bellatrix's eyes widened in recognition and fury.

"You!" she shrieked. "Where are my useless husband and his brother?"

"Taking a little nap," Harry replied, his wand trained on her. "You're next, Bellatrix."

Bellatrix's face contorted with rage. She cast a Killing Curse at Lupin, but Harry conjured a stone block to intercept it. The block exploded, showering them with debris.

"Ventus Maxima!" Harry shouted, sending a powerful gust of wind at Bellatrix. The spell caught her off guard, sending her flying away from her captives.

With Bellatrix away from Neville and Lupin, Harry could fight with no worries.

What followed was a duel of unparalleled ferocity. Bellatrix, despite her time in Azkaban, proved to be a formidable opponent. Dark curses flew from her wand in a constant stream, forcing Harry to push his skills to the limit.

"Crucio!" Bellatrix screamed, her eyes wild with madness.

Harry dodged, retaliating with a barrage of lightning spells. "Fulgur Catena!" A chain of lightning erupted from his wand, forcing Bellatrix on the defensive.

As the battle raged on, Harry noticed Bellatrix beginning to tire, her endurance weakened by her long stay in Azkaban. He was gaining the upper hand, but he didn't want to end the duel too quickly. He needed Bellatrix to escape for his future plans.

Harry wanted her to escape so that later he could catch her when no one was around and use her to get to the Horcrux in the Lestrange vault. So he was thinking of a believable way for her to escape from her precarious situation.

Just as Harry was contemplating how to orchestrate Bellatrix's escape, fate intervened. A beam of moonlight broke through the canopy, falling directly on Lupin. Harry's eyes widened in horror as he realized what was about to happen.

Before their eyes, Lupin began to transform. His body contorted, fur sprouting across his skin as he morphed into a werewolf. The transformation complete, the feral beast that was once Remus Lupin let out a bone-chilling howl.

The werewolf, uncontrolled and savage, charged towards the dueling pair. Harry and Bellatrix were forced apart, dodging the beast's razor-sharp claws.

Seizing her chance, Bellatrix cackled madly and fled into the forest. "Until next time, baby Potter!" her voice echoed back through the trees.

Harry had no time to pursue her. The werewolf was bearing down on him, teeth bared and claws slashing. With no other choice, Harry met the beast head-on.

Using his enhanced strength, Harry landed a powerful punch on the werewolf's snout. The force of the blow sent Lupin flying back, crashing into a nearby tree.

Neville, who had been watching in terrified silence, let out a gasp of amazement. "Harry, how did you...?"

But Harry wasn't done. As the werewolf struggled to its feet, Harry pounced again. With a series of well-placed blows, he subdued the beast, each hit punctuated by a whimper from the wolf.

Finally, the werewolf lay still, whimpering in submission. Harry quickly cast binding spells, securing Lupin.

"Stay here with him, Neville," Harry instructed. "I need to go after Bellatrix."

Without waiting for a response, Harry sprinted in the direction Bellatrix had fled. Once he was out of sight, he transformed into his Thunderbird form, taking to the skies to search for the escaped Death Eater.

It didn't take long for Harry's keen Thunderbird eyes to spot Bellatrix. With a piercing screech, he dive-bombed her, knocking her unconscious with a single, powerful blow.

Transforming back, Harry secured Bellatrix and called for Mira. "Take her to Arcturus," he instructed. "He'll know what to do."

As Mira disappeared with Bellatrix, a chill ran down Harry's spine. He turned to see a horde of Dementors converging on the forest, drawn by the intense emotions of the night's events.

Realizing the danger wasn't over, Harry raced back towards Neville and the incapacitated Lupin, ready to face whatever danger awaited him.