

Seeing Draco's serious face, they hurriedly shook their heads.

"It's not that." They said at the same time, "It's just you look different that's all."

"Sigh!" Draco breathed a sigh of relief, "Well at least that's not a problem yet."

"What are you talking about?" Daphne asked.

"Nothing." Draco said as he looked at both of them, "I expected you to be more... mad but you girls seem to be the exact opposite."

"Oh, consider your self lucky that we decided to only scold you once."

"We figured, a scolding through the Howler would be enough." Daphne said, "You did listen to it, didn't you?"

"N--Yeah! I did." Draco hurriedly shook his head, "That's why I expected you to be, you know maybe a bit-- more angry."

"That was recorded a couple of day's ago when you first went missing." Pansy said folding her arms, "So mind telling us what happened?"

"You know, I am one of the victims too right?" Theodore added pointing at himself.

"Well, we knew that you were alright--since at least you sent us a letter back, unlike someone else." Pansy snorted.

"I didn't know how to reply to a Howler so I stayed quiet." Draco lied quickly.

"Anyway, believe it or not, the thing the newspaper said is mostly the truth." Theodore said sighing, "The only thing that's different is that, Draco acted out of necessity, not for fame and attention."

"Is it really the truth?" Daphne asked.

"Yeah." Draco nodded, He and Theodore had already planned to lie to the girls as well, since he didn't want both of them to worry unnecessarily for his reckless behavior.

"What about your face?" Pansy asked, "You kept telling us that the beautification potion is very dangerous but you used it on yourself instead?"

"Is it true that you're hiding scars from the fight?" Daphne added.

"Hey, do you think I am that insecure... that I will hide my scars using a potion." Draco said but looking at their reaction, the three of them seem to be exactly thinking the same thing.

"It's not that." Daphne said awkwardly, "You and Theodore both put a lot of importance on your face since both of you keep insulting each other's face... so you know-- it gives that weird vibe that you guys do care about your face, a lot."

Draco and Theodore awkwardly coughed, "It's not that--it's just you know, jokes."

"Yeah! and I didn't use any potion to fix my face or anything, like that." Draco quickly said, "Due to some circumstances, my face just ended up like this-- is it that weird?"

Pansy pinched Draco's cheek, "You still look like the same Draco but more, feminine and a bit more good looking."

"Was I that ugly back then?" Draco said in an annoyed tone.

"No, we both liked you-- I mean your face-- I mean-- you get it, don't you?" Daphne tried to hurriedly explain, "It wasn't bad before and for us, you're still the same old Draco."

Draco smiled hearing that but his smile quickly turned into a frown when he heard Theodore, "Yeah! The same old Draco but just weirdly more attractive than he previously was."

Everyone laughed looking at Draco's face,

"Hmph! Let's go... Hermione is probably already waiting for us at the Leaky Cauldron." Draco snorted.

"Oh is she coming there as well?" Theodore asked.

"Yeah, she is." Draco said, "You guys don't seem too surprised?" He asked looking at Daphne and Pansy.

"We sent letters to each other throughout the holiday." Pansy shrugged her shoulders, "So of course we knew."

"Let's go, then."

"Wait are we going alone?" Daphne asked, "Isn't anyone coming with us?"

"Mother is busy taking care of the twins, they both are a handful, you know." Draco said, "And Father is busy with the ministry's business, so he won't be home till noon. Don't worry too much, the danger's gone, and even if it wasn't, I am sure people wouldn't dare attack me in a place like Diagon Alley, where the place is literally filled with wizards."

After minutes of convincing, Daphne and Pansy, finally let go and the four of the use the floo powder and disappeared from the Malfoy Manor.


In Diagon Alley, Hermione and her parents were waiting for Draco when the Weasley family arrived through the floo network.

"Hermione!" Ron called out walking towards her.

"Ron!" Hermione waved back as well.

"What are you doing here?" Ron asked as he kept looking around.

"I am waiting for Draco to arrive." Hermione said, along the holiday she had exchanged some letters with Ron now and then, so she wasn't too anxious to meet him, "Where is Harry, by the way?"

"We helped him escape from his aunt's house. A pain in the butt, they are... by the way, where is Harry?"

"Shouldn't you know?"

"No, he came before us, so he should arrive before us."

"Does he know how to use the floo powder?" Hermione asked, "He might have ended somewhere else instead."

"What's going on?" Mr. Weasley came asking but before they could say anything, Mr. Weasley was distracted almost at once by the sight of Hermione's parents, who were standing nervously at the counter that ran all along the great marble hall, waiting for Hermione to introduce them.

"But you're Muggles!" said Mr. Weasley delightedly. "We must have a drink! What's that you've got there? Oh, you're changing Muggle money. Molly, look!" He pointed excitedly at the ten-pound notes in Mr. Granger's hand.

"Oh, yes." Mr Granger said awkwardly.

"We are heading towards Gringotts too." Mr. Weasley said, "We'll be glad to lead you there."

"That--" Mr. Granger didn't know what to say as he looked at Hermione who convinced them to leave with Arthur.

"Arthur's always like this." Ms. Weasley sighed, "We need to go look for Harry, I wonder where he ended up at."

"Let's go check." Ron said walking towards Ms. Weasley and Ginny, as he stopped in his tracks to look back at Hermione who was just staying there, "Are you not coming?"

"I'll be there in a couple of minutes." Hermione said, "I have told Draco that I will wait for him here."

Hearing Draco's name again, Ron turned a bit stiff as he turned back again, "We will be at Flourish and Blotts if you want to meet us."

"Okay," Hermione said.

As soon as the Weasley family walked out of the pub, A smoke flashed on the fireplace again. Draco, Theodore, Pansy, and Daphne arrived at the same time. Unlike the previous Weasley family's who had been dusty and dirty, all of them arrived clean.

"Draco." Hermione rushed towards Draco and the others as she awkwardly stood in front of him. Hermione looked at him with a surprised expression as this Draco before her was completely different. He was taller than her, his hair white as snow and his eyes brighter than before.

As Hermione was staring at him in a daze, Draco went over and pulled her into a hug. Suddenly getting into a hug, Hermione was surprised and wanted to escape but Draco didn't let her. As the gentle scent of Draco, entered her nose, she began to calm down.

"Ah! I really miss your bushy hair." Draco said messing her hair a bit.

"Don't." Hermione escaped from Draco's grip, blushing, "Are you fine?" She asked worriedly.

"Why is everyone asking me that?" Draco said rolling his eyes, "It's super annoying. For the last time, I am fine."

"Hmph! Don't act arrogant with me, just because your title upgraded from a Dark Lord to a Prince." Hermione and Draco looked at each other and laughed.

"You look different." Draco said looking at Hermione.

"I could say the same about you." Hermione said pulling her hair back getting a bit shy. Draco looked closely at her and realized that her large huge teeth were gone.

"You look weird." Draco joked.

"I do right? I knew I should've waited. Is it that bad?" Hermione said with a serious face.

"You looked cuter before." Draco replied smiling.

Realizing that she was being teased, Hermione snorted as she punched him a couple of times. Draco jokingly blocked her as he looked up at Daphne and Pansy who didn't say anything back like before. Draco suddenly realized something, as he looked around in the pub to find all the wizard and witches in the place staring at him. Draco for a moment forgot that he was a bit famous right now.

"I think we need to get out of here." Draco said as he signaled all of them to run. Draco didn't want to bother himself with other people right now.