

The wizengamot was filled with many public viewers, Lords and Ladies of Noble and Ancient Houses, Heads of the different departments of the ministry, the minister himself and the chief warlock who was going to preside over the case. Today's agenda was what shook the entire country to the core Hardrian Potter's living conditions and his disappearance. Reporters were buzzing and ready with their quills and parchments and many aurors were present to maintain order in the courtroom.

Dumbledore banged his gavel and said loudly, "Welcome all, today an emergency session was called to discuss Hadrian Potter's living conditions and current whereabouts and the trial of his muggle relatives, Madam Bones will be the prosecutor. Madam Bones you may begin the prosecution."

" Thank you Chief warlock. Lords and Ladies and fellow department heads, yesterday 23th June Auror Shacklebolt felt an huge outburst of magic at No 4, Privet Drive Little Whinging Surrey that is from the house of Hadrian Potter Heir of The Most Ancient And Noble House Of Potter's Muggle guardians. We ruled out accidental magic as it was a large amount that no 6 year old could produce. I myself along with Head auror Moody and auror Shacklebolt apparated there and also the chief warlock was present as he had also felt the wards placed around the home collapsing. We drew our wands and went in, we feared for the worst when the living room and kitchen looked like there had been a battle fought in it and also on the kitchen floor someone's blood was spilled, it was later identified to be Heir Potter's Blood. As no one was present in the ground floor we went to the first floor and Chief Warlock forced open a shut door, He was about to enter when he was attacked by Vernon Dursley, I and the chief warlock then used legilimency on them and I would like to show the department of mystery approved real memory to the court" Amelia told.

There were quite a few of the minster's supporters who tried to object to the showing of the memory citing it is taken without consent from the muggles but it was quickly shot down from the others who were stating that as this is the case of child abuse which is a heinous crime punishable by Life in Azkaban as Magical Children were seen as the blessing of magic and harming them was seen as the worst of crimes. After Croaker the head of DOM verified that the memories used where correct, the pensive memories were shown to all. All were beyond horrified when they saw how their saviour was treated and abused by those muggles in the memories. The public ever the sheep wanted the blood of the muggles who treated their Boy Who Lived so horrendously and those who were responsible for placing him there. Needless to say Dumbledore's reputation took some hit that day, All of his reputation would have been lost if he was not looking so guilty himself.

"Chief Warlock I request the presence of the Vernon and Petunia Dursley who are the accused." Amelia told

"Permission Granted, aurors bring them in" Dumbledore ordered.

After they were brought in and shackled to the chair, it was suggested to use veritaserum on them and this time it was objected by a few on the light faction who thought it was undermining muggles, but still they got the required votes and veritaserum was used. Both Vernon and Petunia confessed of abusing and Neglecting Hadrian and making him do all the chores, abusing him for getting good scores in test, not letting him celebrate festivals, making him sleep under the cupboard under the stairs, letting Dudley and his friends beat him without repercussions and letting Marge's dog Ripper chase him around and bite him, about how they called Lily a whore and James a drunk good for nothing and Hadrian a freak, they also told them about how he was starved sometimes and was forced to sleep outside the house in the middle of winters and all the other horrible things they did to the boy, They was confessed that the House they were living in was Lily's as she paid for it and let them live in it rent free, they also used the funds given for taking care of Hadrian (10000 pounds) on themselves and their business.

The people in the court were screaming for their heads by the time they finished confessing and were only silenced by a loud bang emanating from Dumbledore's wand. As the chief warlock was about to say something a man stood up with his wand tip glowing and his wand arm raised.

"The seat recognizes Arcturus Black Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble house of Black" Dumbledore intoned.

"Thank you chief warlock, I would like to say that I myself, Lady Bones, Lord Longbottom and many others raised concerns about Hadrian being placed there and tried to gain his guardianship but we were repeatedly blocked by many citing blood ward, Now I would like to ask those same people did these wards protect the boy, no he was attacked by the monsters living inside, He lacked a childhood itself and now we do not know if he is even alive, Minister you sealed the Potter's final will knowing full well that they did not want Hadrian placed with those filthy creatures but you sealed it using your power and we see the result in front of our eyes, I call for The minister Coroban Yaxley to be impeached as this is clear abuse of his powers" Arcturus furiously shouted.

"I second the impeachment" Frank Longbottom said.

And soon the votes for impeachment were taken and it was a landslide victory as it was unanimously voted to kick out the minister, even his supporter's knew if they were to vote against it would mean the mob outside would lynch them. It was an ingenious move on Arcturus's part as he knew now no one would vote against impeaching the death eater sympathizer when the memory was fresh in everyone's mind.

"Coroban Yaxley you are hereby impeached from the minister's seat by a unanimous decision" Dumbledore's voice boomed. Yaxley angrily stood up left the courtroom.

"Now about punishing the Dursleys, what do you all suggest?" Dumbledore asked.

Most of them wanted to push them through the veil of death but the problem was the wizard court could not punish muggles and muggle courts could not punish magical, this was a treaty signed during the times of the beloved last magical king Arthur Pendragon, Merlin and Morgana themselves and this was a foundational and fundamental law that is it could not be removed. Hence Dumbledore suggested to use a muggle device called video recorders to record the abuse and have them punished there after obliviating them of remembering that magic existed. Most of them begrudgingly agreed as there was no other choice. Later Vernon and Petunia was sentenced 60 years without parole and Dudley was sent to a recreational home for miscreants, ironically that is where they wanted to send Hadrian to, instead their own son was sent there.

"Also anyone who knows the information on Hadrian Potter's whereabouts are requested to submit the details to the DMLE, 2 weeks from now another wizengamot session will be held to determine the New Minister of Magic, until then I would be the acting minister and do the paperwork for those 2 weeks, those who wish to contest in the elections have to submit their names to the Election commission, Now I declare the Wizengamot session to be over" Dumbledore told them and all of them adjourned for the day.

 After the session finished, The Blacks, Longbottoms, Bones, Lestranges and Malfoys were all in the Black Townhouse No 12 Grimmauld place as they were discussing the status of The Potter heir.

"He was treated worse than a house elf" Bellatrix shouted internally she was seething that the heir of the most ancient and noble house was sent to be raised by muggles who regularly abused and neglected him, treated him worse than most of the abusive household elves and was in the near verge of death when he was rescued by the green bird. Similar thoughts were going on in each person's head in the room.

"We have to find him and ensure that he is alright" Regulus said calmly, he was after all the calmest of the bunch and could make rational decisions.

"We do not even know if he is alive" Amelia said sadly

"He is both me and Alice can feel our godparent bonds, if he is dead the bond would not be present" Sirius said and Alice nodded solemnly.

"Also his name has not been greyed yet in the family tapestry" Narsicca said.

"Grandfather could you not find him using those tracking devices you have as Harry does have Black blood in him" Andromeda asked.

"I and Melania did that the first thing after we heard he had disappeared but the device was not able to track him, leading me to believe that he is under strong and ancient wards, and there are only few places that has such wards." Arcturus grunted

"But what about the bird" Frank asked and all the others nodded indicating that they had the same question.

"That bird is one of the strongest. During the Grindelwald war some high ranking members of his army tried to capture a bird which looked exactly like that. But it left out a blast and Me and Charlus felt powerful magic released as we saw each of the members blasting before our own eyes. Charlus later informed me that it was a Chronoros a type of phoenix that controls space and time and it was considered the king of all birds. The attack it used on Grindelwald's followers was apparently a vacuum blast, no wonder Grindelwald wanted it apparently it does not show itself to humans often and the Potters only knew of it from their Grimoire where it was mentioned that it was the familiar of Aquaris Potter" Arturus informed them all

" What if the boy is in the famed Potter castle which has the strongest wards if that bird did indeed help him it might have taken him there?" Lucius asked

"If he was and the war time wards are active we can forget all hopes of finding him until he shows himself, and I think he might be in there as I felt my connection to the castle cut off which Charlus told me, it only happens if the castle is in wartime wards" Arcturus sighed

"But why didn't the Potters go to that pace if they knew Voldemort was after them" Rudolphus asked

"We also do not understand the wards in the Potter castle are literally the best, I have seen in myself once" Melania told them.

"I and Cassiopea will go and meet the Potter account manager Ragnok and ask him to send Hadrian a invitation to our home" Arcturus told them all

"You think he could have gone to Gringotts when whole of Britain was in the lookout for him" Amelia asked

"The Potter's were a family known for their mystery, they were also the friends of goblin nation, Charlus once told me they have a direct portkey to gringotts entrance which is also heavily warded, so anything is possible. Now I am going to see my dear sister Cassiopea" Arcturus replied

All of them nodded and left to their respective manors while Arcturus and Melania went to meet Cassiopea who was also housing the comatose Dorea Black. Elsewhere Hadrian was getting prepared to begin his training.

AN: Hey guys hope you enjoyed reading the latest chapter. Sorry for no upload yesterday as I was sick, In the next chapter we shall see Hadrian begin his training to take the wizarding world by story and spoilers he will also get a mysterious letter. Again thanks for reading and have a nice day. And don’t worry Dursleys punishment is not yet over, they will suffer for all that they did to Harry.

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