
Harry Potter and the House of the Snake

[Completed/Dropped] By a strange twist of fate, or perhaps a schemed turn of time, Harry is sorted into Slytherin. Will the famed house be able to bring out Harry's untold potential? What new friends and adventures await him in the proud house of the snake? Follow the story and keep tabs on a Harry who has grown to differ not only in personality but also in abilities.

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24 Chs

Money (2) - Potter

Griphook poured two drops of the blood from vial no. 009 into the dish, turning it redder. After slowing down for some time, the water went completely sill. Griphook turned around towards the door leading outside and motioned for Harry to: "Follow."

'Was that a success or a failure?' Harry could not know for sure but the calmness of the goblin and the snake relieved his worries.

They were now walking down a long flight of stairs, which Harry thought had no end. But, soon they reached a small platform where a minecart was stationed. As they sat in it, it started moving; slow at first, it started moving at an unbelievable speed as Diablo made another coil around Harry's arm.

Soon afterwards, it slowed down and finally stopped in front of a small door in the passage wall. Above it, were shiny large numbers etched in the wall:

009 Anonymous

Griphook unlocked the door, revealing quite a lot of gold coins piling up to be one large mound with some heaps of silver and bronze here and there. Harry entered while the goblin stayed behind.

On a simple quartz pedestal, was placed a small round glass spinning top which looked like a globe. Just nearby, there was an old fashioned camera placed on an identical pedestal.

*Take them, Harry.*

Harry picked them up and put them in his overly large trouser pocket. 

*The globe is an altered version of a simple sneakoscope. It will let you know if Voldemort gets any ideas and approaches you.*

*I understood you when you told me that he is still lurking around, but you also said that Hogwarts is a safe place, then why...* Harry looked troubled.

*Constant vigilance, Harry, and you'll survive if Voldemort ever comes back.* Diablo explained.

Afterwards, on the snake's instructions, Harry pocketed some of the wizarding money and got out of Gringotts.


*First things first, let's get you a repayment gift from my side.* The snake pointed his tail at a shop and instructed him to buy a set of wizard chess. 'You can play it alone at home too.'

Then, Diablo instructed him to buy a Currency Converter, he said that it would come in handy to have some muggle money as well and that it'd help Harry learn the conversion rate by application.

*Get some muggle -non-magical- clothing when you get home with this.* Diablo said, looking at the things he was wearing as clothes. *How will I explain it to Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon?* Harry asked.

*Don't worry about that.* The snake winked at him. Harry laughed.

Afterwards, they got a wallet with applied extension and featherweight charms and a trunk with shrinking and featherweight modifications. *Best to not tell about these to the person Hogwarts sends to get you, Harry. Is that alright?* Harry nodded. Harry had put his money in the wallet and everything else in the trunk. Both of them were now in his pockets.

Harry was enjoying this visit to the alley. He never knew about this world, and he was loving it. If it was upto him, he'd never leave this place.

*Now, Harry. I'm afraid our time is up. It will be a problem if your neighbors notice that you're gone.* Diablo said.

*What do you mean?*

"Merlin! Is that Harry Potter?" Someone cried out loud. The street stopped and everyone looked at the boy and the snake.


They were now in the alleyway which connected Magnolia Crescent to Wisteria Walk.

Harry was flustered. Thinking of coming back here, he'd forgotten to cover his scar and that led to them being discovered. "Sorry." He said as he looked around but there was not even a shadow of a snake.

Sighing, he headed towards the place he was supposed to call 'home'.


Since it were the summer holidays and there was no optional attendance days for the week, he'd spent the last week in the cupboard playing chess and trying out the camera. But the camera wasn't working, Harry made a mental note to ask Diablo the next time they meet... or rather, if they meet.

He was gloomy, thinking what would happen if he never meets Diablo again. 'The repayment ends with the gift, right?' This question had made him uneasy.

*What is it that worries you, Harry?*

He was almost about to shriek in surprise but managed not to. *Can you think of any other way to appear than to scare me like this?* Harry complained.

*I'm sorry if I caused you discomfort.* Diablo lowered his head.

*No, it's alright.* Now, Harry was feeling guilty.

*Diablo! I was wondering.*

*What, Harry?*

*Was Merlin real?* Harry took a short pause: *When we were almost discovered, someone said his name.*

*Yes, he was. He is the most revered of the wizards of yesterday. His fable is connected to helping King Arthur ascend to the throne after retiring from Hogwarts.*

Harry gasped: *Hogwarts existed back then too?*

*It did. There is a rumor that he was taught by Salazar Slytherin himself.*

*Slytherin, one of the founders? The one who hated muggleborns?*

*Yes, Harry. That's the one. But listen to me very carefully, being in Slytherin does not translate to being bad. Even if Merlin was in Slytherin, he was not a pure-blood supremacist at all. He convinced his best friend Sir Cadogan to be part of the muggle Round Table in Arthurian times.*

*But you said that Voldemort was a Slytherin too. There's too many bad people linked with that house.*

*I will correct you, Harry. There's too many ambitious people linked with that house. If there's a young lad who has a plan to end the pure-blood culture in the British Wizarding World at large, he could very well end up in that house. And that would, in no way, Harry, be bad. Think about it.*

Harry was confused. He needed time to process all of it.

*Look into my eyes, Harry.* Diablo said as Harry's green eyes looked straight into his.

*No matter which house you end up in, the goodness lies in there.* The snake pointed his tail at Harry's heart: *And I'm not defending the house of Slytherin, I'm just telling you to be strictly unbiased in forming your opinion.*

Diablo was right, Harry thought.


Two weeks later, the first letter appeared and Harry clutched it strongly. When Dudley announced it, he ran out of the house since he knew what the letter was.

Huffing in an alleyway, he stopped to catch his breath. He opened the letter slowly and read it. It was adorned with the school crest which had the symbols of all four houses drawn on a shield. Then it was titled with the headmaster's name and various achievements:

Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot etc.)

and then, it said:

"Dear Mr. Harry J. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted in Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find, attached to this letter, the various school supplies that you shall need.

Term begins on 1st September this year and we await your reply no later than 31st of July, by owl.

Deputy Headmistress,

Minerva McGonagall"

Harry was amazed, bewildered and happy but most of all, he was relieved that Diablo was not just a product of his imagination.


Harry looked towards his left to see a snowy white owl carrying a letter and looking at him innocently.


Hi readers, it's me the author!

Thanks for making it until here (Oh and thanks for the 6 more power stone).

Didn't expect you people to be so fast and eager for my story. Appreciate it, rly.

(BTW, i kept my promise of the 1200 worded chapter)

See ya in the next one.