
Harry Potter and The Hidden Heir

James Harry Peverell was never a normal child. His white hair and amethyst made him a target for bullying. But now, things are about to change for this young man. But how different with this world be from the one he knew before? Harry Potter AU fic. I've had this story knocking aound in my head for a while now, and figured I would like to share it with the world, even if the world don't care.

ObsidianBLK · Livres et littérature
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

James had been looking forward to this day for a long time. The day that he should get his confirmation that this was in fact the wizarding world of Harry Potter. Waking up at his normal time of around 5 am, James went through his daily routine. He had started this a year ago, and had continued to this day. 100 push ups, 100 pull ups, 100 sit ups, 100 burpees, and a 10k run by lapping the building 20 times. At first, James hated doing it, but now, it was just his normal thing. After finishing up, he went to the bathroom so that he could get in his morning shower before breakfast at seven. James spent a lot of time that morning making himself look presentable, all in hopes of meeting a new teacher today.

Lily Potter nee Evans, was a woman that loved her family more than anything. In the past 11 years, she had been doing everything she could to shower her children with all the love they could ever hope for. Ten years ago, on October 31 1981, her home at the time had been attacked while she had been out with her husband and their friends from school for a small get together. These meetups were rather sparse, due to the war going on at the time, so she and her husband would attend them whenever possible. She had left her two darling children at home with her and her parents to watch them. Unfortunately, this was the last time she saw any of them alive. Her home had been broken into by 'you know who' and both sets of parents had been murdered. Just after he had finished with her family, the monster had turned his eyes on her children as well. No one knew how it happened, but the spell rebounded and resulted in the Dark lord dying and their house being destroyed.

Her two children had been left alive, though Harry now sported a jagged scar in the shape of a lighting bolt on his head. This event had the family go underground for two years to insure that the dark lord was really gone. At the end of this time frame, they came back into the public view. Though Lily generally kept her children out of the public eye. No child needs that kind of attention. Today she was doing something different. She had just been hired as the new Muggle Studies professor at Hogwarts, as the previous position holder had switched over to be the DADA teacher. Today she was going to tell a child in an orphanage that he was a wizard and would be taking him to do his school shopping before leaving him at the 'Leaky Cauldron'.

As she arrived at the location 'Our Mother's Mercy' home for abandoned children, she walked up and found herself meeting with the head Matron. "Hello mam, My name is Lily Potter. I represent a boarding school that has extended a scholarship to a young man at this facility. His name is James Pevrell." The matron's face fell when she mentioned this name. Seeing the woman's reaction, she asked "is there an issue with that young man?" She silently hopped he wasn't a troubled child with issues. The matron shook her head and respond "Nothing like that, I… I feel like I did wrong by that young man. When he was younger, he had a bullying problem. However…" she took a deep breath and sighed. "We never believed him due to non of the other children backing up his story. We thought he was just making it up for attention. There was an incident around four years ago where the child that was the aggressor against him stabbed another boy in the play yard. We had to do a full investigation and discovered he was abusing the other children as well. He was taken away to get help, but I'm afraid that I irreversibly broke James's trust in me. He hasn't spoken that single word responses to me in the last four years. He deserves the best. He really is a very intelligent child."

Lily nodded, now happy that the boy wasn't the issue, but also saddened that he had dealt with bullies. "Well if you could call him, I would like to speak to him about the school." The Matron nodded and excused herself from the room. As Lily sat in the room, she thought back to 11 years ago, the day she gave birth to her children, as well as the loss of her third child. It would have been his 11th birthday today wouldn't it.

The door to the room opened, and the matron entered with a small boy behind her. However, as Lily watched them enter, she froze in shock. The little boy that walked through the door was identical to her son Harry. The only difference was his hair, eyes, and lack of scar. At this moment, both the boy and the woman froze. For James, it was due to seeing someone he thought was supposed to be dead, if he was guessing her identity correctly. But for Lily, she felt something in her heart catch, a feeling in her soul rose. She had to know, she would know. Taking a deep breath, Lily spoke. "Hello there young man, My name is Lily Potter. I am here to talk to you about a special type of school." She looked at the Matron, "Would you mind giving us some privacy to speak?"

James was sure that the matron didn't notice it, but he did, Lily flicked the wand that she had hidden in her cuff. He then looked at the Matron, and noticed her eyes seemed to be lightly glazed. "Of course dear, I will go do my rounds." She then turned to James to address him "Be a dear and listen to what she says, this could be a good opportunity for you…" she seemed to hesitate before adding "I have spent the last four years feeling regret about never believing you when it came to those boys. I'm sorry James. I know that won't be enough, but I do hope the best for you." She then smiled and walked out of the room.

Multiple things were going through James's mind at this moment, First and foremost. Lily Potter was alive, which could mean that James Potter could be alive. That meant this wasn't the mainstream time line that he knew about. This was some kind of parallel timeline, with major differences as far as he could see. Looking back at the woman he waited for her to continue. "Well, now that we have some privacy to speak. As I said, I am Lily Potter, and I am a teacher at a special school. A school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." At this point she handed me a letter made of parchment and sealed with red wax. The crest of Hogwarts school pressed into it, and just beneath on a scroll the motto 'Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus'.

James chuckled and muttered, "Never tickle a sleeping dragon, nice motto." Having his gaze locked on the parchment, he missed Lily's eyes widening at his knowledge of what the Latin words ment. Turning the letter over, James read the front.

James Harry Peverell

Room 7, bed 7

#77 Mercy Pkwy

Working, Surrey

Dear Mr. Peverell

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please Find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1st. We await your Owl by no later than August 31st

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus P.W.B. Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Attached to this was another piece of parchment as well that detailed the equipment and books necessary for the school year. Everything was as James expected it to be, though he did notice that this list seemed to include more things than the normally expected spattering of items that had been listed in the books of his memory. Further enforcing that he was not in the original story. As if Lily Freaking Potter smiling at him wasn't enough of a reminder. In addition to the normal course books that he had expected, He was instructed to bring a large amount of parchment, ink, quills, and various other miscellaneous items that he had not expected. The items in question were obvious, these were all things he would undoubtedly need, but he never remembered any book or story he had read mentioning additional things on the first year shopping list. Under the requirement of the Uniform, it was added that students were allowed to wear casual clothes during their off hours. Various bits of personal protective equipment for potion craft, as well as a notification that house branded items would be available upon sorting.

The bottom of the letter also predictably noted the allowed pets, though it seemed to have been expanded to animals such as ferrets, ermin, rats, spiders, foxes, as well as a specific breed of dog that was lightly magical and very independent. Of course the notice about students not being allowed a broom their first year was present as well. Looking up at Lily, James couldn't help but feel comfortable around her. There was a scent in the air that made him feel safe, though he couldn't place it. "I kinda figured that I was different." He slipped a notebook out from under the back of his shirt, a place that he normally kept one, so that he would alway have one ready. Flicking his finger, the book glided through the air to Lily.

She grabbed the book with a look of wonder in her eyes. "H-how?" She stopped herself before looking at the book. And what she saw deeply confused her. All she saw was groupings of strange symbols. "I don't understand. These just look like symbols." James nodded, not sure why he was freely showing this to this woman who just moments ago, was a complete stranger. "I use a personal alphabet that I created and then mixed it with a substitution cipher. I didn't really think that the things I could do would be appreciated by the nuns or priests. Just to be safe."

Lily knew what the boy was talking about, but wished the world was a better place. "I know so- dear." She had slipped and almost called him son. She was confused and knew more than ever where her first stop was going to be, Gringotts Bank. She needed a blood test done, and the test done by the Goblins was the most accurate, as it could read the names of the parentage, as well as their blood ties. She had never taken one, as she knew who her parents and grandparents were, as for James, his history was a long one. The Potters were as old as the so-called 'Sacred Twenty-Eight', though they had not qualified due to the original creator thinking they had come from 'tainted blood'. But for this boy, she needed to know. On a deep level, she must know.

After packing his few belongings in a single backpack, basically being the clothes he was wearing, his notebooks, and one additional pair of clothes, due to the clothes being a community thing here due to budget reasons. James said goodbye to the Matron, and in a move that shocked her, He hugged her and quietly whispered. "I forgive you, all you had to do was ask." Before she could react, he turned around and walked up to the Blue Ford Anglia before sliding into the seat. Waving as they drove off to their destination.

The drive took around an hour and a half. Though James had a suspicion that it should have taken longer, given it seemed like Mrs. Potter was able to weave through traffic without any issue. At the end of the road, they pulled into a parking garage. Getting out of the car, James asked "Where do we go from here?" Lily smiled and directed him to follow her.

As they walked down the street, Lily filled the time with small talk. "So, that was quite impressive control you had. When did you start trying to figure that little trick out?" James gave a small grimace, remembering the situation that led him to discovering his magic. "Did the Matron tell you about the incident with the boys and the knife?" Lily nodded, her face a little stern. "James gulped before continuing. The truth was, I had been reading under a tree when the boys surrounded me. The one that ended up getting stabbed was holding my arms behind my back… They were trying to stab me, but before they could, I ended up back in my room with my book. I guess John didn't have enough control to stop when I disappeared."

James was silent, waiting to hear her judgment on the situation. But rather than hear her give him a stern remark about using magic that resulted in someone being injured. He felt warmth, and she pulled him into an embrace. "It's okay dear, it's okay. It wasn't your fault. You just wanted to get away." James was shocked, he knew that what she was saying was rational, he had memories of a previous life, knowledge that should help him in the future, but should also make him more mature, right? But the more he tried to focus on it, the more it seemed to slip away. Insead, he just enjoyed the warm embrace. As an orphan, he wasn't used to physical contact. At least, he felt it was better that he wasn't used to it, given the potential alternatives. It's not like he pulled away at first, he just froze, not used to the intimacy.

"Don't worry, James. We are close to our destination." She pulled away, and James could swear he could see that her eyes had turned slightly red. They continued down the street for another few minutes before approaching a dingy looking pub. The windows blacked with tallow soot. The Faded golden lettering that spelled out 'The Leaky Cauldron.' Seeing the look on the boy's face, Lily commented "I agree, it's not the best first look at the magical world. I really wish Tom would do something about the front." James chuckled at her comment as they walked in. The room was sparsely populated, as it was still early. Taking a look at the wall clock, James noted that it was just past ten in the morning. Tom noticing us commented "Lady Potter, out with your boy today? Did you do something to his hair?"

Lily stiffened before responding back "You old joker you. This is James Perevell, I am taking him to see the alley and buy his school things." Tom scratched his head. "Strange, I swear he looks just like your boy Harry."

James's ears perked up at this before commenting in a bemused tone, not sure why he had never noticed this seemingly obvious point. "Weird, my middle name is Harry." At this point, Lily was done waiting and abruptly cut the conversation off. "Sorry Tom, but I need to get this young man to Gringotts, and then off to buy his things." Tom was flustered as Lily practically dragged James through the pub, brushing off anyone that attempted to stop her. James barely noticed where she tapped the brick over the trash cans before he was whisked down the street. Not even given a moment to take in the strange sights around him. All of the iconic shops, and even more he had never heard of before.

As they pushed through the mid morning crowd, they approved the large white marble building. Gringotts Wizarding bank. Est 1474. It even had the Iconic words etched into the massive doors.

Enter, Stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not ear,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors,

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than Treasure there.

As ominous as always. The Goblin guards sneered at the pair as they entered. Lily was very familiar with the place by this point, but rather than go to where she was originally going to go, she approached a specific teller. Standing before him, she stated in a no nonsense tone that only spoke business. "Griphook, I need a blood test for this young man." The Goblin of the Potter vault was curious, He knew that Lily Potter was in the employ of Hogwarts, she had been receiving deposits from the school for the last two years. So seeing her in the bank with a muggle born this close to the school year was normal, however, blood tests were not normal. Every so often a Muggle Born would get curious to see if they had some magical relatives, most cases turned up nothing, but every so often, one did turn something up.

The odd thing was that Lady Potter was asking Griphook directly to deal with it. Hinting at her suspicions. Grunting Griphook stated "Very well then, let us go to a private room to administer the test." The group moved to a small office where Griphook took out a special piece of parchment and a silver knife. Lily then looked at James before telling him "This is a blood test to see if you might have some kind of relation to any wizarding families. Most of the time, there wouldn't be a reason to check, but… Something tells me that it would be worth our time to see. All you have to do is prick the end of your finger and drip a drop on the paper. It will do the rest."

Nodding at her comment, James walked forward and lightly grabbed the knife. Watching Griphook gaze he questioned as he pricked his finger. "This is a beautiful blade, did you craft it yourself? Maybe a member of your clan?" Griphook was taken aback for a moment at the question before muttering "My Sire forged it. He is retired."

James just nodded and pressed his bleeding finger to the parchment and waited as the blood seemed to be consumed by the page. And then it began, His name written in his blood at the top of the page. Lines continued down and to the side, with more names appearing next to them as a family tree began to grow. James's eyes grew wide as he looked at the first set of names. The ones next to his, implied siblings, the ones just below parents, then grandparents and so on. To the left of his name was, Harry James Potter - elder brother, Ivy Lily Potter - elder sister. Beneath that James Fleamont Potter - Father, Lily Jade Potter nee Evans - Mother. The shock of seeing these names appear next to his, could hardly be contained, but what was stranger was the information that was at the bottom. The Inheritance claim.

The House of Peverell - 1st position claim

The House of Potter - 3rd position claim, 1st position - Harry James Potter, 2nd position Ivy Lily Potter

The House of Gryffindor - 2nd position claim, 1st position - Ivy Lily Potter

Stepping back from the desk, Lily looked over his shoulder and saw the information, and before James knew what was happening. He found himself, once again crushed against the woman. He felt her entire body begin to shake as she started to sob, her tears dripping on his head as she kissed it. "My baby! I have found my lost child." Griphook of course wasn't interested in the reunion, only what this meant for him. While the Potters had been rather large clients, they had their main vault down in the top 100 after all. The two new names that have been discovered, are in the top 10. Gryffindor and Peverell, two houses thought to be extinct, but have now suddenly found two heirs to take the head positions.

Gryffindor was unique in that the family had never prevented a woman from taking the head position, but Peverell was even more so as one of the only human families in the past that had gained the respect of the various Goblin nations. Griphook had just gotten a massive promotion, as we would be taking control of the long forgotten and unused vaults. As he looked at the mother and son, all he could do was smirk and think to himself [this really is a wonderful day.]