
Chapter 71

"I still do not see the problem," Nicolas Flamel told him in a bland voice. Harry sighed. His teacher did understand his problem, but wanted Harry to spell it out for him. Probably in an attempt to annoy Harry.

"I cannot turn down an invitation from the Dowager Longbottom, but knowing my friend as well as I do, she has already planned a surprise party for me. It would devastate her if I did not show up and I... I dislike the thought of hurting Lisa, however inadvertently. Please..." Harry bowed to the man. Not one of those incline of the head bows, but a full bow from the waist. "If you could grant me this one boon, I would never ask for another again."

Harry did not like doing this. He disliked showing this kind of deference to anyone. It meant this person was above him, better than him. And even if that was true, that did not mean he liked to admit it.

But he would do it. For Lisa if no one else. If meant she would be happy, he would swallow his pride and show such deference to another.

For what felt like hours to Harry, no one spoke a single word. The young heir to the Potter fortune could feel a wellspring of anxiousness bubble forth, making him sick to his stomach.

He knew he was asking for a lot. Harry understood how dangerous using the time turner more than once a day was. There was so much that could go wrong. Tears in time and space that could send him either forward her backwards hundreds of years. His entire body could be ripped to shreds and each piece misplaced in another time. His very existence could be erased, effectively changing the course of history and screwing up the present timeline. There were an infinite number of things that could go wrong. Harry understood this, Nicolas Flamel had lectured him on it quite a bit before letting him use the time turner.

At the same time, he could not in good conscience let either of his friends down by not showing up for a party where he was expected. These were not mindless sheep, a flock meant to be led and skinned for the fur they shed. They were his friends. To do such a thing to people who had earned his friendship and loyalty was anathema to him.

The sound of a door clicking drew Harry out of his stupor for a second. He looked over to the door, but upon seeing it still closed and locked from the inside, turned his attention back to Nicolas Flamel.

Finally, after an indeterminate amount of time, Nicolas Flamel sighed.

"You are very lucky I like you so much, apprentice."

Harry's posture straightened.

"You mean...?"

"Yes, I will allow you to borrow the time turner," when Flamel saw the joyous expression on Harry's face, he quickly held up a finger. "But, I want you to promise me that you will only use it twice. Once to turn back time for this party at the Longbottoms, and the other for your muggle friend. I am taking a big risk by letting you do this. Do not abuse my trust."

"I Promise."

"Very well then." And just like that, the stern expression from Flamel's face melted and the amused and slightly mocking grin Harry had grown used to appeared. "Now, I believe this is the part where I tell you to be responsible... or something like that, but I don't really care so I'm just going to tell you to enjoy your birthday... parties... how odd. Anyways, have fun. You only turn twelve once."

"Yes, Master Flamel, and thank you."

"Think nothing of it. I am only doing what I can to ensure my cute little apprentice doesn't feel bad for not showing up at either party."

Harry's right eye twitched.

He was not cute.


It was official, Harry hated magical transportation devices more than anything else in the world. He had disliked them before, but now he hated them. Truly hated them. How anyone could actually think of something like these retched creations was beyond him. They were the most dizzying, stomach churning, and all together unpleasant modes of travel he had ever had the displeasure of using.

And it seemed they hated him just as much as he hated them, for it almost seemed like each time he used a portkey, the experience got ten times worse.

His hatred of portkeys may have also had something to do with the way he landed in an undignified heap on the floor as he felt his stomach rebel and just barely managed to contain his breakfast, but that was neither here nor there. Harry wasn't one for such banal semantics.

"I had been told that you were rather ungraceful when using magical methods of transportation, but I had expected you to only be this bad when using the floo."




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