
Harry Potter and the Fractured Dragon

Revisit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter once again through the crimson eyes of George Linwood, a strange individual with one-too-many secrets and a plan to change the future. At first, George appears to be an ordinary 11-year-old muggle boy who has been given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but, it soon becomes apparent that he has a lot more on his mind than learning a couple of spells and incantations. What exactly is George? What are his motivations? Only time will tell. -------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to anything written in my fanfiction except for my original additions, J. K. Rowling and Warner Bros have that honour.

Day_By_Day · Livres et littérature
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Change of Plans

After the last exam was completed, there was a distinctly relaxed attitude around the Hogwarts castle. From the first years to NEWT students, almost everyone was relieved the most challenging part of the year was over. The only exception was those who feared the result parchments in a week's time. Oh… and there was George. For him, the real test was about to start.

Every single time George's pager would vibrate, his adrenaline would flood his bloodstream. The exact time Quirrel would go for the Philosopher's stone was no longer set in stone, so George had to be ready at a moment's notice. However, the sensors were being activated all the time. Whether it be Hagrid checking on Fluffy or Snape meeting Dumbledore in the headmaster's office, George got a lot of false alarms.

Every time the pager would activate, George had to check just in case. He'd learnt the professor's routines and knew where they should be at all times. If Quirrel and Dumbledore couldn't be accounted for, then it was time to return to the third-floor corridor. However, a week went by and the moment never came. The original event would have been and gone by now, so George was understandably worried. What was the hold-up?

The night the result papers were handed out, George felt a buzzing in his pyjama pocket. He pulled out the pager and saw sensor number one getting activated. A few seconds later, number two was activated. This order meant someone, most likely Dumbledore, was leaving the headmaster's office. That was a little odd. Dumbledore generally didn't leave his office after the student's curfew.

George debated whether it was worth getting out of bed. It was a hard call, but in the end, he decided to ignore it unless the third-floor sensors went off as well. As he'd anticipated, the other sensors didn't activate. The next day, Dumbledore wasn't present for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In fact, George couldn't find him anywhere in Hogwarts. And it wasn't just George looking, Quirrel had been wandering around the castle way more than usual.

Tonight was the night, George could feel it. When the students were told to go to bed, George hid in the second-story girl's bathroom. He felt like an Olympic sprinter waiting for the starting pistol. The moment he felt a buzzing, he'd be off. As minutes slowly ticked by, the anticipation was getting too strong. Any second now, Quirrel will be walking through that corridor. It had to be tonight.

George abruptly halted his pacing and sniffed the air. It was weak and the damp helped hide it, but he could smell something new. He looked towards the entrance and the scent became stronger. Someone was coming. George quietly tip-toed to the corner of the bathroom and climbed up a pillar. The only light was from the moon shining through the window, making it easy enough to hide in the shadow. As an extra level of stealth, George pulled out his wand and use the Disillusionment spell to camouflage against the stone.

Just as George became indistinguishable from the ceiling, he began hearing footsteps entering the bathroom. Judging by the sound, there had to be at least three or four people. That would also explain the variety of smells now filling George's nostrils. They smelt of children, not professors. More importantly, one of them had a very familiar earthy odour. It couldn't be… could it?

The footsteps kept getting louder, but George couldn't see anyone enter. It was extremely weird and made him question his senses. His ears and nose were telling him multiple people should be standing right below him, and yet, no one was there. It was as if they were invisi… ohhh. This isn't good.

"Are you sure he came in here?"

"Definitely. He's in here, somewhere."

"Then where is he?"

"I don't know. Let's check the stalls."

"But what if he is… you know?"

"Oh come on, Ron. I don't think he'd sneak into the girl's bathroom after dark just to relieve himself."

That was Hermione and Ron alright. Harry was probably under that cloak too with Neville. Great, just bloody brilliant. The trio plus one was following him. Why? How? George didn't know. At least they hadn't found him yet. It may be wishful thinking, but if George was to stay completely still, then they might give up and leave. On the other hand, he couldn't afford to wait around forever.

"He ain't here", said Ron.

"George is here. He can't have just vanished", Hermione insisted.

"We are under an invisibility cloak. Maybe he had one too", Harry added.

Hermione tutted, "invisibility cloaks are really rare. Not just anyone can have one."

"Hey Neville, has George ever mentioned owning an invisibility cloak?" asked Ron.

"I don't think so, but George might have not told me. He does have a lot of secrets", responded Neville.

The trio weren't leaving in a rush and George's fingers were getting numb. The bathroom wasn't the best for climbing and the dampness wasn't helping. He had to keep letting go with one hand and wiping the slime on his robes. During this process, a piece of the pillar broke off. George slipped down a few feet before he could reclaim his grip. Although he'd barely made a noise, his Disillusionment Charm had broken.

To make matters worse, right at that moment, George's pager went off. The buzzing was pretty quiet, but in a nearly silent bathroom, the noise seemed to be amplified.

"What was that?"

"I don't know. It sounded a bit like a wasp or somethin'."

"Wasps can't come in Hogwarts, there's an enchantment which..."

"Can you stop acting like a know-it-all for five minutes?"

"I can't take this any longer. I'm taking off the cloak."

Harry lifted the invisibility cloak with a wide swing of his arms, revealing himself to George. Hermione, Ron and Neville proceeded to do the same. During this process, Neville happened to look up at the exact place George was hanging.


The jig was up. With a sigh, George let go of the pillar and fell to the ground. He gracefully landed, barely bending his knees, and checked the pager. Three and four had activated in that order. That meant someone had likely entered Fluffy's room. As much as George wanted to run after Quirrel right this second, he had this lot of misfits to deal with first.

"Is one of you gonna explain why you're following me?" George demanded.

"How about you explain why you're out of bed first?" Ron answered back.

"What I do in my own time is my business", George replied obstinately.

"You're going to the third floor, aren't you?" asked Harry.

George glanced at Harry, "don't know what you're talkin' about."

"We're not stupid", chimed Hermione. "We know what you've been up to."

"Why are you lying?" asked Neville.

"Yeah, tell us the truth or we'll go straight to the professors", Ron added.

George's face turned grave, "I can't let you do that."

He slowly clenched his fists and eyed the four targets. Hermione was the main threat. If he took her out first, Harry and Ron would fall soon after. Neville wouldn't fight back, probably just remain rooted to the spot. George locked eyes with Hermione, ready to strike, but there was a problem. He couldn't do it. Something deep inside him was screaming no. It felt like touching Hermione would be worse than failing the mission, that shouldn't be possible. Why couldn't he hurt her?

George's patron did work in mysterious ways he couldn't comprehend. Assuming this was Ekrizdis's doing, George gave up on the idea. He guessed hurting the trio was off the table for some unforeseen reason.

As annoying as it might be, this scenario might have been unavoidable. According to his patron, fate had a funny way of keeping important events in history occurring no matter how much time is altered. For example, the trio may always chase the Philosopher's Stone no matter what George did to deter them. In this circumstance, he would have to work around fate to complete the mission. To steal the stone whilst allowing Harry to fight Voldemort added a whole new level of unpredictable difficulty.

George clapped his hands against his sides, "so, I lied, who doesn't? And yes, I'm goin' to the third floor to stop Voldemort from getting the Philosopher's stone. Happy?"

"We already know that, no thanks to you", tutted Hermione.

Harry stepped forward, "we need to know the truth. Why are you trying to stop Voldemort after telling us not to?"

George chuckled, "seriously, Harry? The one thing Voldemort wants more than the Philosopher's stone is your death. You are singlehandedly responsible for his downfall, the guy will be holding a grudge. Without my intervention, your suicidal heroism would have walked you right into Voldemort's lap. What do you think he'll do when you bravely stand in his way?"

"He'll kill me... like he did to my parents", Harry said despondently.

George nodded, "downright he will, and the same will apply to anyone who is crazy enough to accompany you. If I go alone, then there's less chance of multiple casualties."

"It doesn't matter what happens to me. Voldemort can't come back", Harry said with firm resolve.

George gave Harry a 'gentle' push, "think about what you're saying. Are you willing to throw away your life for the 'greater good'? The odds of you surviving a meeting with the dark lord or one of his death eaters is pretty damn low."

Harry nodded with firm conviction in his eyes. George stared into the young boy's eyes and couldn't see a shred of fear. This had to be fate at work. There was no way a normal boy in Harry's position would be so gun-ho about confronting death incarnate. Well, if it's just Harry, then it might not be so bad.

George looked at Hermione and Ron, "you two as well?"

Ron stepped closer to Harry, "if Harry goes, I'm going too."

"Me too", Hermione agreed. "We've come this far. There's no turning back."

"What a bunch of lemmings? Of course you can still turn back, you idiots", George thought internally.

He turned to the last member of the group, "even you, Neville?"

Neville lowered his head, avoiding George's line of sight, "erh, yeah. If you have to go, then I'd like to go as well."

For all the time George had dedicated to raising Neville's confidence, he hadn't imagined the boy applying his newly grown backbone in this suicide mission. Neville should be paralysed in the Gryffindor Common Room, not here with the trio. What a waste of potential.

George threw his hands into the air, "fine, FINE. I guess we'll all go and die together."

This really was a plan B scenario. This was gonna be a right pain in the arse, but what other choice did he have. George checked his watch and realised five minutes had passed. Quirrel had a pretty good headstart. They would have to set off right now to keep the broken timeline even remotely intact.

It was rather tight, but all five of them managed to hide under the invisibility cloak. Harry and George were at the front, Ron and Hermione in the middle and Neville at the back. The smell was pretty distracting, and George had to fight the urge to cover his nose. They smelt almost as bad as Grant and Quinton after stamina training.

After a single intense moment of Peeves the poltergeist almost catching them, they arrived outside Fluffy's door. The door was already open, revealing the three-headed dog peacefully sleeping inside. They could also hear the sound of a harp playing. George breathed a sigh of relief, Quirrel was definitely here. The others, however, weren't too calm.

"Are we sure that thing is asleep?" Neville stuttered.

A loud snore answered Neville's question by blowing the invisibility cloak off them. Fluffy was clearly in a deep sleep and had no idea they were there. Since George had no idea how long the harps enchantment would last, he pulled out his boombox and pressed play. Soon after, the relaxing tunes of Bob Marley came out of the speakers.

"Isn't the harp enough to keep Fluffy asleep?" asked Ron.

"A backup plan is always necessary when dealing with a fifteen-foot tall dog. Wouldn't you agree?" George replied rhetorically while placing the boombox on the floor.

"Wait… how did you get a boombox to work at Hogwarts?" asked Hermione.

"It's a long story. If we live through this, I might tell you one day. For now. I think we should focus on the task at hand."

George heard no response as he walked over to the trap door. As the future foretold, the dog's massive paw was obstructing the door. George found it easy enough to lift the weight of the paw. He just had to be extra careful not to wake Fluffy. Harry and Ron came over to lend a hand, and together they gingerly moved the paw. George swung the trapdoor open and was treated to the sight of a dark pit full of shiny black vines lining the four walls.

"Do we have to go down there?" asked Ron, barely hiding his trepidation.

"Having second thoughts?" George inquired.

If he could get one or two of them to give up now, life would be a lot easier.

"Pah", Ron mocked confidence. "This is nothing. Ain't that right, Neville."

"I think that's Devil's Snare down there. It could kill us", Neville replied with a gulp.

Harry kneeled over the whole, "there must be a way past it. Hermione, do you have any ideas?"

Hermione stroked her chin in contemplation, "well… if it's Devil's Snare… then we'll be fine if we say very still."

"What you on about, Hermione?"

"Hermione is right", Neville added. "Devil's Snare is used to catch wild animals by detecting movement. If you are caught, and you remain completely still, it won't know your there."

Neville looked almost giddy explaining the plant's hunting method. George couldn't blame him. This had to be the first time the boy's hobby had ever been useful.

"Thanks, Neville", George complimented. "I'll bear that in mind."

Then George stepped forward and fell into the pit. The fifteen-foot drop was well-cushioned by the Devil's Snare. The black roots felt like rubber underfoot and made for quite a comfortable bed. George laid on his back and looked up at the group. They were all watching him with wide eyes, clearly surprised by his boldness.

"Are you lot gonna just stare, or are you coming down?"

"Are you alright?" called out Neville.

George looked around the dark pit, "yeah, I think so. It's pretty humid down here, but I wouldn't complain."

The next moment, the floor came alive. All the roots surrounding and underneath George began to riggle like the arms of an octopus. Dozens of roots and vines coiled around George's legs, torso and arms. Within a matter of seconds, he'd been almost completely mummified.

"Well, this is an odd experience", George said calmly.

"George!" Hermione shouted. "Remember to keep still. If you don't, it will only kill you faster."

"Thanks, Hermione. But next time, try to better word your advice. It doesn't exactly inspire confidence…"

George was cut off when black vines wrapped around his neck and head. He couldn't see or talk clearly anymore. Regardless, George wasn't startled. Compared to his patron's icy cold chains squeezing him within an inch of his life, this plant was giving George an overenthusiastic hug. George relaxed his entire body and lowered his heart rate for added measure. Within a matter of seconds, the roots and vines started to loosen and his body sank through the floor. All George heard was muffled cries of panic from above before his vision turned completely black.

Eventually, the roots let go and George fell to another floor. He was in a small stone passage to a stairwell leading upwards in one direction, and a large reinforced door in the opposite direction. George climbed to his feet and saw the web of roots above him creating a false floor. It was extremely quiet, but he could still hear the gang crying out his name in panic. If they made any more noise then they might…

The ground began to shake as something above climbed to its feet. Then a bark several times louder than a normal dog reverberated through the walls, causing the Devil's Snare to constrict. Next came the screaming and the thud of four new victims hitting the bed of roots. George couldn't help but worry about his boombox. The odds of it surviving Fluffy's outburst weren't great.

The roots above George began moving again, converging in four locations. Through the narrow gaps, he could make out the silhouette of four children in each corner of the pit.

"Whatever you do, don't panic", Hermione called out.

"Fat lot of good that'll do. Not panicking didn't help George. I bet you he's being melted into plant food", Ron shouted back.

"Don't be so ridiculous and do as I say!"

There was a pause before Hermione started to fall through the roots. George stood beneath her and held his arms out. Hermione was soon released from the Devil's Snare, and she fell into George's waiting arms. She landed perfectly in the bridal carry position and seemed shocked by George's presence.

"George, what are you doing?" she said in a mixture of shock and embarrassment.

George rolled his eyes and tossed her to the ground.

"Don't read into it, princess. I'm just making sure you don't break your neck on the stone floor."

Hermione clambered back to her feet and inspected her robes.

"You could have been a little more gentle. I'm absolutely covered in dust."

George held his arms up and shrugged, "I'm sorry my service didn't meet your high standards. Now if you don't mind, I have to…"

Harry came falling through the roots and landed in George's arms, "catch more hopeless children."

These kids had an important role in their future, and George wasn't about to let them die because of negligence. The mission came first, but preserving the timeline came in at a close second. Plus, fate wouldn't be happy if the chosen one died before the prophecy was fulfilled.

"George, Hermione, you're alright!" Harry said in relief.

George put Harry down, more gently than Hermione, and looked up, "sounds like they're not taking Hermione's advice."

The muffled blind panic from Ron and Neville was easy to hear. Rational thought had been consumed by fear and instinct had taken over. Without help, the plant will no doubt consume them.

"Ron! Neville! Trust me. Just relax", Hermione yelled.

The boys above didn't seem to be listening, and the roots continued to constrict around them. Sensing a good opportunity to thin down the herd, George pulled out his wand and pointed it towards Ron's feet.

"George… what are you doing?" Harry asked with clear suspicion in his voice.

George looked over his shoulder, "saving your friend. Do you want me to stop?"

Harry looked up only to hear another muffled cry. George didn't intend to wait for Harry to make up his mind. Any second now, Hermione will have an alternative to his more desperate measure.

George waved his wand and yelled, "Stupefy!"

A white light shot out of his wand and impacted the roots underneath Ron's feet. The roots instantly relaxed, releasing the boy. Ron fell, and George caught his collar with his off-hand. Ron didn't move or make a sound, his body just hung limply like a corpse. George slowly lowered his body to the ground. Harry and Hermione crowded around the body, checking the annoying boy's eyes and pulse.

"Stop worrying, he's just asleep."

Harry looked up at George in alarm, "just asleep? You stunned him."

"It's better than being dead. Now if you don't mind", George pointed his wand up at Neville.

Hermione ran over and grabbed George's arm, "just wait a moment. I might have a better way."

She pulled out her wand and pointed it in Neville's direction, "Lumos Solem!"

A blinding beam of light brighter than the sun shot out of Hermione's wand and bathed the Devil's Snare in pure white. George and Harry had to avert their eyes as the Snare cried out in pain. The roots flailed around while desperately trying to avoid the light. Soon, a void formed which allowed Neville to wriggle free. Since George was blinded by the light, the poor boy fell right past him and hit the ground. With a pained yelp, the light show ended and Hermione lowered her wand.

"George, are you there? I can't see you", Neville cried out.

George knelt and grabbed Neville's hands, "I'm right here, Neville. Can't you see me?"

Neville looked around aimlessly, "I… I can't see anything."

"Just stay still for a second", George grabbed Neville's head and looked into his eyes.

Neville wasn't exaggerating, George could see both of his corneas burnt. The stupid boy must have stared directly into the light.

George helped Neville to his feet, "listen to me, Neville, you're gonna be alright."

"But I can't see anything. Everything is just black and purple", Neville said as his eyes began to water.

"That's nothing Madam Pomfrey can't fix, you'll see. In the meantime, keep holding on to my robe and I'll act as your eyes", George reassured.

Neville snivelled, "oh… okay. Just don't leave me. "

"Not planning on it, mate", George replied while looking sternly at Hermione.

He didn't have to say anything, she already knew what he was thinking. Sure, Devil's Snare didn't like sunlight, but neither did sensitive human eyes. And Neville had to pay the price. Hermione had made a mistake, and her sombre expression showed her guilt. Harry stepped forward during the silence and addressed the group.

"We should keep moving."

George nodded, "agreed, but we should leave Ron here with a note if he wakes."

Hermione pulled out a piece of parchment and quill from her robes and did as George suggested without saying a word. After propping Ron up against a wall with a note to go to the professors for help, the remaining members of the group entered the next room.