
Harry Potter and the darkness

The darkness from Supernatural travels to Harry Potter world, the MC is not a "good" MC, if you're looking for a good MC, don't even bother to read the novel, thanks. This fanfic contains themes like rape, sex, gore, violence, etc. If you want to make a donation, it would help me, thanks www.paypal.me/Morningstar333 Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any official series that will be mention in this fan fic, this is just a fan-fiction, and I do not own the cover art either.

Morningstar33 · Livres et littérature
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68 Chs


Inside a mall in London a kid with silver hair and silver eyes is watching the final battle between Harry Potter and Professor Quirrell in a tablet.

"What the fuck... Are you joking how did Quirrell lost to a kid, isn't he supposed to be the vessel of Voldemort and knows more advanced magic?, it was a good movie besides that, let's keep with the next one." Thought the kid as he started playing the sequel of the movie and started watching it.

Three days later at the same mall, the same child is watching the final battle between Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter.

"Potter won. Why can't the villain never win in the movies... I mean in real life the good people always get fucked and the bad people is always having the best time. And besides Lord Voldemort is the greatest dark lord... How did a teenager with no special skills could win?, Apart from that what the actual fuck Ron and Hermione together? He is just a lame jealous fucker. Well, the movies were nice. Let's start watching Supernatural I always like the short pieces I saw on the supermarket"


2 years later

Inside Crack House in the attic there's a boy with silver hair watching Supernatural in a tablet with a smile on his face. "I love this show. Hahaha Crawley is so funny." thought the kid while laughing.

"Little shit come down to the kitchen" shouted Selena while inhaling coke from the table.

"Sigh, what does she wants now I have already completed my quote for two weeks..." said the boy as he hid the tablet and then started walking to the kitchen while rubbing his broken finger, as he keep walking to the kitchen he saw Ricky a man that started coming to Crack House one year ago .

"Little piece of shit looks like you're in trouble" said Ricky with a smile on his scarred face.

"It's non of your business Ricky" said the boy while walking to the kitchen, as he opened the door and enter he saw George and Selena shivering. "What the actual fuck... what's with them... I've never seen them so scared even when there was a shooting in the house and George received a shot on the arm" thought the kid as he saw them sweating buckets.

"Selena I'm here why do you call me?" said the boy.

"Pack up your things you're coming with me little shit" said a man with silver hair and silver eyes while walking through the door.

"Who is he? Thought the kid while staring at the man for a moment.

"Don't make me lose my time little shit or that finger is not going to be the only broken bone in your body" said the man while glaring at him with cold eyes that send shivers through his spine" He nod and went out and started walking to the attic.

Meanwhile in the kitchen. "The shitty kid is going with me for some time" said the man while looking at them he then took 5 bricks of coke from his briefcase and throw them to the table while looking at them. "I want this coke to be selled by the next week"

"What! Brother it's impossible to move so much drug without being noticed" said Selena while looking at the bricks of coke.

"Yeah well you better sell it, hahahaha, just give me an excuse to punish both of you, please one excuse" He said with sadistic cold eyes while showing a beautiful smile.

"It's going to be selled for next week don't worry" said George with fear in his eyes while grabbing the leg with a bullet scar on it.

"I'm leaving with the kid, see you around dear sister, scumbag" said the young man while leaving the room.

Meanwhile in the attic, the kid is grabbing his stuff: the backpack the knifes and the tablet while looking at the backpack with an absent mind "The man has my eyes... He must be family of Selena, but why does he want me to go with him?... Well it can't be worse than living here." thought the kid while walking out of the attic.

"Piece of shit, come here right now" When he heard that he started running downstairs to the door where the man with silver hair was waiting from him, as he got there the man turned around and went out of the house.

Ricky followed after him and heard him saying. "We are going to have so much fun"

He looked at the kitchen and then started walking out of the house.

"You're going with Ricky get on his car, and Ricky get the little shit to a doctor look at his finger." said the man with the silver hair as he saw the man getting inside a Mercedes Benz. He then saw the Mercedes leaving at fast speed.

"Little shit were going this way the car is behind the alley" said Ricky as he gawked at his finger.

He nod at him and started following after him. "What happened to your finger?"

"George broke it while he was drugged" said while looking at his purple finger.

After getting his finger cured with a Vet that knows him, they went to a luxury zone of London only the VIP people could live in this zone.

"We're here, get out of the car that butler is going to arrange a room for you" said Ricky while seeing the dazed face of the kid.

"Ok, see you around Ricky" as he get out of the car, the butler walked to him and examined his appearance.

"Follow me and don't touch the things inside the house" said the butler as he started walking to the mansion.

He started walking right behind the butler while looking everywhere. He kept walking till he saw the butler turning around the corner and walking inside a room.

The room was beautiful with books everywhere and paintings too. In the back of the room right in the center was a banner with a black and a silver dragon coiling around a red moon, and right down the dragons were golden letters spelling "Morningstar Household" While staring at the banner he felt his blood boiling this was the first time he heard his name or at least his surname.

"Yes that's our surname, we are a family that exists since 300 years"

He was startled as he heard the voice, turning around and looking at the man with the silver hair and matching eyes looking at him.

"You're going to work for me, without questions." said the man with silver cold eyes.

"Yes sir." said the boy while keeping his eyes on the floor.

"Joseph arrange the attic for him to live there, and take him to the bath, he smells like shit" said the man turning around and getting out of the room, while the butler Joseph nod at him respectfully.

In the attic of a big mansion in London you could see a small boy rewatching Harry Potter on a tablet. "I just don't understand how Potter keep being so naive... In the movies he always is save by someone instead of doing something himself like train or something like that and he just keep being manipulated by Dumbledore" said the boy as he finished watching the movie.

"It's been one week till I got here, apart from the food the butler sends here, I haven't seen anyone else." thought the kid as he started walking to the room with the banner inside.

As he entered the room and started admiring the banner and the golden letters imprint on it.

"Like what you see little shit?" startled he turn around to see the man with the silver hair grinning at him.

"yes sir the banner is beautiful" said the boy while looking at the floor.

"Look at this picture boy, this is your target for tomorrow" as he said that the man and passed him a picture of a little girl with blonde hair and green eyes.

"You are going to help me kidnapping her" said the man while looking at him.

His face twitched for a instant before turning normal and nod at the man.

"Okey tomorrow Ricky is going to pick you up and he will be in charge of this, just listen to him." said the man as he turned around and leave the room.

The boy turned to see the banner one last time and then started walking to his room. "I'll just do what they want and that's it"

Next morning he heard a knocking at the door. "Coming" said the boy as he walked to the door and opened it, before him was Ricky smiling with his scarred face. "We have too start moving little prick or our target will be going, take this clothes and put them on" said Ricky as he gave him some luxury clothes as far he can see. "ok, I will be out in a moment Ricky" said the boy as he closed the door and change fast.

"ok I'm ready" said the boy while opening the door.

"hahaha if someone saw you right now would be thinking you're a rich kid, let's get going little shit"

Five hours later at the biggest building of London, Ricky and the boy were inside an elevator waiting to get to the top of the building. "Remember you have to lead her to the elevator where I will be waiting for you, don't screw this up or "he" will punish you and believe me you don't want that " said Ricky while touching his scarred face subconsciously.

The boy nodded at him and when the doors of the elevator opened he walked to the room while looking subtly for the girl. "Let's just finish this quickly" thought as he saw the girl in one corner of the room eating ice cream.

He started walking to her and knocked the ice cream with his shoulder as he saw the ice cream drop to the floor, he started walking fast to the elevator as he heard her calling him.

The girl saw that the boy that knock her ice cream to the floor started walking to the elevator rapidly. As her eyes started to turn red while suppressing her tears, she chased after him and try to call out for him but she saw he didn't stop so she followed him to the elevator where the last thing she saw was a man with a scarred face smiling to her.

The boy saw as Ricky grabbed the girl rapidly and put something on her nose before the girl fainted.

Inside a mansion of London a man with silver hair was smiling to a boy with similar looks one would think they are father and son.

"Excellent job little shit, that's all you need to do, you're going back to Crack House at the end of the week, I'm feeling generous today if you want something do tell, I will grant you a wish" said the man while smiling to the boy.

"Thank you sir, hmm I know it's nothing of my concern but what's going to happened to the girl?, said the boy while looking to the floor.

"I'm in a good mood today normally I would beat you for questioning me but I will answer to you. She's the grand-daughter of an enemy family they have been obstructing our business for far too long. She will be okay, we just need her as a bargaining chip to get some benefits"

"The mission was beautifully done, now get the fucked out of here" said the man while grinning as he saw the kid going out of the room.

The boy walked out of the room and started walking to his room absent-minded. "Well it looks like I'm returning to Crack House in one week."

3 days later he heard a knock on his door as he opened it and saw Ricky smiling at him with his horrendous face. "We have another mission to do, let's go" as Ricky turn around and started walking downstairs.

He was surprised by this and dressed fast enough to catch Ricky getting inside his car.

"I thought it was over, what changed?", said the boy while looking at Ricky.

"He likes you, maybe if you accomplished this well too, you could join our ranks and don't have to return to Crack House anymore" said Ricky while seeing the stunned face of little shit.


6 months later

A boy is watching the new season of Supernatural on his new tablet that he got after accomplishing a new task. "little shit we're going to crack house get ready" as he heard the voice from Ricky.

"What could be now?, last week I have to rob some files from an office while Ricky made a distraction while shooting at the air"

Crack House inside the shitty house there's five people inside the kitchen. Two are kneeling on the floor while two are standing and the last one is sitting on a chair, the man with silver hair is sitting on a chair watching a man and a woman trembling with fear in their eyes while kneeling. Ricky and the boy are beside him standing.

"Selena and you shitty scumbag, do you have something you want to tell me? said the man with silver hair as he looked at them.

"No nothing brother everything is fi..fine."said Selena while trembling and avoiding eye contact with the man.

"As Selena said everything is fine, nothing to worry about." said George while looking at the man with fear on his eyes.

The man suddenly kicked them while smiling with a sadistic smile. "Do you think I'm an idiot?, where the fuck is the rest of the money of the coke" as the man keep kicking at George at the stomach, George started to puke blood on the floor. And Selena just watched with fear in her blue silver eyes as everything happened but said nothing to stop him.

The man stopped kicking George and returned to the chair and sit down. "Where is the money" said the man while looking at Selena.

"We will pay for the coke brother..." chimed Selena.

"You're telling me you don't have the money" while pulling a gun from his blazer and pointing at Selena.

"Please I will have the money don't shoot me please" as she started begging, she saw the little shit beside the man and turned her hopes to him and started crying "Son please help me, don't let him shoot me, I have always cared about you since you were little, I've always stopped George from breaking you many bones" said Selena as snot and tears run down her face.

The boy got stunned as he saw the events being unfold. It's the first time she had admitted he was her son. He started trembling and with a shaky voice said "Sir could you let them go for now, I will pay for the coke if necessary"

"Sigh really disappointing, I had high expectations for you little shit. I'll show you who they really are" said the man with a sadistic smile on his face. As he ordered the boy, Selena and George to sit around the table face to face.

"Boy you have to shot at one of your parents either George or Selena and the debt of the coke is going to dissappear or you can chose to shot yourself with this gun it has only one bullet left, don't think anything funny, Ricky is watching everything" said the man as he put the gun on the table and backed away with a sadistic smile on his face.

The boy took the gun and started pointing at Selena and George his hands were trembling while looking at them.

"Put down the gun son, I admit I haven't been the perfect father but we can solve our problems after this" said George with a stiff smile on his face.

"You don't have to do that Sonnie, he is just playing with you, put the gun down and let's plan how to convince him to let us go. Ok sonnie? said Selena while smiling warmly at him.

As he saw her smiling to him for the first time on his life he put down the gun and smile at her. "Ok Mom" as he was thinking how to help his parents he heard the voice of the man saying "New Rule you can shot the shitty boy and I will forget about the money"

He then saw how his smiling mother took the gun as fast as she could and aimed at him.


He fell to the floor while trying to breathe. His lungs were filling with blood every time he breath in a painful sensation run through his chest, but the pain was nothing to what was he feeling when her mother took the gun and shot him with the same warm smile she gave to him moments ago, he felt something broke inside him, his silver eyes started to dim"Why.. Why I thought after passing through this we were going to be... " his thoughts were interrupted by a voice "This is what they are little shit, they are scums since day one they wanted to abort you.." he felt as someone pulled him from the floor and put him on a chair at direction of his parents and heard "The debt is off brother... you said that.. you wouldn't go back on your words right" said Selena as she was looking at his brother as if the boy that is bleeding in front of her was nothing to her but air.

"Look at this bitch that you have for mother, she doesn't regret anything, sigh nephew I really like you but the family ordered me to disappear anyone that knows about the girl with green eyes. I'm really sorry, but I convinced the family to allowed you to rest in the family graveyard, Congratulations you're a Morningstar." said the man with a sad smile on his face.

"This is the last gift from me to you even if I have to be punished" said the man while taking a gun from his back and shooting at George and Selena right in their brows, the boy saw as everything happened and a tear fell from his dimmed eyes and look for one last time at the man with gratitude "Thank you Uncle" as he said that darkness started filling his vision.

After this chapter starts the journey in the magic world.

Hope you like it.

I wrote 3k words for this chapter, any advise will be welcome.

Morningstar33creators' thoughts