
Chapter 5 - The boy who flirts?

Arya and Daphne entered the cabin and saw a skinny boy with messy black hair and owl rimmed glasses with sellotape holding the frame together. He looked up at the two girls and blushed.

??: "Hey there, my name is Harry its nice to meet you both"

Arya and Daphne looked at each other and giggled.

Arya: "Hi Harry, this is my best friend Daphne and my name is Arya. It's nice to meet you. Can we sit here? The other cabins are full."

Harry: " no problem I am glad to have some company, especially such attractive company like you Daphne"

The girls were in complete and utter shock. No one their age had ever been so direct about their looks before. Both girls looked at each other and giggled again as both their faces turned pink.

Daphne looking affronted looked directly at Harry and said " are you implying that Arya is not attractive ? How could you be so cruel to an eleven year old girl?"

Arya was fully aware of Daphne's intentions to put Harry on the spot and was asking for help to look hurt, but Arya couldn't do it and just remained silent while blushing again. Harry's face dropped as he looked between the two girls as he tried to think of a response. He decided his only action available to him right now was to double down here and hope for the best

Harry: " My sincerest apologies Lady Arya, that was not my intention forgive this humble one but being approached by someone as gorgeous as Lady Daphne was a wound to the heart and I simply couldn't look past her beauty."

Daphne looked mildly impressed he wiggled his way out of this but looking at Aryas response frustrated her. 'Arya doesn't seem to realize her worth and its driving me insane'

Daphne:" come on Arya I know your shy but you have to play along in these situations. And you Mr Harry, well played sir well played indeed" as she grudgingly nodded her respect towards the playful young man

Harry: "My thanks Lady Daphne you played well yourself"

Arya was a bit taken aback at first. She had read all the Harry Potter books and this was never how Harry acted in the novels. In fact for his latent abilities one of his character flaws throughout the series was his lack of ability in talking to girls despite his many accolades and overall good looks. The Harry from then was beaten down by the Dursleys and had a red head assho..... I mean red head waste of sp.... a red hair friend who followed him everywhere. 'Did my birth alone impact the story that much? I don't understand Harry is confident and well spoken, not shy and introverted. Whats to come to the "golden trio" now I wonder. Well if this is the case already I can't fully count on the canon now can I. Ahhhhhh why can't my life be easier and make me an omnipotent genius who always gets out of trouble?'

The trio started to get to know each other as Arya came out of her shell a bit more and got more involved with the conversation flowing through the cabin. Then the cabin door was ripped open and a bushy haired brunette looked into the cabin

??: "Parden me, I apologize for my intrusion but a young man named Neville seems to have lost track of his toad. Have any of you seen one?"

Arya's mind went blank this was her favorite character in the series and she couldn't wait to meet her.But where was the loud and rude entrance demanding answers? Why was she so polite like she doesn't have that massive muggleborn chip on her shoulder? Arya's thoughts were interrupted by Daphne yelling at her

Arya:" Sorry, what was that Daph?"

Daphne:" Come on silly dove I said we haven't seen it but you would have no problem getting the toad. I have seen you use the summoning charm before. Try it here"

Arya nodded and stood up. She walked over to the odd duo standing at the door before asking Neville "what is your toads name Neville"

Neville:" His name is Trevor"

Arya nodded before taking out her wand and saying "Accio Neville's toad Trevor" as she swished her wand in the air and held out her other hand. A swoosh of air could be heard before a fat toad landed in Arya's hand. Arya handed over the toad to Neville.

Neville:" Tha tha thank you" stuttered out before turning and basically sprinting away with a red face. ' It seems Nevilles character remained the same just have to wait and see how his spell work is when we get to Hogwarts thought Arya before her attention was pulled by the bushy haired Brunette standing next to her.

??:" That was amazing to watch, I have so many questions, do you mind if I join you guys in this cabin? My name is Hermione Granger by the way"

Daphne:" Of course no problem Hermione take a seat. This flirty pervert next to me is Harry and the quiet magical genius next to you is Arya"

Harry looked in mock outrage "I am not a pervert it is not my fault I fell in love with you the moment you walked in Daphne"

Arya burst out in laughter ' I definitely prefer this Harry but I am so curious about the changed between the golden trio characters so far. Arya turned to Hermione and said "you had some questions Hermione?"

Hermione: "yes how did you do that? I didnt see that spell in our first year books and I have basically read through most of them already. I an a muggleborn so to find out I am a witch was quite a shock and I have been utterly fascinated with magic ever since. I even tried a few spells nothing to difficult of course, but I never saw this summoning spell"

Arya blushed at her question, but before she could respond Daphne spoke up for her " You see Hermione little dove over here is what us in the wizarding world call a genius unseen of in the last century."

Arya: "Shut up Daph, and stop calling me little dove I knew I never should have let you call me that in the first place my parents are bad enough. And I am not a genius, I constantly see my parents use the spell because they are too lazy to look for stuff in the house and asked them to teach me."

Daphne: " Not a genius? Let me ask you a question what year is that spell taught to students? Forth year god damn it but I was with you when you asked your mom and after one try you had the spell down. That is ridiculous and on top of that I know you have read through the first 3 years of books for Hogwarts. The only reason you haven't practiced spells from future years is because you couldn't get your wand before you turned 11 and you wanted to perfect first year spells first"

Daphne broke out in another blush before going completely silent. Harry looked at her in surprise while Hermione looked at her basically in awe.

Hermione: "Teach me please, I have so much I want to know"

Daphne had a proud smirk on her face seeing her best friend impress those around then so easily while Arya was still blushing. This feeling of being appreciated that for so long was not a reality for her has surrounded her since she was born in this world and since she became friends with Daphne she has felt nothing but love and support around her. Arya nodded at Hermione and started teaching her some spells for first year while Harry and Daphne continued to flirt for the rest of the journey. A prefect came in to let them know they should change they would be arriving soon. After the group was changed into their robes they looked at each other full of excitement. The year at Hogwarts was finally going to begin.

Hey guys, I am back again. I know some of you will be confused about me changing the golden trio but like I explained in my comment the last day. Arya was always suppose to be born in this world the Harry Potter universe we knew was a AU. I will still be following canon but with differences as I go along that I fee add to the story and make it more interesting. Hope you enjoyed the chapter let me know your thoughts below.

Legacy_24creators' thoughts