
Chapter 15 - Wait a Prodigy does what in her free time?

Arya and Draco made their way out of Professor Flitwicks class supporting each other but with massive grins on their faces. That had been the best duel between the duo yet and both knew it would only push them to further heights in their dueling abilities. On top of that they were going to have a 2 time dueling champion supporting them, what more could they ask for?

After they had sufficiently regained their strength they separated and headed towards their House tables in the great hall. A silence fell over the great hall as they walked in, things don't remain secret here for long so already the majority of students had heard what happened. The older students looked at them in disgust. Two first years causing trouble and declaring a duel on their families honor, how idiotic what were they going to throw at each other in a duel? The older students had seemed to conveniently forget that the duo were two of the four publicly acknowledged prodigy students including one dueling dynamo. Arya sighed to herself 'as expected the majority of students are as fickle as sheep, how on earth did Harry deal with this in canon without going insane?' After they sat at their respective house tables murmurs surrounded them. Arya ignored the sheep and smiled at Hermione who was sitting down looking at her with a worried gaze.

Hermione - "What happened to you two with Professor Flitwick?"

Arya - "Nothing to stress over Mione, he asked us to spar so he could see our levels and afterwards he offered personal tutoring for us before the duel and after as he was hugely impressed by our abilities."

The surrounding Ravenclaws were taken aback, everyone was aware of just how powerful a duelist their Head of House was, for him to take them under his wing they must have insane potential. Hermione could only sigh to this before banging her head onto the table "only you could get in trouble for fighting and come out with a dueling tutor, a 2 time dueling champion at that. I give up, I refuse to be surprised by you anymore, nope never happening again" said Hermione. Arya could only giggle at her friends action. "Trust me I say that every time she does something like this but its no use trust me your going to be shocked at little dove again in no time" said a voice approaching the two. Arya smiled as she recognized the voice and turned to her "why are you so cruel to me Daph, you know I don't mean for these things to happen they just do " said Arya with a fake pout.

Daphne simple chopped her head and muttered "troublesome git, your mother will hear all about this, I am afraid even you have no chance of survival now little dove". Arya's face paled as a gray cloud appeared above her head and she started making circles on the table muttering to herself. Hermione burst out in laughter and both Daphne and Arya looked at her in confusion.

Hermione - "The great Arya Rosier who managed to get private lessons from both Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, something completely unheard of for a first year is cowed by the thought of her mothers scolding. It is too much I can't control myself" as she fell into another fit of laughther.

Daphnes face morphed into a massive shit eating grin as she looked at Arya now equipped with even more teasing material and Arya brought out a pout as the gray cloud overhead grew and flashes of thunder and lightening could be seen above her head as she once again started muttering "stupid Mione, doesn't realize how terrifying Lady Lyra Rosier of House Rosier truly is"

Her two friends looked at her again and kept laughing. "Come on you two, we need to get some food into you before we head to charms class, we are sharing the lesson with you Ravenclaws again" said Daphne. All thoughts of impending duels and such left their minds as they dug into their food while the rest of Ravenclaw were bewildered at how the Transfiguration Transcendent was being treated by her friends. They never expected such humility from a prodigy especially one in their house. They started to reconsider their priorities as they realized that friendships with other houses may not be all bad and if Arya can be a prodigy and top student while creating memories with her friends then why can't they. The three girls never realized just how big an impact this was going to have on the future of Ravenclaw house from such a display. The first years around them actually put down their books and started conversing with those around them. Once the Trio had finished their food, they started walking towards Charms class. Daphne asked Arya what exactly happened between her and Ron. Once Arya finished explaining Daphne was gritting her teeth in anger. "That stupid little Weasel, he thinks he can stand toe to toe with not one but two of the Sacred 28 houses? Does he not realize how out of depth he is right now. Marcus Flint is nothing but a bully who has a few years on you but the rest of them are all first years what do they think will happen. His family has never been the same since the last war and the Weasleys cut all ties to the sacred 28 they have lost all standing in Pure Blood Society, I thought that Slytherins were suppose to be cunning?"

Arya - "He is being cunning Daph, he used terms like Mud Blood knowing that my parents are against that and then insulted my family and I all in front of a large group of people who are going to spread it around school. This is his attempt to reconnect with the sacred 28 and establish a position for himself in our society. The problem for him is he severly overplayed his hand and underestimated myself and Draco. We are going to destroy him and his little group and his family name will be dragged through mud. The Weasleys are already in a limbo whereas they are pure bloods their father settled for Head of the Misuse of Muggles Artifacts. He is a Pure Blood and could have gotten a much higher position but his family were at least supported by Dumbledore and his light faction. Yet once word gets out he used derogatory terms towards a muggle born they will lose support from light factions but gain the eye of the Sacred 28. However he is going to lose very badly so he will become a laughing stock. In short, he is an idiot who has just ostracized himself from light factions while gaining the disregard of the sacred 28."

Hermione nodded her head to everything Arya had said, Arya had forced her to learn about such things in an effort to protect her when she was not around and Daphne was laughing her head of at the thought of what Draco and Arya were going to do to the foursome.

Yo. Not my best work but its job is to serve as a bridge to the following chapters and bit of an info dump on what Ron is trying to achieve. I am currently sick and not at work so expect some more chapters as I wallow in boredom.As always leave your thoughts below.

Legacy_24creators' thoughts