

Main Hall, Nov. 15 th

"Nothing good can come from this," Harry muttered to himself as he put his brother's letter down on the table.

It seemed like once again his brother was involved in something that should just be left alone. The mythical Chamber of Secrets had allegedly been opened at Hogwarts, and the caretaker's cat had been the first victim. From what little Harry remembered about the legend, the Chamber was supposed to house some sort of weapon that only Salazar Slytherin or his heir could control.

While the news about the Chamber's potential opening was disturbing, it was Nathan's questions about Polyjuice Potion that had Harry really concerned. Nathan had no business even knowing about Polyjuice Potion, let alone asking questions about the best method of brewing it. Polyjuice was a N.E.W.T.- level potion, and the only reason Harry had even heard of it was because Calypso had asked Professor Rosemburg about using it to help with their Animagus practice. Rosemburg had said that Polyjuice only works with human hair, and if animal fur was used it could have dire repercussions.

Knowing that he was probably going to regret it, Harry took out a small piece of parchment.


I don't have my copy of Hogwarts: A History , but I do vaguely remember a bit about the Chamber of Secrets. Are you certain that it's not just some prank? Have there been any other attacks or anything? What do Mum and Dad think about all this?

As for Polyjuice Potion, yes, I know what it is, but why do you want to know about it? It's a very difficult, not to mention restricted, piece of magic.

I have no idea how to brew Polyjuice Potion. I could probably look it up in the library here, but I'm not going to tell you how to make it unless you tell me exactly why you want it. I doubt you'll be able to find a book describing how to make it since any book with the instructions would almost certainly be in the Restricted Section. If you really want to know how to make it, I'll copy down the instructions and give it to you over Christmas, but only if you tell me what it's for.

Please be careful,
