
Harry Potter and the Book of Sins

When a time traveler mistakenly believes he has traveled back to 1980s Britain, he endures childhood hardships and eventually succumbs to darkness, only to have his life reignited by a familiar yet unfamiliar letter of acceptance to school. However, as he delves deeper into the darkness, will he choose to stay away from the abyss or plunge into it without hesitation? "Wait for me, I'll be back soon." Beside a certain hospital bed on the fifth floor of St. Mungo's, he finally firmly holds her pale hand. This is a story of a cunning little trickster who can deceive even himself, struggling repeatedly between pain and tenderness.hich novel to translate ------------ If you like the translations, do support the work: Patreon.com/shanefreak

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Chapter 5 Confused Ollivander

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Harry Potter took a long time to choose his wand, until the wands he tested were piled into a small mountain on the bench, and he finally found a suitable one. In the process, Harry even accidentally broke a light-colored vase because the wand went out of control.

Looking at the wand in Harry's hand, the tip of the wand was shining with golden stars, bright like fireworks, casting flickering light spots on the wall. Hagrid applauded, and Mr. Ollivander exclaimed loudly: "Oh, excellent! Oh, really, it's fantastic. Oh, oh, oh... so wonderful, truly wonderful..."

He put Harry's wand in a box, wrapped it in brown paper and kept saying "wonderful" in his mouth.

"Sorry," Harry said, "what do you find so wonderful?"

Mr. Ollivander looked at Harry with his pale eyes. "I remember every wand I sell, Mr. Potter. Every wand. In fact - both wands that come from the tail feathers of the same phoenix. One wand went into this wand and the other wand went into another wand."

Ollivander paused and continued, "You are destined to use this wand, and its brother... ah, its brother gave you that scar."

Harry took a gulp of air.

"Yes, thirteen and a half inches long, made of yew. How incredible. Remember, the wand chooses the wizard! I think you will achieve great things, Mr. Potter... in any case, the mysterious person I can't name did great things - although terrible, but still great."

Harry felt a chill. He wasn't sure if he liked Mr. Ollivander, but he still paid seven gold galleons for the wand that seemed deeply connected to him.

"Yes, okay," Ollivander nodded and looked at Maca with his sharp eyes, "Mr. McClain, it's your turn, come forward and let me take a look."

"I am right-handed." Maca had already seen the process and immediately cooperated with Ollivander to start measuring.

The tape measure automatically unrolled and floated onto Maca's body, from shoulder to fingertip, from wrist to elbow, from shoulder to floor, and from knee to armpit, finally measuring his head circumference.

Even though he had seen it once, Maca still didn't understand what these measurement steps were for.

While the tape measure measured him, Ollivander continued to mutter, "Yes, as I said before, every Ollivander wand is unique. If you use someone else's wand, the effect will definitely be discounted! Always remember - the wand chooses the wizard."

In the end, when the tape measure floated in front of Maca and measured the distance between his nostrils, he felt that he hadn't experienced such a silly scene for a long time.

"Okay," Ollivander said, and the tape measure slipped to the ground and rolled into a ball, "then try this one, Mr. McClain! Made of maple and dragon ear nerves. It's ten inches long, sensitive, delicate, and powerful. Try waving it."

Maca took it over and waved it casually, and a soft red light flashed at the tip of the wand.

"Oh! Not bad, unexpected..." Ollivander said, but then suddenly stopped. "Wait, try this one. Made of holly wood and unicorn hair, nine and three-quarters inches long, equally sensitive but more firm."

Maca was stunned for a moment, then put down the wand in his hand and took the one Ollivander gave him. Whether it was because of the different waving posture or other reasons, a little bit of golden light appeared on the tip of the wand this time, and a hint of sacredness spread out.

"What, what's going on?" Ollivander looked like he had seen something incredible, and his sharp eyes were full of doubt. "How about trying this one again?"

He took out a box from the shelf behind him again, "Rosewood, Dragon Heartstring,

fourteen and one-quarter inches long, hard, powerful, and full of power."

His choice this time seemed to be completely different from the previous two, which made Maca even more confused.

Maca took the wand, which was slightly purplish-red, and waved it again. A bright red light shot out from the tip of the wand, knocking over the entire shelf behind Ollivander and making a loud noise.

The four of them were startled, but after the shock, Ollivander fell into deep thought again.

Maca, Hagrid, and Harry looked at each other, not knowing what had just happened. Seeing Mr. Ollivander silent, they wisely stayed where they were, trying not to disturb his thinking.

In the magical world, Wandology has always been an extremely complicated and research-oriented subject, with very few people who can create wands. At this moment, besides Mr. Ollivander, there are probably no other people in Diagon Alley who have a deep understanding of Wandology.

"I don't understand, really don't understand," Ollivander suddenly raised his head and shouted loudly at Maca, "Pick up the pile of wands on the bench and wave each one quickly!"

Maca looked at the wands that Harry had tried before and put them on the bench and then looked back at the shelves behind Ollivander.

"But, sir, what about that shelf..."

"It doesn't matter, it's okay, don't worry about it, wave them quickly!"

Seeing that they didn't care about the consequences at all, Maca naturally had no psychological burden and immediately picked up the wand and started waving them one by one. For a moment, lights, smoke, wand boxes, and even shelves all went crazy in Ollivander's Wand Shop, making a mess of the entire place.

"Okay, that's enough." Ollivander quickly waved for Maca to stop, and then looked at his hands, showing an expression of doubt, "I don't understand, this is completely unreasonable. Every wand is a perfect match? How is this possible?"

Maca was naturally confused by something even Ollivander couldn't figure out. Finally, under Mr. Ollivander's reluctant gaze, Maca chose the wand that had caused the biggest commotion just now and left the Wand shop with Hagrid and Harry, which had almost turned into a junkyard.

After coming out of Ollivander's, the three of them checked the list and bought everything one by one. When they reached the end of the road, Maca suddenly remembered something when he looked at Potage's Cauldron Shop.

"Oh no! I made an appointment with Mrs. Weasley to meet at the cauldron shop, this is bad."

"Mrs. Weasley?" Hagrid glanced into the cauldron shop and said, "Don't worry, I see her, you haven't missed her."

Maca looked at Hagrid, repeated "Oh my god, you're so tall" in his heart, said goodbye to them, and then squeezed in the direction of the cauldron shop.

It was almost noon, and there were more people in Diagon Alley than in the morning, making it hard to breathe.

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley..."

Maca finally squeezed his way to Mrs. Weasley and Ron, but was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought you had already gone back!" Mrs. Weasley didn't seem to be angry, but instead apologized first, "Ron's rat got into the garden hole, and he was chased by goblins all over the place. That's why we were late..."

Ron then took over and said with a bitter face, "And then Mom scolded me again, saying that I didn't take good care of Scabbers, but you know..."

"Enough! This is clearly your fault, don't make excuses!" Mrs. Weasley yelled angrily.

Maca saw that Mrs. Weasley was about to start lecturing again, so he changed the topic, "Oh, Mrs. Weasley, it's nothing. In fact, when I went to Gringotts to withdraw money, I met Hagrid, oh, and Harry Potter too."

Mrs. Weasley immediately perked up at the mention of that name, but of course, Maca had anticipated that.

After buying the cauldron, Maca's shopping trip finally came to an end. To be honest, he was quite exhausted, but he still had to carry a lot of things, although Ron had helped him carry some.

"Give me some of those, Maca, I can help you carry some," Mrs. Weasley said.

"No, absolutely not. How can I let a lady carry things?" Maca insisted.

Mrs. Weasley was delighted to hear that, she took the owl cage from Maca's hand and smiled, "Oh my! Maca, you really know how to talk. I'm sure you'll be able to charm a lot of girls in the future."

Real unmarried girls are much harder to please than you, Maca thought to himself.

It was mid-July, and the weather in England was as mild as ever, but the constantly changing sky made people feel a little tired.

To be honest, Maca didn't want to live at the Weasley's, but he ended up staying there for a few days.

Until the next month, he finally left and rented a room upstairs at The Leaky Cauldron, where he stayed until the start of Hogwarts.

During this time, Maca devoted all his time to studying the magic textbooks. He found that he was very interested in these interesting subjects, although he still felt that the content in "The Theory of Magic" was a bit ambiguous.

"...So, how did this formula come about?" Maca stared at a magical formula in the book, feeling a bit annoyed.

In the process of reading and memorizing, he found that many of the key magical theories in this book had an obvious characteristic, which was that the author never explained the source of the formulas. This was really a painful discovery for Maca.

"Knowing the result but not knowing the reason behind it, is magic theory just the accumulated experience of every generation of wizards since ancient times?" He made a painful groan with a tired look on his face.

However, in this last month, besides the boring magic knowledge, there was actually a small incident that happened. But to be honest, I don't think it's appropriate to mention it now, because today is the last day of August, and tomorrow is September 1st - the date when Hogwarts begins!


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