
Harry Potter and the Accidental Horcrux

In which Harry Potter learns that friends can be made in the unlikeliest places...even in your own head. Alone and unwanted, eight-year-old Harry finds solace and purpose in a conscious piece of Tom Riddle's soul, unaware of the price he would pay for befriending the dark lord. But perhaps in the end it would all be worth it...because he'd never be alone again. THIS IS NOT MY STORY I don't think I can stress this enough this us the work of some else I am just reposting here because I like the story and want to share it. to the original author if you want me to take down the story comment on the story telling me and I will. (sorry for the rant)

Gendel3 · Livres et littérature
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20 Chs

Chapter 14-Anywhere But Slytherin

Chapter 14: Anywhere but Slytherin

Well, well, well, Mr. Potter is it?

Despite the fact that he had been warned by Tom ahead of time, Harry started a bit at the voice in his head. Yes sir, that's me.

The hat chucked a bit. No need for pretense here, Mr. Potter, it's just you and I.

Then you should call me Harry.

Very well then Harry, let's take a look here...oh.


You've got some pretty strong occlumency shields up, haven't you boy?

Oh, right, those.

Yes, those. He could hear the hat's amusement. Well, you'll have to remove them if you want me to sort you.

Harry grimaced. Can't you sort me even if I keep them up?

I'm afraid not, Harry, I need to see your whole mind if I am to sort you properly. It's all about impressions.

How about you just put me in Slytherin and be done with it?

Slytherin, eh? Why so eager to be sorted into Slytherin?

Well, I suppose it's probably just the place for me, you see?

That was a non-answer if I ever heard one.


You should be! You're making this very difficult for me, Harry.

I really am sorry.

Tell me, Harry, why are you so reluctant to take these shields down?

I'm just...very uncomfortable with the idea of someone rifling through my mind. Which he was. Not even Tom could see his thoughts and memories.

And may I ask why that is?

I...I don't trust you.

Well, at least you're honest.

I try to be, whenever possible.

See, that's not a very Slytherin trait.

If you say so, but still, can you just sort me into Slytherin?

I'm afraid not, Harry. I can't do that without taking a look in your head.

There are other people waiting to be sorted. We're being rude by making them wait.

And whose fault is that?

Harry grit his teeth. Everybody has a right to privacy. I'm exercising that right.


Forcing me to reveal my private thoughts to you is immoral, and I don't feel bad at all about refusing.

The hat sighed.

If I threatened you, would you just let me go where I please?

Threaten me?

I could set you on fire. I'm very good at setting things on fire.

The hat chuckled. I'm afraid, Harry, that that's not possible. There are many charms placed on me to prevent that very thing from happening. I doubt anything less than fiendfyre could destroy me. You're hardly the first student to threaten me with violence.

I had a feeling, but it was worth a try.

The hat chuckled. You're quite clever, aren't you Harry?

I try to be.

Now, listen Harry, what I see in your head is between you and me. I'm not allowed to say anything to anyone.

Not even the Headmaster?

Not even the Headmaster.

Even if it's something bad or dangerous?

My, Harry! What sort of secrets are you keeping in that little head of yours?

My secrets.

Indeed. Well, I assure you, Harry, whatever I see, good or bad, remains between us.

That doesn't mean much when I've already said I don't trust you.

Look at it this way, Harry. I've seen the minds of every witch and wizard that's attended Hogwarts – the good and the bad. But I've never said anything about what I've seen in their minds, even if it would have meant preventing something terrible. You'd think that a lot of bad things could have been prevented by my knowledge, but they haven't been.

That's a very general statement and I don't have a way to verify it.

I sorted the boy who would become Lord Voldemort.

Harry froze. Did the hat know something...?

I knew exactly what he was from the beginning, but I said nothing, and he was not stopped before it was too late, as you yourself can attest to.

Harry took a deep breath. You're really not going to let me leave until I lower my shields, are you?

Not a chance.

Fine...you have ten seconds.











I hope that was satisfactory.

There was a pause.

Indeed Harry, indeed. But now I have to decide where to put you. Hmmm...let's see. Definitely brave, honourable, strong sense of responsibility – all good Gryffindor traits. Intelligent, clever, eager to learn...you'd fit well in Ravenclaw I think. Hardworking like a Hufflepuff, incredibly loyal too...but only to very few. Hufflepuff is a good option. And Slytherin...I see what you mean. Very determined and resourceful, willing to do what it takes to accomplish your goals. And my, you are ambitious, aren't you?

So...what you're saying is...I belong in all the houses?

Now hold on, give me a moment. You certainly have traits that would make you a good candidate for any one of the Hogwarts Houses, but that's not all there is to it. I'm supposed to figure out where you belong, not merely which house suits your personality.

Ok, I suppose that makes sense.

Now, let's see...you're not particularly good with making friends, are you? You have serious trust issues, young man. So not Hufflepuff, I think. Most of the children in Hufflepuff have good social skills, and a naturally developed sense of empathy. You have neither.

That's not very nice. I spend a lot of time on my own, so I can't speak for my social skills, but I'm very empathetic. Trust me, I feel bad for people all the time. It's very inconvenient, sometimes.

The hat chuckled. That's sympathy, not empathy, Harry. I will not deny that you have a sense of empathy, and it would seem that you pride yourself on this empathy, however underdeveloped it is -


- but it's not natural, is it? You don't have an instinctual understanding of others' emotions - you've had to develop this knowledge consciously.

Ok, I guess that's fair enough.

Now then, you're idealistic, but not rash, and you're willing to overlook evildoing if it serves a purpose...you're a quiet, unassuming chap most of the time too, aren't you? Probably not Gryffindor then. You need to have a forceful personality to stand out there, which you most certainly do not have. The subtler aspects of yourself that you value so deeply wouldn't be appreciated there. Ravenclaw would be a good fit. Ravenclaws tend to be more reclusive, quiet, and enjoy reading and learning above all else.

That sounds like me, Harry admitted.

Indeed...although...you don't value knowledge for the sake of knowledge, and that is a fundamental Ravenclaw trait. Still, I'll keep that one in mind. And as for Slytherin...well, Harry, for a boy so talented, you're very modest and kind...innocent, I might almost say. I'd feel a bit bad, sorting you into the house of vipers. There is no place for those who lack conviction in Slytherin House.

I don't lack conviction!

Fair enough, but I'm sure you understand how your quietness and modesty could be interpreted as such, especially by other children.

...I suppose so.

Slytherin values ambition, which you seem to have plenty of. Resourcefulness, cunning, and cleverness - these Slytherin traits you most certainly have. And despite loyalty being a Hufflepuff trait, loyalty to those who have earned loyalty is valued in Slytherin. But despite all that...I'm still not quite sure it's the house for you.

Why's that?

Well, for the same reason I won't put you in Gryffindor, actually. Now, don't tell anyone I said this, but Slytherin and Gryffindor are probably the two houses that have the most in common, Harry. Both are exceedingly proud, and while Slytherin values cunning where Gryffindor values bravery, children in both houses tend to flock to those with strong personalities and talent. In both Slytherin and Gryffindor, there are leaders, and then there are followers. You are neither.

You don't think I have a strong personality?

Oh, quite the contrary. But it is subtle, kind...and subtlety and kindness are often interpreted as weakness...though they most certainly are not.

So what you're saying now is...I don't belong in any of the houses?

The hat chuckled at that. Don't worry Harry. We'll find the house that is right for you. Now, tell me, what is it that you want?

I told you, I want -

You told me to sort you into Slytherin, but that wasn't your idea, was it? Oh, don't panic, I don't know who put that idea in your head, but I'm sure someone did. This is about you, Harry, and your best interests.

Believe me, it's in my best interest to do as I'm told and get sorted into Slytherin.

The hat sighed. Let me put it this way. What do you hope to accomplish at Hogwarts, Harry? Why are you here?

Well, to learn.

But to what end?

Good question.

I...well, everyone expects things of me. They keep saying that I have great things ahead of me, that I have a lot of potential. And then there's my parents...my dad was an auror and my mum was brilliant – I need to make them proud too, even if they're not here to see it.

An honourable goal.

I want to make everyone happy, everyone proud, but I'm always afraid that by making one person proud of me, I'll earn disappointment from another.

And how do you intend to deal with these expectations and fears, Harry?

Harry didn't even have to think about it. He'd already decided this long ago, back when he bared his soul in the church graveyard of Godric's Hollow.

He took a deep breath. I'm going to prove them all wrong.


They think I'll be great, but I'll be better than they thought possible. Everyone will forget their expectations, because I'll surpass all of them. My parents gave everything for me, and I want to pay them back, by using everything they gave me and becoming the best I can possibly be. I want to become a great wizard. The greatest. The greatest to ever live. That's my dream.


Does that...help...at all?

Indeed it does, Harry, indeed it does.


So, I believe you might be right. I too think we can expect truly amazing things from you, Harry Potter, and I believe I'd be remiss to put you anywhere but SLYTHERIN!

Harry stifled a sigh of relief as he passed the hat to a very surprised Professor McGonagall, and allowed a polite smile to cross his face as he walked over to the Slytherin table, from which was emanating a scattered and cautious applause. The expressions on their faces could not be considered anything short of shock, and it was clear that none of them expected this, none of them at all.

He sat down between Theodore Nott and Tracey Davis, and vaguely registered their gobsmacked expressions.

Meanwhile, Malfoy glared at him. "You said your name was Tom Evans!" he hissed.

Harry smiled innocently at him. "I lied."

The Davis girl snickered beside him as they watched his face go red, and Nott stared at him with undisguised fascination.

A few moments later, the sorting ended with "Zabini, Blaise," who was sorted into Slytherin as well.

As soon as Zabini sat down beside Malfoy, Albus Dumbledore rose to his feet, shimmering purple and gold robe billowing out as he opened his arms welcomingly, beaming brilliantly at the students from behind his glittering half-moon spectacles.

"Welcome," he announced in a happy, warm voice. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!"

He clapped his hands, and immediately a scrumptious-looking feast materialized on the long tables. It was less than a moment before all the left over excitement from the sorting morphed into hunger.

Harry's eyes remained fixed on the Headmaster, though. "So that's Albus Dumbledore..."

A boy across the table snickered. "A right nutter, that one."

To his right, Draco sneered. "My father says that every year Albus Dumbledore remains Headmaster, Hogwarts suffers for it."

Beside him on his left, an older boy spoke up. "I have to agree. He has no respect for tradition and pureblood society. He caters only to the halfbloods and muggleborn students."

Harry shook his head absently. "Does that really matter? He's one of the most powerful wizards alive...perhaps the most powerful. He defeated Lord Grindewald single-handedly. He must be an incredible dueler."

Millicent Bulstrode snorted. "You have a lot to learn, Potter."

Harry smiled. "I know. That's why I'm here."

Harry drowned the conversation out from there, having cast a weak disillusionment charm over himself with a whisper in an attempt to eat in peace, and be left to his own musings. Every so often, he would glance at the staff table, working from left to right, scrutinizing the faculty and committing their faces, garb, and demeanor to memory. These were the powerful witches and wizards Tom had warned him about. These were the people who would be watching over him, acknowledging every triumph and every blunder, for the next seven years.

It was interesting, watching them all. The nearly limbless professor, the stern Professor McGonagall, the cheery, grandfatherly Headmaster - they all had their own profiles, their own habits and mannerisms and smiles and frowns. It was a fascinating and enjoyable exercise in observation, or at least it was until he locked eyes with one Professor Severus Snape, and suddenly felt a great deal of guilt. The poor man...Tom really was very cruel to him...making him talk about his mother and then obliviating him after. He didn't seem like a very pleasant person, but Harry knew no one deserved to be treated like that.

His musings soon came to an end, though, because as his gaze traveled further to the right, he was suddenly seized by the overwhelming sensation of a pulsing pain in his scar. Immediately, his hand flew up to his face and he scrunched his eyes shut. Was Tom returning? No, it was too early for that. He had at least another 2 hours. He glanced up at the head table again, eyes resting on the turban-wearing figure beside the Potions Master.

"Potter...are you alright?"

Harry opened his eyes to see everyone in the immediate vicinity staring at him. Apparently, his disillusionment charm didn't hold up under the pain.

He steadied his breathing. "Yes, I...say, who is that man sitting beside Professor Severus Snape?"

"Oh, that's Quirrell, our Defence against the Dark Arts teacher. He just got back from Albania."

Harry nodded slowly. "Albania..."

"I heard he used to be the Muggle Studies professor," Parkinson sniffed disdainfully.

"Muggle studies?" Harry wondered aloud, "What's that?"

"Exactly what it sounds like," an older boy across the table said, curling his lip in disgust. "It's a class that studies muggles – a class no self-respecting Slytherin would take."

Harry's eyebrows went up.

"What do you think about muggles, Potter?" Malfoy spoke up with a yet another sneer on his face (indeed, Harry was starting to believe this was his default expression), obviously expecting him to come to the muggles' defence.

He'd have to disappoint him.

"I want nothing to do with them," he said candidly and without malice.

"And why's that?" Malfoy egged him on, obviously not able to take a hint.

Harry sighed. "Because I don't like them."

Malfoy sneered at him once again, but didn't continue the conversation.

Meanwhile, Theodore Nott looked at him curiously.

"That's a strange thing for the Boy Who Lived to say," he commented passively.

Harry swallowed the turkey he was chewing. "Is it?"

Nott nodded slowly. "One would expect one of your background to be more...sympathetic to the muggles."

Harry had to laugh a bit at that. He wasn't mocking Nott; it was just a funny thing to say. "My background? What could you possibly know about my background?"

"Your parents -"

"I don't remember them," Harry interrupted, not rudely. "It's just me, really. I have no background."

Nott looked at him appreciatively. "Fair enough."

"You have to have a background," Bulstrode interrupted suddenly, pointedly, "Somebody raised you."

Not really, Harry could not help but think. Well, Tom, of course, but he couldn't very well answer 'the Dark Lord.' No, that wouldn't go over very well, he imagined.

"I lived in someone's house and ate someone's food. Why does it matter whose house and whose food it was?" Harry asked frankly.

And finally, everyone started to take the hint. Harry Potter didn't want to talk about himself.

"Over the next seven years, this place will be your home, and the people you see gathered around you, your family. Your allegiance now lies with Slytherin House, and your fellow Slytherins.

"You will endeavour to live up to the ideals of our founder, Salazar Slytherin, and personify Cunning, Ambition, and Fraternity. This is what sets us apart from the other houses. While in Hufflepuff loyalty and friendship is idolized, in Slytherin we are bound by a loyalty born of duty and fellowship. While in Gryffindor boldness and bravery are valued above all, in Slytherin we observe and analyse before we act, and are bold when it is within our power to be bold, and brave when it is demanded of us to be brave. While in Ravenclaw knowledge for the sake of knowledge is exalted, in Slytherin, your knowledge will serve to further your ambitions and the ambitions of your housemates.

"Purity, tradition, and greatness are all words synonymous with Slytherin. Uphold our traditions, value purity, and strive to be great – and you will indeed be the perfect Slytherin.

"Camaraderie is important in this house. You will settle your grievances here, in the common room, and show only solidarity to in the eyes of the rest of Hogwarts. Winning points will put you in good standing with your housemates, and loosing them will be to your shame. Remember that the points you gain or lose do not belong to you; they belong to your house.

"Now, we are standing right now in the Slytherin Common Room, which is open for your use at any time. We ask that you behave respectfully and read the atmosphere before starting any games or...lively discussions. Behind you and to your right is the passage to the boys' dorms, and to the left is the girls'. You will share these rooms with your yearmates for the remainder of your time at Hogwarts. We ask that you respect the privacy of your fellow Slytherins, and do not engage in obtrusive behaviour.

"Finally, should you need anything, seek out one of the prefects in our fifth, sixth, or seventh year dorm rooms, and we will address your needs. For anything we are unable to help you with, you can go to our Head of House, Professor Severus Snape. Although...I would encourage you not to bother him needlessly. He's a...busy man.

"Now, unless you have any questions, you are dismissed."

Immediately after Hortense Rowland had finished her speech, Harry slipped away, down the hall to where his dorm was supposed to be. Once he had disappeared from the common room, he broke into a run, and located the restroom right away. Locking the door behind him, he quickly cast a silencio on himself before he fell to his knees, screaming. Tom had returned.

As always it was an excruciating process that took way too long; it felt like his head was being ripped apart and then squeezed back together by a vice, and he could practically feel his nerves on fire with the violent, electric power pulsating beneath his skull. As usual, he was tasting blood in his mouth by the time the pain started to let up. Not pleasant at all.

Once the pain had finally died down, Harry shakily rose to his feet and washed the blood on his face, and after he finished cleaning himself up, he stumbled into his dorm room, rubbing his head as he took a moment to appreciate the decor.

Everything was very green – the upholstery of the furniture, the walls, the bedding, the faint moonlight shimmering through the lake water resting above the room's glass ceiling; literally, everything. Lucky for him, he liked green, and it all matched his eyes to boot.

Eventually, his eyes traveled to one of the paintings on the wall, of two snakes, one black, one white, slithering through the grass together.

:Look! Look! A new child!:

He smiled tenderly. :Oh, Hello.:

The snakes moved, then, raising their heads to look at him. :A new child!:

Harry nodded. :I just got here.:

:Will you be staying?:

:For the next seven years.:

Suddenly, a sound interrupted him, and he looked behind him to see Theodore Nott staring at him with wide eyes.

"Are you alright, Nott? You look a bit pale."

"Were you...talking to those snakes?"

Harry blinked. "Well, yes. All the portraits talk, don't they?"

"Potter," Nott said slowly, carefully, "The snakes in the portraits don't talk, they hiss."

Harry froze. "Oh, I see." He paused, his puzzled face morphing into one of pure dejection. "Well, I'm sorry you had to see that." He took out his wand.

"Potter, what are you -"

"Just relax. I've never done the memory charm before, so I don't want to mess it up. I'd hate to do any permanent damage."

Nott's eyes went wide and he gaped at him, before whipping out his own wand.

"Expelliarmus," Harry said instantly, catching Nott's wand in his hand. "Please don't fight back. I don't want to hurt you."

Nott went pale with fear. "Wait, wait," he pleaded, "I swear I won't say anything. I swear it. Please, don't obliviate me. You can trust me, Potter. I know how to keep a secret."

Harry frowned, conflicted. Tom would be furious with him. He was conspicuously pain free at the moment, but he could already feel anticipatory pain burning in his scar. These things were so much scarier knowing that Tom was watching him. Nott was a liability – a very serious liability. Tom had been very clear that Harry's parseltongue abilities might end up being the only thing Dumbledore needed to lead him to the truth – he couldn't risk anyone finding out so early. But...if he did try to obliviate Nott, and he failed, or was caught...then he would have to explain why he tried to remove the memories of his dormmate on his very first day at Hogwarts. It was a gamble, either way.

He looked up at Nott, who was still staring at him with fear in his eyes. Harry frowned. Nott was near the top of his list of potential friends; he rather liked the boy, and certainly didn't want to hurt him...he'd just been in the wrong place at the wrong time...and really, it was Harry's mistake. He should have known better than to strike up a conversation with the snakes, even if they started it. Poor Nott...it was his first day at Hogwarts, too. He didn't deserve this, not at all. No, Harry decided, if anyone would suffer for his mistake, it would be him. If Nott betrayed him...then he would just have to live with the consequences.

Harry sighed and put his wand back in his pocket, before handing Nott's back to him.

Nott still didn't say a word, still quite stunned.

Harry looked at him earnestly. "You can't tell anyone. No one can know. If people find out...I'll be in a lot of trouble. So...please understand that I don't want to hurt you...but if you say anything at all, you will regret it," he finished sadly.

Nott nodded frantically. "No one will know. I swear."

Harry nodded back curtly.

And not a moment too soon, because as soon as they finished speaking, the other four boys came barging into the room, but immediately stopped short, no doubt reading the tension in the air.

Malfoy looked between them haughtily with a raised eyebrow.

Harry cast one more glance at Nott, but ignored all the others as he retreated behind the curtains of his bed.

The last thing his dormmates heard was "muffliato."

:I shouldn't let you sleep for a week.:

Harry grimaced, rubbing his forehead. :You knew I'd end up here, you knew about the portraits - why didn't you say anything?:

The pain intensified, and Harry winced, gritting his teeth.

:Well I truly am sorry, Harry, that I did not attempt to account for your severe lack of sense and inform you of something that is completely obvious.:

:You're...apologizing to me?:

:No! You stupid, stupid child.:

:I know, I'm sorry! I already said so! It's done now though, isn't it? And it's not like we were going to keep it a secret forever...someone was going to find out eventually, after all.:

:Then perhaps you should just kill the little cretin and be done with it - he will die eventually, after all.:

:That's not what I meant.:

:That's exactly what you meant. How many times must I tell you not to speak without considering your words first?:

:At least a few more times, probably.:

:Insufferable child.:

:At least I didn't mess anything else up.:

:I will be the judge of that. Tell me, what transpired in my absence?:

:What do you want to know?:


:Don't you trust me, Tom?:

:I trust no one.:

Harry pouted. :Fine. Well, I got on the train early, like you said, and I tried all the spells in my diary -:

:Did they work?:

Harry looked indignant, at that. :Of course they did. I also tried out the first chapter of my charms book, too. I managed all of those, too, in case you were wondering.:

:Are you under the impression that I owe you congratulations for this?:

Harry huffed. :I started the second chapter too. Anyway, I realized I couldn't practice them on my own, so I recruited help.:

Tom raised an eyebrow.

:Ron Weasley, the youngest boy in the Weasley family, asked to sit with me. I...lied about my name, but I think we're still on good terms.:

:Did you meet anyone else?:

:Draco Malfoy, I think he's Lucius Malfoy's son, I met him, but he was under the impression that I was a muggleborn, and dismissed me immediately.:

Tom sent him a withering look. :And how did he fall under that impression?:

:I may have introduced myself as Tom Evans. He found out my real name later, of course, and he's still rather cross with me, I think.:

:Well, I hope you had your fun, because in a few days you'll be regretting it.:

:You think so?:

:I have no doubt that Draco Malfoy is a self-righteous, entitled little devil just like his father and grandfather before him.:

Harry grimaced. :...splendid.:

:Indeed. Do enjoy the fruits of your labour. I trust they will be appropriately bitter.:

:Right. Anyway, I met Neville Longbottom, in passing, and a girl named Hermione Granger, who I'm 80 percent sure is a muggleborn, which is odd, with a first name like Hermione...but I spoke to no one else on the train.:

:And after the sorting?:

:I had a short conversation with Theodore Nott and Tracey Davis, and spoke in passing with Blaise Zabini, Milicent Bulstrode, and Daphne Greengrass.:

:Thaddeus Nott was one of my original Death Eaters. He was one of the few who managed to stay out of Azkaban without pleading the imperius curse...he always was good at covering his tracks. I by no means approve of your carelessness, but it was for the best that his son was the one to discover your secret. If he is anything like his father, he'll keep his mouth shut.:

:He seemed pretty agreeable about the whole thing.:

:That is because you terrified him.:

:I really didn't mean to.:

:This is for the best as well, Harry. If Thaddeus Nott is anything like the man I knew, then his son is no stranger to fear. He will know what to do with it.:

:What's that supposed to mean?:

Tom ignored him. :The Zabinis and the Greengrasses are both very wealthy pureblood families. Remain on amiable terms with those two.:

:I don't need money, Tom.:

:Don't argue. I had little association with the Bulstrode and Davis families, so do what you will with those two.:

Harry nodded slowly. :...right. Oh, and there was one more thing, about the Welcoming Feast...:

:Which is?: Tom hissed impatiently.

:Professor Dumbledore, he specifically asked us not to go up to the third floor corridor. He told us we might die a most painful death if we did.:

:Did he now?:

Harry nodded. :Right before sending us off.:

:...curious. Very curious indeed.:

:That's what I thought.:

:Did he say anything more?:

:No, I think he fancies being a bit more on the mysterious side.:

:Yes, the old fool was always annoyingly indecipherable.:

:I kind of like it,: Harry said thoughtfully, and then yawned. :Can I sleep now? I'm tired.:

Tom sighed. :No more blunders, Harry. Or the both of us could meet an early grave.:

:Aren't all graves early?:

:Indeed they are.:

:Are you afraid of death, Tom?:

:Goodnight, Harry.: